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overtaking mode change

Does the igp overtaking system need any changes?

15.79% (12)
yea. need to totally change the overtaking mode.
57.89% (44)
yea. needs some changes but should keep the drs.
26.32% (20)
not. the overtaking system is perfect in that way.
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2 years 107 days ago
one thing that bothers a lot in the game is the drs train that hinders the strategy a lot, so I would like to offer 2 options and ask for the opinion of other players to make adjustments to these options if the developers consider them.

1) Decrease drs strength and maybe even increase number of zones. this would not stop drs train more it would prevent teams from gaining time by keeping multiple riders close if drs is weak. it would be good if the strength of the drs could be overtaken with a maximum of 0.2s in each zone, but if they decide to keep 1 zone then it can be a maximum of 0.5s which I think would be better.

2) remove the drs, decrease the dirty air and add the vacuum on the straights. that way it would be possible to have overtaking on the arm and the attack and defense abilities could be better used and it would be good if they put the chances of overtaking according to the track.
 Hungary:overtaking chances= 10% if you are 0.1 to 0.2 seconds faster per lap. 25% if you are 0.3 to 0.4 seconds faster per lap. 50% if you are 0.5 to 0.6 faster per lap. 75% if you are 0.7 to 0.8 seconds faster per lap. 100% if you are 0.9 or faster than that per lap.
Austria:overtaking chances= 25% if you are 0.1 to 0.2 seconds faster per lap. 50% if you are 0.3 to 0.4 seconds faster per lap. 75% if you are 0.5 to 0.6 seconds faster per lap. 100% if you are 0.7 or faster than that per lap.
this example does not exactly represent how I would like the overtaking chances to be, but it is a basic idea and of the 2 options I suggest the one that I like the most and the second one since it would prevent slower teams from trying to use drs to get faster and it would be good for rain since it would not depend so much on energy.

if the two options are refused or even if they consider one of the two, I would like other players to give options for overtaking systems or adjustments for my suggestions.
2 years 106 days ago
The problem is not in DRS or overtakes. The problem is in the drivers. They are all similar. No differences, no strengths, no weaknesses.

The new update will bring special abilities which will represent a first step in the right direction.

Personally I would revolution the driver abilities system. I would put an high cap for each ability (50?) and players should be able (training their drivers) to allocate points where they prefer while the sum of abilities doesn't exceed 50% of the maximum possible. Now we have a boring rush to maxed stats.

A system like this would provide different drivers able to perform differently on different racing scenarios.

Now is all flat and DRS trains will appear whatever you will change because cars, drivers and managers are similar.

(I didn't mention height and weight)
2 years 106 days ago
one thing that bothers a lot in the game is the drs train that hinders the strategy a lot, so I would like to offer 2 options and ask for the opinion of other players to make adjustments to these options if the developers consider them.

1) Decrease drs strength and maybe even increase number of zones. this would not stop drs train more it would prevent teams from gaining time by keeping multiple riders close if drs is weak. it would be good if the strength of the drs could be overtaken with a maximum of 0.2s in each zone, but if they decide to keep 1 zone then it can be a maximum of 0.5s which I think would be better.

2) remove the drs, decrease the dirty air and add the vacuum on the straights. that way it would be possible to have overtaking on the arm and the attack and defense abilities could be better used and it would be good if they put the chances of overtaking according to the track.
 Hungary:overtaking chances= 10% if you are 0.1 to 0.2 seconds faster per lap. 25% if you are 0.3 to 0.4 seconds faster per lap. 50% if you are 0.5 to 0.6 faster per lap. 75% if you are 0.7 to 0.8 seconds faster per lap. 100% if you are 0.9 or faster than that per lap.
Austria:overtaking chances= 25% if you are 0.1 to 0.2 seconds faster per lap. 50% if you are 0.3 to 0.4 seconds faster per lap. 75% if you are 0.5 to 0.6 seconds faster per lap. 100% if you are 0.7 or faster than that per lap.
this example does not exactly represent how I would like the overtaking chances to be, but it is a basic idea and of the 2 options I suggest the one that I like the most and the second one since it would prevent slower teams from trying to use drs to get faster and it would be good for rain since it would not depend so much on energy.

if the two options are refused or even if they consider one of the two, I would like other players to give options for overtaking systems or adjustments for my suggestions.

Belgium has weak drs, still is a train race though. So it’s not related to drs strenght. More overtakes, well … beware, this means when racing in competitive leagues in lap 1 you could lose an absurd amount of places (or gain them), also, bounce-backs would be off the chart.

It’s always a balancing act, I agree with Giovanni, teams are too much alike in highly competitive leagues, on the other hand a single dominant team is also a game-breaker so there’s another balancing act in the making ?

Let’s first see what level 30, and the path towards it, brings. Because of that, we’ll all have weaker drs and boost
2 years 106 days ago
Bad things, I already know it.

Old players will be happy because it will change their routine, new players will leave the game more often than now.

I hope my suggestion is noted and taken into consideration.

I tend to do good suggestions highjacking threads...
2 years 106 days ago (Last edited by José Trujillo 2 years 106 days ago)
O problema não está no DRS ou nas ultrapassagens. O problema está nos drivers. Eles são todos semelhantes. Sem diferenças, sem pontos fortes, sem fraquezas.

A nova atualização trará habilidades especiais que representarão um primeiro passo na direção certa.

Pessoalmente, eu revolucionaria o sistema de habilidades do motorista. Eu colocaria um limite alto para cada habilidade (50?) e os jogadores deveriam ser capazes (treinando seus pilotos) de alocar pontos onde preferirem enquanto a soma das habilidades não exceda 50% do máximo possível. Agora temos uma corrida chata para as estatísticas máximas.

Um sistema como esse forneceria diferentes pilotos capazes de atuar de maneira diferente em diferentes cenários de corrida.

Agora é tudo plano e os trens DRS aparecerão o que você mudar porque carros, motoristas e gerentes são semelhantes.

(não mencionei altura e peso)

I agree that the main problem is that the pilots are the same, but in my league, even players who don't have pilots at max level can keep up with the leaders because of drs, which is very strong.
2 years 106 days ago
one thing that bothers a lot in the game is the drs train that hinders the strategy a lot, so I would like to offer 2 options and ask for the opinion of other players to make adjustments to these options if the developers consider them.

1) Decrease drs strength and maybe even increase number of zones. this would not stop drs train more it would prevent teams from gaining time by keeping multiple riders close if drs is weak. it would be good if the strength of the drs could be overtaken with a maximum of 0.2s in each zone, but if they decide to keep 1 zone then it can be a maximum of 0.5s which I think would be better.

2) remove the drs, decrease the dirty air and add the vacuum on the straights. that way it would be possible to have overtaking on the arm and the attack and defense abilities could be better used and it would be good if they put the chances of overtaking according to the track.
 Hungary:overtaking chances= 10% if you are 0.1 to 0.2 seconds faster per lap. 25% if you are 0.3 to 0.4 seconds faster per lap. 50% if you are 0.5 to 0.6 faster per lap. 75% if you are 0.7 to 0.8 seconds faster per lap. 100% if you are 0.9 or faster than that per lap.
Austria:overtaking chances= 25% if you are 0.1 to 0.2 seconds faster per lap. 50% if you are 0.3 to 0.4 seconds faster per lap. 75% if you are 0.5 to 0.6 seconds faster per lap. 100% if you are 0.7 or faster than that per lap.
this example does not exactly represent how I would like the overtaking chances to be, but it is a basic idea and of the 2 options I suggest the one that I like the most and the second one since it would prevent slower teams from trying to use drs to get faster and it would be good for rain since it would not depend so much on energy.

if the two options are refused or even if they consider one of the two, I would like other players to give options for overtaking systems or adjustments for my suggestions.

Belgium has weak drs, still is a train race though. So it’s not related to drs strenght. More overtakes, well … beware, this means when racing in competitive leagues in lap 1 you could lose an absurd amount of places (or gain them), also, bounce-backs would be off the chart.

It’s always a balancing act, I agree with Giovanni, teams are too much alike in highly competitive leagues, on the other hand a single dominant team is also a game-breaker so there’s another balancing act in the making ?

Let’s first see what level 30, and the path towards it, brings. Because of that, we’ll all have weaker drs and boost

 Not sure I agree that drivers having similar stats is much of an issue.  Even in the highly competitive leagues the same players tend to win most of the time so the forthcoming changes to player levels, special abilities etc  will probably just widen that gap further.  

In the past  couple,of year we’ve had strong dirty air, no dirty air and weak dirty air and in each scenario we still see complaints about drs trains.  Changing drs won’t change this (look at wet races if you’re not convinced).  The game is what it is and I doubt they will ever find a balance and if they ever did we would no doubt see posts complaining that drivers are pulling away from the field too easily.  
2 years 106 days ago

one thing that bothers a lot in the game is the drs train that hinders the strategy a lot, so I would like to offer 2 options and ask for the opinion of other players to make adjustments to these options if the developers consider them.

1) Decrease drs strength and maybe even increase number of zones. this would not stop drs train more it would prevent teams from gaining time by keeping multiple riders close if drs is weak. it would be good if the strength of the drs could be overtaken with a maximum of 0.2s in each zone, but if they decide to keep 1 zone then it can be a maximum of 0.5s which I think would be better.

2) remove the drs, decrease the dirty air and add the vacuum on the straights. that way it would be possible to have overtaking on the arm and the attack and defense abilities could be better used and it would be good if they put the chances of overtaking according to the track.
 Hungary:overtaking chances= 10% if you are 0.1 to 0.2 seconds faster per lap. 25% if you are 0.3 to 0.4 seconds faster per lap. 50% if you are 0.5 to 0.6 faster per lap. 75% if you are 0.7 to 0.8 seconds faster per lap. 100% if you are 0.9 or faster than that per lap.
Austria:overtaking chances= 25% if you are 0.1 to 0.2 seconds faster per lap. 50% if you are 0.3 to 0.4 seconds faster per lap. 75% if you are 0.5 to 0.6 seconds faster per lap. 100% if you are 0.7 or faster than that per lap.
this example does not exactly represent how I would like the overtaking chances to be, but it is a basic idea and of the 2 options I suggest the one that I like the most and the second one since it would prevent slower teams from trying to use drs to get faster and it would be good for rain since it would not depend so much on energy.

if the two options are refused or even if they consider one of the two, I would like other players to give options for overtaking systems or adjustments for my suggestions.

Belgium has weak drs, still is a train race though. So it’s not related to drs strenght. More overtakes, well … beware, this means when racing in competitive leagues in lap 1 you could lose an absurd amount of places (or gain them), also, bounce-backs would be off the chart.

It’s always a balancing act, I agree with Giovanni, teams are too much alike in highly competitive leagues, on the other hand a single dominant team is also a game-breaker so there’s another balancing act in the making ?

Let’s first see what level 30, and the path towards it, brings. Because of that, we’ll all have weaker drs and boost

 Not sure I agree that drivers having similar stats is much of an issue.  Even in the highly competitive leagues the same players tend to win most of the time so the forthcoming changes to player levels, special abilities etc  will probably just widen that gap further.  

In the past  couple,of year we’ve had strong dirty air, no dirty air and weak dirty air and in each scenario we still see complaints about drs trains.  Changing drs won’t change this (look at wet races if you’re not convinced).  The game is what it is and I doubt they will ever find a balance and if they ever did we would no doubt see posts complaining that drivers are pulling away from the field too easily.  

they are totally different scenarios since in the rain there is almost no overtaking without the kers and in the dry the teams use the drs to gain performance which causes a lot of overtaking but the drivers do not leave the place. if the drs were weaker the drs train would not exist and the races would be decided on strategy and performance. and if you tire the drs and leave the overtaking in a vacuum this would also make the races be decided on strategy or performance as some teams would choose to attack at the beginning and others would choose to run a race focusing on attacking at the end or on stopping later less, besides that if you remove the dependency on the drs the races in the rain would be exciting majs and there would be no need to maintain the kers anymore.
2 years 106 days ago

one thing that bothers a lot in the game is the drs train that hinders the strategy a lot, so I would like to offer 2 options and ask for the opinion of other players to make adjustments to these options if the developers consider them.

1) Decrease drs strength and maybe even increase number of zones. this would not stop drs train more it would prevent teams from gaining time by keeping multiple riders close if drs is weak. it would be good if the strength of the drs could be overtaken with a maximum of 0.2s in each zone, but if they decide to keep 1 zone then it can be a maximum of 0.5s which I think would be better.

2) remove the drs, decrease the dirty air and add the vacuum on the straights. that way it would be possible to have overtaking on the arm and the attack and defense abilities could be better used and it would be good if they put the chances of overtaking according to the track.
 Hungary:overtaking chances= 10% if you are 0.1 to 0.2 seconds faster per lap. 25% if you are 0.3 to 0.4 seconds faster per lap. 50% if you are 0.5 to 0.6 faster per lap. 75% if you are 0.7 to 0.8 seconds faster per lap. 100% if you are 0.9 or faster than that per lap.
Austria:overtaking chances= 25% if you are 0.1 to 0.2 seconds faster per lap. 50% if you are 0.3 to 0.4 seconds faster per lap. 75% if you are 0.5 to 0.6 seconds faster per lap. 100% if you are 0.7 or faster than that per lap.
this example does not exactly represent how I would like the overtaking chances to be, but it is a basic idea and of the 2 options I suggest the one that I like the most and the second one since it would prevent slower teams from trying to use drs to get faster and it would be good for rain since it would not depend so much on energy.

if the two options are refused or even if they consider one of the two, I would like other players to give options for overtaking systems or adjustments for my suggestions.

Belgium has weak drs, still is a train race though. So it’s not related to drs strenght. More overtakes, well … beware, this means when racing in competitive leagues in lap 1 you could lose an absurd amount of places (or gain them), also, bounce-backs would be off the chart.

It’s always a balancing act, I agree with Giovanni, teams are too much alike in highly competitive leagues, on the other hand a single dominant team is also a game-breaker so there’s another balancing act in the making ?

Let’s first see what level 30, and the path towards it, brings. Because of that, we’ll all have weaker drs and boost

 Not sure I agree that drivers having similar stats is much of an issue.  Even in the highly competitive leagues the same players tend to win most of the time so the forthcoming changes to player levels, special abilities etc  will probably just widen that gap further.  

In the past  couple,of year we’ve had strong dirty air, no dirty air and weak dirty air and in each scenario we still see complaints about drs trains.  Changing drs won’t change this (look at wet races if you’re not convinced).  The game is what it is and I doubt they will ever find a balance and if they ever did we would no doubt see posts complaining that drivers are pulling away from the field too easily.  

they are totally different scenarios since in the rain there is almost no overtaking without the kers and in the dry the teams use the drs to gain performance which causes a lot of overtaking but the drivers do not leave the place. if the drs were weaker the drs train would not exist and the races would be decided on strategy and performance. and if you tire the drs and leave the overtaking in a vacuum this would also make the races be decided on strategy or performance as some teams would choose to attack at the beginning and others would choose to run a race focusing on attacking at the end or on stopping later less, besides that if you remove the dependency on the drs the races in the rain would be exciting majs and there would be no need to maintain the kers anymore.

Err wet races have no drs if they did they would be the same as dry races so conversely a dry race without drs would be identical to the current wet race

And no weaker drs would not remove the trains.  Belgium proves this.
2 years 106 days ago


one thing that bothers a lot in the game is the drs train that hinders the strategy a lot, so I would like to offer 2 options and ask for the opinion of other players to make adjustments to these options if the developers consider them.

1) Decrease drs strength and maybe even increase number of zones. this would not stop drs train more it would prevent teams from gaining time by keeping multiple riders close if drs is weak. it would be good if the strength of the drs could be overtaken with a maximum of 0.2s in each zone, but if they decide to keep 1 zone then it can be a maximum of 0.5s which I think would be better.

2) remove the drs, decrease the dirty air and add the vacuum on the straights. that way it would be possible to have overtaking on the arm and the attack and defense abilities could be better used and it would be good if they put the chances of overtaking according to the track.
 Hungary:overtaking chances= 10% if you are 0.1 to 0.2 seconds faster per lap. 25% if you are 0.3 to 0.4 seconds faster per lap. 50% if you are 0.5 to 0.6 faster per lap. 75% if you are 0.7 to 0.8 seconds faster per lap. 100% if you are 0.9 or faster than that per lap.
Austria:overtaking chances= 25% if you are 0.1 to 0.2 seconds faster per lap. 50% if you are 0.3 to 0.4 seconds faster per lap. 75% if you are 0.5 to 0.6 seconds faster per lap. 100% if you are 0.7 or faster than that per lap.
this example does not exactly represent how I would like the overtaking chances to be, but it is a basic idea and of the 2 options I suggest the one that I like the most and the second one since it would prevent slower teams from trying to use drs to get faster and it would be good for rain since it would not depend so much on energy.

if the two options are refused or even if they consider one of the two, I would like other players to give options for overtaking systems or adjustments for my suggestions.

Belgium has weak drs, still is a train race though. So it’s not related to drs strenght. More overtakes, well … beware, this means when racing in competitive leagues in lap 1 you could lose an absurd amount of places (or gain them), also, bounce-backs would be off the chart.

It’s always a balancing act, I agree with Giovanni, teams are too much alike in highly competitive leagues, on the other hand a single dominant team is also a game-breaker so there’s another balancing act in the making ?

Let’s first see what level 30, and the path towards it, brings. Because of that, we’ll all have weaker drs and boost

 Not sure I agree that drivers having similar stats is much of an issue.  Even in the highly competitive leagues the same players tend to win most of the time so the forthcoming changes to player levels, special abilities etc  will probably just widen that gap further.  

In the past  couple,of year we’ve had strong dirty air, no dirty air and weak dirty air and in each scenario we still see complaints about drs trains.  Changing drs won’t change this (look at wet races if you’re not convinced).  The game is what it is and I doubt they will ever find a balance and if they ever did we would no doubt see posts complaining that drivers are pulling away from the field too easily.  

they are totally different scenarios since in the rain there is almost no overtaking without the kers and in the dry the teams use the drs to gain performance which causes a lot of overtaking but the drivers do not leave the place. if the drs were weaker the drs train would not exist and the races would be decided on strategy and performance. and if you tire the drs and leave the overtaking in a vacuum this would also make the races be decided on strategy or performance as some teams would choose to attack at the beginning and others would choose to run a race focusing on attacking at the end or on stopping later less, besides that if you remove the dependency on the drs the races in the rain would be exciting majs and there would be no need to maintain the kers anymore.

Err wet races have no drs if they did they would be the same as dry races so conversely a dry race without drs would be identical to the current wet race

And no weaker drs would not remove the trains.  Belgium proves this.

it wouldn't remove the train anymore either the races wouldn't be around it. if the drs were weak to the point of making it more difficult to pass and making the teams that are on the train not get faster, the faster players would do everything to get off the train to go faster and that would make for the train to finish.

what bothers the most, not the train itself, is the teams benefiting from it and always going with the same strategies. if they made changes that took the train out the races would be more fun.
2 years 102 days ago
The current overtaking system clearly needs to be reworked. Having similar drivers is not a problem when different strategies exist, but even so, tyre/fuel advantage doesn't help in overtaking (at least as much as it should).
An example at how bad the situation is when a car runs out of fuel in front, making you lose seconds in just a blink of an eye. How is this acceptable?
2 years 102 days ago

The problem is not in DRS or overtakes. The problem is in the drivers. They are all similar. No differences, no strengths, no weaknesses.

The new update will bring special abilities which will represent a first step in the right direction.

Personally I would revolution the driver abilities system. I would put an high cap for each ability (50?) and players should be able (training their drivers) to allocate points where they prefer while the sum of abilities doesn't exceed 50% of the maximum possible. Now we have a boring rush to maxed stats.

A system like this would provide different drivers able to perform differently on different racing scenarios.

Now is all flat and DRS trains will appear whatever you will change because cars, drivers and managers are similar.

(I didn't mention height and weight)

The current overtaking system clearly needs to be reworked. Having similar drivers is not a problem when different strategies exist, but even so, tyre/fuel advantage doesn't help in overtaking (at least as much as it should).
An example at how bad the situation is when a car runs out of fuel in front, making you lose seconds in just a blink of an eye. How is this acceptable?

I would also blame the drivers here. Non-dynamic. Everyone passes the empty car at the same turn like clockwork; no taking chances, no breaking the mould…

From what I seen the only players I managed to beat were either inactive or had drivers with lower talent (car development seems secondary at some points in the season). So far everyone who has beaten me has had drivers with higher talent. That’s all that matters for me, the rush to 20 talent.

I think driver abilities would help add dynamics to make the races more fluid and less systematic (better overtakes?). I would go further and petition for driver personalities or strengths and weakness, traits that would effect how they drive (better at conserving tires, or taking corners faster at an expense or exits) as opposed to abilities which seem to be flat benefits. That way people would have to make decisions on hiring drivers that don’t just involve looking for 20 talent.

When every racer races differently, you’ll notice an instant difference. That video would be a relic of the past.

2 years 101 days ago
Yes, that's exactly what I said.

Why the game should let overtake your opponents if there is no difference in cars, drivers or setup? You simply overtake who runs out of fuel because at some point their speed is too low compated to yours and the game switches positions. 

It looks a dice game where your dice have a maximum value defined by a formula where all factors are the same for all players.
2 years 101 days ago
I still stand by my suggestion of rechargeable kers like in F1, it will eliminate the drs train lap after lap.
2 years 101 days ago (Last edited by John Doe 2 years 101 days ago)
I still stand by my suggestion of rechargeable kers like in F1, it will eliminate the drs train lap after lap.

It doesn't change. The Boostfest in final lap will happen around DRS zone each lap. Where is the improvement? It penalizes offline players.

If you escape from your follower probably would happen only if he/she is distracted by a strategy change or is controlling the second car. There is nothing positive for rechargeable boost.

There is also an unnecessary load of computation to calculate if any of 32 players is allowed to boost while now you have a predetermined quantity and that's it.
2 years 101 days ago
Yes, that's exactly what I said.

Why the game should let overtake your opponents if there is no difference in cars, drivers or setup? You simply overtake who runs out of fuel because at some point their speed is too low compated to yours and the game switches positions. 

It looks a dice game where your dice have a maximum value defined by a formula where all factors are the same for all players.

I don’t believe it’s a dice game, but definitely a maths or arithmetic puzzle. I also believe that behind the 20/20/20 max stats etc there are variations between 20.0 and 19.1 which we don’t see for each driver.   

However, the differences in this game are mainly down to car development and good fuel load management.  Don’t underestimate how much of an advantage you can gain if know how to maximise the acquiring of development points and apply them in the best way.  The best drivers are not just faster than everyone else as by the end of the season the development points they have generated are significantly greater than the average player.  You can apply a simple 80/20 rule where the 80% represents what you do off the track and 20% what you do on the track.
5084 Super Mod
2 years 101 days ago
In my experience cars do overtake outside of DRS. We can clearly see this when lap times are appreciably different because cars are not set up, are too heavy or managers take the tyres too far and they "fall off the cliff".

When many cars are set up, all have similar drivers, similar chassis development, the same strategy and experienced players dynamically managing PL they will inevitably set very similar lap times. In these circumstances overtaking becomes difficult and infrequent. Isn't that to be expected? If you think you're being held up by a slower car, use a little boost to pass.

In my opinion the game has very little to do with luck. If it were, how do you explain the fact that no matter what tweaks the Devs introduce, it is usually the same managers who win?

These managers were better before the 3D update, after the 3D update (which is when the circuits lost their individuality and trains became the norm), after dirty air was removed, when revised dirty air was reintroduced, when no refuelling / two tyre rules were introduced, and they remain better players after the most recent gameplay update where the tyre wear/performance curve was dramatically changed.

So, with this in mind, why spend an enormous amount of developer resources and testing time to completely overhaul how the SIM deals with overtaking and DRS when the outcome will be the same? 
2 years 101 days ago
Dont think anyone even watched the video posted by Astro Rider. How is it acceptable that a car running out of fuel blocks others behind for a 5-6 seconds of race time. Surely something needs to be done about this.

Whatever you change with the driver attributes at the end of the day there will be an ideal set of attributes which everyone will figure out and search for a driver with those attributes. The DRS doesnt need tweaking since it will just make the racing worse by either making it too powerful or too weak.

Again the only thing that needs to be reworked is the overtaking model.
2 years 101 days ago (Last edited by Herbie Rides Again 2 years 101 days ago)
Dont think anyone even watched the video posted by Astro Rider. How is it acceptable that a car running out of fuel blocks others behind for a 5-6 seconds of race time. Surely something needs to be done about this.

Whatever you change with the driver attributes at the end of the day there will be an ideal set of attributes which everyone will figure out and search for a driver with those attributes. The DRS doesnt need tweaking since it will just make the racing worse by either making it too powerful or too weak.

Again the only thing that needs to be reworked is the overtaking model.

I Agree with you, although it is a wholly different issue (which clearly needs to be fixed) and judging by the roadmap is something they are already aware of.  It seems it was de-prioritised for the December update and hopefully will be addressed soon after (this response is assuming that the work on ‘wheel to wheel’ racing described in the roadmap is intended to resolve basic physics problems such as the issue illustrated in Astro Riders video.)
5359 Community Manager
2 years 101 days ago

The current overtaking system clearly needs to be reworked. Having similar drivers is not a problem when different strategies exist, but even so, tyre/fuel advantage doesn't help in overtaking (at least as much as it should).
An example at how bad the situation is when a car runs out of fuel in front, making you lose seconds in just a blink of an eye. How is this acceptable?

I’m pretty sure I know how to fix the problem in your video, will try at some point in the first half of December and test with our beta team.

2 years 101 days ago


2) remove the drs, decrease the dirty air and add the vacuum on the straights. that way it would be possible to have overtaking on the arm and the attack and defense abilities could be better used and it would be good if they put the chances of overtaking according to the track.

Getting rid of DRS was rejected recently - always a reminder to read past forum posts

Dont think anyone even watched the video posted by Astro Rider. How is it acceptable that a car running out of fuel blocks others behind for a 5-6 seconds of race time. Surely something needs to be done about this.

Whatever you change with the driver attributes at the end of the day there will be an ideal set of attributes which everyone will figure out and search for a driver with those attributes. The DRS doesnt need tweaking since it will just make the racing worse by either making it too powerful or too weak.

Again the only thing that needs to be reworked is the overtaking model.

I agree with you KP, before what Gilvani is suggesting is even thought to be offered the overtaking model needs lots of fixing, Astro's video sums up the reasons as to why
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