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Failed purchase of driver

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medal 5000
2 years 181 days ago (Last edited by Aditya Saikrishna 2 years 181 days ago)
What did you try to do?
Going through results of my older races.. I saw that an older driver of another team was available for purchase... I tried to purchase him...

What happened instead?
The screen froze up and when i tried to purchase him again... He was unavailable i.e showed a lock sign

Did the problem happen while using wi-fi, mobile data, or both?

Did the bug happen in the app, on PC, or both?

What is the model of your device?
Realme Narzo 10

What is the operating system?

What is the version number of the operating system?
Android 11

Can the bug be reproduced?
Unfortunately no

Additional comments:
No token or money was deducted... The driver wasn't on auction... In his contracts tab... It showed he was available for purchase
medal 5444 Super Mod
2 years 181 days ago

The reason that some drivers have a lock on their contract page despite being seemingly available for purchase is due to a semi-recent game update which means that drivers and staff can only be purchased through the transfer page. Previously, you were able to buy an available driver directly from their contract page. 

Further information on this update can be found in Changelog 93, however I will quote part of the changelog below:

Free-agent Drivers and Staff can no longer be bought outside of an Auction. The exception to the rule is if a driver or staff member has ever been in your team before, then you may re-sign them. The capability to sign any free agent was being abused via browser scripts that scan all possible URLs, hoarding the best drivers and staff, with the aim of preventing other managers from accessing them. Such antics are no longer possible. We will also be looking in to improvements to the transfers system to offer more ways to access a wider range of drivers and staff.

medal 5000
2 years 181 days ago


The reason that some drivers have a lock on their contract page despite being seemingly available for purchase is due to a semi-recent game update which means that drivers and staff can only be purchased through the transfer page. Previously, you were able to buy an available driver directly from their contract page. 

Further information on this update can be found in Changelog 93, however I will quote part of the changelog below:

Free-agent Drivers and Staff can no longer be bought outside of an Auction. The exception to the rule is if a driver or staff member has ever been in your team before, then you may re-sign them. The capability to sign any free agent was being abused via browser scripts that scan all possible URLs, hoarding the best drivers and staff, with the aim of preventing other managers from accessing them. Such antics are no longer possible. We will also be looking in to improvements to the transfers system to offer more ways to access a wider range of drivers and staff.

Thank you for the response mate...  The reason to why the feature was removed is fair enough but at the same time a bit harsh on players like me because t20 drivers rarely come on the transfer page
medal 5444 Super Mod
2 years 181 days ago

If you have upgraded your Youth Driver Academy Headquarter, you will be able to generate your own Talent 20 drivers. As a level 17 manager, your YDA headquarter is limited to Level 17, but as you level up, you will be able to upgrade the headquarter to a maximum of Level 20*. The higher the YDA level, the more chance you have of generating a Talent 20 driver.

* This may change when Levels 21-30 are introduced by the developers in a future update mentioned briefly here
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