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Game like this but Cycling

Would you like a cycling game like this?

32.35% (11)
67.65% (23)
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medal 5000
2 years 150 days ago
Id really love the idea for a game like this but for Cycling, I'm pitching the idea for the creators of this game.
medal 5000
2 years 150 days ago
Cycling isn’t my thing,so that’s a hard pass.

Besides, I feel like there is so much more to add to this game. It’s so good, I don’t want it to become a forgotten title because they prioritize some cycling game.
medal 5000
2 years 149 days ago
I'm not sure, but this might be a comment on DRS trains and the 'peleton' at certain tracks. If it is, fair enough, if not, same as above : )
medal 5860
2 years 149 days ago
I said yes to this, initially.

I do have one question, though...

When you say cycling do you mean, Velodrome cycling, road race (one day) cycling, tour (Giro d'Italia, Tour de France) cycling or all three?
Each of those four options are more difficult to set the race engine for thsn the previous as well, do not forget and there are only a finite number of developers at Igp towers...
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