Yunus Unia Blunion medal 5044 9 years 133 days ago (edited 9 years 133 days ago)
Since this has been posted in the correct sub-forum, I will re-post my issue here:
On Saturday, my league went racing at Bahrain.
The set-up and pre-race screen showed Sunny, 26 Celsius.
However, once I loaded the 2D viewer, I was presented with the following weather conditions, Cloudy, 14 Celsius.
This problem that others are facing as well are showing a pattern — the weather is shown as hot, but in the actual race the weather is cold.
All managers live managing the race could see the change in temperature as well. The actual temperature on the track was indeed 14 Celsius and required a significant change in strategy on the fly. Definitely added a huge challenge and made it fun, but did not cause too much of a deviation from the typical race results. However this really hurts the managers who aren't live managing, considering the optimal tyre compound of choice was Medium and due to the bug it changed to Soft.