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Confusion about the Tyre Rules

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medal 5000
2 years 11 days ago
Hi guys. On the league I joined few days ago it says the following:

"Rules are: Refueling. No tyre rules. Fastest lap receives a point."

For the last race I didn't use 2 types of tyres and got both my drivers disqualified. I saw this thread ( but I thought it's up to each league to make their rules.

I am confused, is this a general rule for EVERY league, or how does it work?

It's not clear for new users and maybe discouraging.

medal 5099 Super Mod
2 years 11 days ago (Last edited by Red Craigie 2 years 11 days ago)
Hi Van
          It looks like the description of your league wall is incorrect, which is down to the host of the league to maintain in line with the rules they choose to activate.

There are two indicators on the league page which will tell you whether refuelling and the two tyre rule is on or off.

These indicators can be found above the season calendar and beneath the button which reads "See Other Leagues" or "Join this league"

A green tyre means that the two tyre rule is on.
A green fuel icon means that refuelling is on.

medal 5000
2 years 11 days ago

Crystal clear. Thank you for the answer!

I see now that both indicators are green, independent of what's written on the description wall.

Sorry for opening another thread on the same topic (tyre rules) but couldn't find this info.

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