Herbie Rides Again medal 5007 2 years 166 days ago (Last edited by
Herbie Rides Again 2 years 166 days ago)
This kind of threads are always full of people that see everything from their viewpoint. They belong to two categories:
1) I am level 20, I play this game from 2005, I am better because I have an higher level, who cares if new players need years to be competitive? Let's put a level cap so lapped drivers won't ruin my fun.
2) I am a league host, I want a 96 players league, let's put a level cap so people won't leave my pro tier and I am happy.
Nobody of them cares about the new players' experience. Their fun is over when they hit a pro tier without hopes of being promoted because there are few opponents and too strong opponents. The current system is simply unbalanced. Inactive rookie tiers and pro tiers empty or ruined by demoted elite players. Level cap is wrong especially if asked by people in category 1 and 2.
You are misguided in your opinions as why people suggest a level cap. It has nothing to do with maintaining the status quo or preventing people’s fun as you call it. When a level 12 ends up in a Elite tier with experienced level 20’s they get destroyed often lapped twice or more. They then react “what’s the point?” and quit. There is no point in being in Elite when your race times are 4 minutes slower than those you are hoping to compete with (at least for the majority of players).
Yes there is a massive issue with Pro tiers and introducing more tiers will make it worse not better. Personally I would go further and not just introduce caps for entering a tier, but also on who could start public leagues. Too many times I see low level players with anything from 5 to 20 races experience try to set up leagues. This just results in bad leagues, provides a poor experience and drains the flow of new players into leagues with healthy structures. You mention relegated elite ruining Pro tiers? In what way? If they are inactive they should be easy to beat and if they are active then that just demonstrates that the others aren’t strong enough for Elite or do you mean they ruin them in some other way?
It has been suggested before that iGP should host all rookie and Pro leagues enabling managers who earn promotion (and yes a suitable level) to join Public Elite leagues. This won’t be popular with either players wanting promotion or indeed leagues hosts trying to make their leagues successful, but it is not about protecting a league’s integrity or maintaining status quo/spoiling fun etc. it’s about enabling newer players to grow in a environment where they are competitive. It is difficult to do this under current system as frankly they are too many leagues relative to the size of the active player base.
I understand why everyone wants to get to Elite asap it’s human nature, but many people desire this without really thinking about whether they are going to be competitive and enjoy the game. Of course under the current system it’s their choice and they can always move to a Pro tier in another league where promotion is active.
And yes I agree with you that these threads are always full of polarised viewpoints and I doubt that will ever change since there isn’t really an answer that works for everyone.