If you also scale pit loss and fuel consumption along with tyres then every race distance will have the same optimum strategy. There would be no variation or anything new to learn switching from one race length to another.
Personally I like the fact that shorter races require a different approach. As I said above, 50% races were predominantly one stop H-H for two years after the mobile game was released. Then we had the September 2018 tyre rebalance which was received with quite some criticism at certain race distances.
Here are some typical strategies for 50% races since the mobile friendly game was launched in August 2016...
July 2018 (Shortly before the Sept 2018 rebalance):
August 2019:
Jan 2022 (after removal of dirty air]

Kev I was there for the H H dominance I know how bad it was lol. But look even your own image says it clearly. 2019 had more variation in tyres chosen, these days it's S, M constantly being used. And anyway the main issue is with, as the OP says, 50% no refuelling races, in which every single GP is a 1 stop. I understand variety across the distances is good, but choosing to make 50% distance no refuelling strategies objectively more boring JUST to make it different is not good enough at all. But hey, that's my opinion.
As I said earlier, I don't really care if it's a new tyre model specifically for the distance, or reduced pit times or whatever; it just needs to be better because it's cruel to have what could be a very interesting style of racing be reduced to the same strat every GP when we know for a fact that iGP is capable of having interesting strategy mixes. All the ingredients are there... use them.