Skid Solo medal 5259 1 year 204 days ago (Last edited by
Skid Solo 1 year 204 days ago)
Please explain to use usage of AS.
As you can see there are only 2 options and what we are saying here is that we want to be able to setup water level from 0.1mm to + according to the rain in the game.
What when rain stops, and water is stil on track ? You have that in option 2 of AS (use tires if it stops raining).
Rain stopped, but its still water on track.
I’m not going to explain the intricacies of Advanced Strategy as there is already a very long thread on this in Help & Support, but a few observations to push you in right direction.
1.AS only works when you are offline. If you are attending live races it is disabled as you can manually manage your tyre strategy during the race. The only exception to this is you can set up so that if it rains in qualifying you will qualify on inters/wets depending on instructions and if it stops raining before race you can change back to dry tyres for the race.
2. Looking at your example you have set AS for 1mm so you won’t change tyres until water is above this level. You are better changing to 0mm then as soon as there is any water on the track your AS will activate.
3. You haven’t set any laps for when it stops raining before changing tyres. This means that even if there is say 2mm of water on the track you will pit for drys. Depending on the track and temperature the water may clear quickly or take rest of race before the track is dry so you need to build up experience of how each track behaves once rain stops. Sometimes setting for 0 is fine and sometimes you need to set it much higher if it is a track which takes a long time to dry. There is of course an element of luck involved here since it’s impossible to 100% predict future weather.
Finally, AS has its own quirks when you are offline and won’t always do what you expect (see thread on Advanced Strategy in Help & Support for more info).
As I said at beginning of thread if you are attending races then it only helps with tyres for qualifying as described and explained with examples in the Advanced Strategy guide.