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Own Engine regret

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medal 5000
1 year 238 days ago
Hi I purchased and use my own engines and now I regret the choice as it's far inferior to old suppliers engines.
Could it be made possible for me to use other peoples engines instead of my own in the future or at least the old suppliers ones?
medal 5488 Super Mod
1 year 238 days ago (Last edited by Connor Cooper 1 year 238 days ago)

When you first start manufacturing your own engines, they are inferior to the game's engine suppliers, however, as you get Engine Points you will be able to develop your engines to a point much higher than the standard of normal engines. 

For example, Murk engines give you +10 Acceleration, however, with custom engines, you can develop your engine much further than +10. 
Another benefit of manufacturing engines is that your engine strength isn't fixed for each circuit. 
This means that, unlike Murk which is +10 ACC for every circuit, you can choose to strengthen Acceleration for Australia and Handling for Malaysia (for example). 

Unfortunately, once you have made started manufacturing your own engines, it isn't possible to reverse this decision. Beginning to manufacture your own engines is a permanent decision. Sorry. 

Further information on engine manufacturing engines can be found in the Engine Manufacturers Guide, found here.

I hope this helps you with your engine manufacturing predicament. 
medal 5041
1 year 238 days ago
If you switched in February it looks like you aren’t applying your engine pts that you gain after each race.  you should have loads of pts available to allocate to the engine attributes.
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