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Advanced Strategy in a nutshell

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medal 5011 Super Mod
4 years 59 days ago (Last edited by Gustavo Heiden 3 years 270 days ago)
1. Introduction
100x100                                    100x100                                    100x74
When track is dry and not likely to change, the managers need to fulfil only the main strategy.

100x100                                                                                                   100x100
But, once it begins to rain they have an important decision to take: use Advanced Strategy (AS) or not.

This small guide is aimed to provide information about the expected behaviours of each available option in the strategy panel. Every piece of information is given only by experience that happened prior this date, as the writer does not have access to the full iGP Manager game code.

2. AS disabled
The managers can choose to not use AS, this means that iGP will pick this tyre compound regardless dry or wet condition. Although, it is also possible to experience a scenario in which the managers did not have time to save a strategy. For those, iGP will pick a default medium tyre for dry races and intermediate tyre for wet races.

3. AS enabled
Once the AS is enabled, it is expected that the race simulator can have 2 extra options when weather conditions change. One should note that every time the manager attends to live race, the AS is automatically disabled for the rest of the race i.e. it doesn't turn back on if you log out. Thus, the managers need to fix all the following stints accordingly to the current conditions.

The screenshot above shows a generic strategy, in which the simulator is going to fit intermediate tyres when water level reaches Xmm and the same compound once rain stops for Y laps. This means that, despite raining or not, the manager is expected to stay on intermediate tyres until the track is completely dry, i.e. water level below 0mm. This can mean more than one complete stint.

The second screenshot pictures a strategy in which the simulator choose wet tyres when water level reaches Xmm and intermediate tyres if it stops raining for Y laps (the manager must complete the informed laps). In this scenario the manager is also expected to stay on intermediate as many stints as the track is completely dry.

4. Using AS only for qualifying

It was said in section 3 that AS is automatically disabled when a manager attends the live race, but it should be remarked that it can be used to have extra control during the qualifying session that happens in changeable weather conditions.

Basically, when track is wet and the AS is enabled, the simulator will choose the first AS option tyre if the water level is above Xmm, or the main tyre if the water level is below Xmm. The second AS option tyre is used when there is water in track and it is not raining.

If you want to use a dry tyre in the second option, be aware that it can pick this tyre for your qualifying lap when rain stops. This usually ends up with two different tyre compounds between the qualifying session and the live race grid because when placing cars on grid, the simulator picks the main strategy or the first AS tyre for the grid.

5. Summary

In summary the AS tell the simulator to changes the tyres in those ways:

1. Fit the picked tyre once track level is above Xmm. Also, use this tyre for qualifying if it is raining.
2. Fit the picked tyre if stops raining and you completed Y laps. Also, use this tyre for qualifying if stopped raining and there is still water on track.

6. Final note

I leave my mail box open if you want to share any experience that can help us to provide better understanding in regard to the Advanced Strategy game mechanic.
medal 5011 Super Mod
4 years 55 days ago
Please, I hope you can contribute to improve this guide.

Remember that bugs should be reported in this Forum
medal 5559
4 years 54 days ago (Last edited by Kаi Nyxes 4 years 53 days ago)
This should really be pinned with the other guides to keep it visible on the 1st page.
medal 5011 Super Mod
4 years 53 days ago
Thanks Warren.

I really hope the weather stops updating when the qualifying session is hapening, as that really does not help the understanding of the logic.
medal 5000
4 years 53 days ago
Wouldve been helpful a lot if days ago still helpful tho thanks gustavo ?
medal 5011 Super Mod
4 years 26 days ago (Last edited by Gustavo Heiden 3 years 270 days ago)
With new evidence, I'll need to do a few changes in the wording:

The paragraph that states you will stay on track when stops raining "as long as water level is below Xmm" should be read as follows:

"until the track is completely dry, i.e. water level below 0mm"

I'd like to acknowledge Juanito Jones for recording the race and providing all the information I needed.
medal 5000
4 years 25 days ago
Those offline races are way too complex sometimes ?
medal 4554
4 years 23 days ago
thank you for this post. very helpful!
medal 5503
3 years 278 days ago
Any thoughts on the new tyre compounds would be much appreciated. Hard tyres seemed to be an option at Monza since the recent changes. Or did I just drop lucky?
medal 5000
3 years 278 days ago

Any thoughts on the new tyre compounds would be much appreciated. Hard tyres seemed to be an option at Monza since the recent changes. Or did I just drop lucky?

They aren't new compounds nor got a boost in performance. They are behaving "strangely" because the cars are going too fast in some tracks, which heats up the tyres quite a lot. Some hit a new temperature marker (tyres flashing orange) even on PL1!
Monza yesterday was so hot even M were overheating slightly, so maybe the H were on it's right window and got the best of other tyres overheating and dropping out of DRS ?‍♂️
medal 5000
3 years 271 days ago
Do you remember me? I'm again here for telling that "advanced strategy " continue to be wrong! 
It is ok for qualification, but for race it doesn't work in a lot of condition. I have a lot of experience about advanced strategy, but when I wrote you, you made fun of me! 
And you are a mod!
In your explanation  you wrote only what I explain to all 1 year ago... with around 6 months of delay!

However you have still not understand what happen during races!  
Today i had an easy crazy race ( rain only before race) but a lot of players had severamente problem with advanced... that the winner  was somwone that didn't use them!
medal 5011 Super Mod
3 years 271 days ago
Alright, if you tell me what happened, I can try to fix (or include) a better explanation.

Although my intention was to help people that would watch the races, as I don't have any experience in the Advanced Strategy behaviour for offline races.
medal 5930
3 years 270 days ago (Last edited by Simone Villa 3 years 270 days ago)
Gustavo! I had explained the problem several  months ago , but you didn't do anything to solve  it even if it was sistemathic.

Advanced strategy for qualification  are for all players  , but for race it is important only for offline race , expecially the second part of the advanced strategy.
Now i am going to REPeat you the problem:

First part of advanced strategy is ok and it works

Second part (put "compound" after "x" laps after stopping rain):
I expected  that after x laps after stopping  rain, my driver comes back to box and change with compound  chosen  by me.however i cannot know how many laps are necessary to dry circuit... so the strategy will easy fail!
There is also another problem
If my driver came back to box before my strategy  there is also the risk  to have to make another pit stop because fuel is not enough.  But which kind of tyres he will put?  M, even if they are not in my strategy! 
How can i solve this problem?  Easy: adding AN extra stint with compound i want and with fuel  enough to compensate anticipated  pit stop.
So I think that i solve the problem, but it isn't.

In advanced strategy there is an extra rule unwritten and this is the big problem, because it is unpredictable:
When rain stops and water arrives to 0mm and you have I (or W) tyres, if your strategy has a dry compound for the further stint,  your driver comes back in pit stop  for wearing them . 
But if you have a strategy with I, when driver arrived in alst stint organized,  i put I, but after 1 lap came back for wearing  M... so for example  if there is a race of 44laps and i have a strategy 11I 11I 11I 11I, and rain arrived at 0mm at laps 32(but also before), at lap 33 my driver will put I , but he comes back at laps 34 for wearing M....2 pit stops in 2 laps ruined any strategy. 
I hope to be clear enough... 

Extra: M tyre: igp permit us to decide 5 stints
from 6th, it will do always the same of the last. But usually strategies are for 3 or 4 this case, for each further stint they are always M and not like the last.
Example :
1)Strategy decided S S S, for Ipg, means  that strategy is S S S M M
2) strategy decided 1S 1S 1S 1S 1S, for igp means that my driver will wear S for 1 lap for all the race

medal 6433
3 years 270 days ago

Gustavo! I had explained the problem several  months ago , but you didn't do anything to solve  it even if it was sistemathic.

Advanced strategy for qualification  are for all players  , but for race it is important only for offline race , expecially the second part of the advanced strategy.
Now i am going to REPeat you the problem:

First part of advanced strategy is ok and it works

Second part (put "compound" after "x" laps after stopping rain):
I expected  that after x laps after stopping  rain, my driver comes back to box and change with compound  chosen  by me.however i cannot know how many laps are necessary to dry circuit... so the strategy will easy fail!
There is also another problem
If my driver came back to box before my strategy  there is also the risk  to have to make another pit stop because fuel is not enough.  But which kind of tyres he will put?  M, even if they are not in my strategy! 
How can i solve this problem?  Easy: adding AN extra stint with compound i want and with fuel  enough to compensate anticipated  pit stop.
So I think that i solve the problem, but it isn't.

In advanced strategy there is an extra rule unwritten and this is the big problem, because it is unpredictable:
When rain stops and water arrives to 0mm and you have I (or W) tyres, if your strategy has a dry compound for the further stint,  your driver comes back in pit stop  for wearing them . 
But if you have a strategy with I, when driver arrived in alst stint organized,  i put I, but after 1 lap came back for wearing  M... so for example  if there is a race of 44laps and i have a strategy 11I 11I 11I 11I, and rain arrived at 0mm at laps 32(but also before), at lap 33 my driver will put I , but he comes back at laps 34 for wearing M....2 pit stops in 2 laps ruined any strategy. 
I hope to be clear enough... 

Extra: M tyre: igp permit us to decide 5 stints
from 6th, it will do always the same of the last. But usually strategies are for 3 or 4 this case, for each further stint they are always M and not like the last.
Example :
1)Strategy decided S S S, for Ipg, means  that strategy is S S S M M
2) strategy decided 1S 1S 1S 1S 1S, for igp means that my driver will wear S for 1 lap for all the race

You need to realise mods are players. You accusing Gus of not doing anything is kind of a reach. What he wrote is correct (as he mentioned) it’s for online players…

It’s up to offline players to correctly predict the weather (if they can).
medal 5930
3 years 270 days ago (Last edited by Simone Villa 3 years 270 days ago)

Gustavo! I had explained the problem several  months ago , but you didn't do anything to solve  it even if it was sistemathic.

Advanced strategy for qualification  are for all players  , but for race it is important only for offline race , expecially the second part of the advanced strategy.
Now i am going to REPeat you the problem:

First part of advanced strategy is ok and it works

Second part (put "compound" after "x" laps after stopping rain):
I expected  that after x laps after stopping  rain, my driver comes back to box and change with compound  chosen  by me.however i cannot know how many laps are necessary to dry circuit... so the strategy will easy fail!
There is also another problem
If my driver came back to box before my strategy  there is also the risk  to have to make another pit stop because fuel is not enough.  But which kind of tyres he will put?  M, even if they are not in my strategy! 
How can i solve this problem?  Easy: adding AN extra stint with compound i want and with fuel  enough to compensate anticipated  pit stop.
So I think that i solve the problem, but it isn't.

In advanced strategy there is an extra rule unwritten and this is the big problem, because it is unpredictable:
When rain stops and water arrives to 0mm and you have I (or W) tyres, if your strategy has a dry compound for the further stint,  your driver comes back in pit stop  for wearing them . 
But if you have a strategy with I, when driver arrived in alst stint organized,  i put I, but after 1 lap came back for wearing  M... so for example  if there is a race of 44laps and i have a strategy 11I 11I 11I 11I, and rain arrived at 0mm at laps 32(but also before), at lap 33 my driver will put I , but he comes back at laps 34 for wearing M....2 pit stops in 2 laps ruined any strategy. 
I hope to be clear enough... 

Extra: M tyre: igp permit us to decide 5 stints
from 6th, it will do always the same of the last. But usually strategies are for 3 or 4 this case, for each further stint they are always M and not like the last.
Example :
1)Strategy decided S S S, for Ipg, means  that strategy is S S S M M
2) strategy decided 1S 1S 1S 1S 1S, for igp means that my driver will wear S for 1 lap for all the race

You need to realise mods are players. You accusing Gus of not doing anything is kind of a reach. What he wrote is correct (as he mentioned) it’s for online players…

It’s up to offline players to correctly predict the weather (if they can).

You are another that doesn't understand  the problem or that think that offline players are only alittle paet of the comunità...
 (Moreover you don't know what I wrote last september)

The second option of advanced works: really! Today I have another crazy race. For some players it worked! And i am sure that it worksnfor all ! The problem is the there is an "hidden" option that oblige your car to make a pit stop when rain is 0mm..  but it is not written in advanced but it become active only with advanced, not for drivers that aren't activated advanced strategy. This is a sisthematic  problem that happen only when advanced strategy are active  So It could be solved !

I am.not asking  to modify advanced strategy, but i am asking onky to cancel the hidden option that cannot be organized by players 
medal 5000
3 years 270 days ago
What Simone says is true. For us playing in offline leagues, the advanced options have some errors. For me the first hypothesis to reduce a part of the problems would be to be able to activate or deactivate the options individually. Then if there is the will to improve them, we can discuss and talk about them together.
medal 5011 Super Mod
3 years 270 days ago
For the problem related to Medium Tyre that is put when you didn't set a 4th or 5th stint, this can be easily explained by the fact that you must fulfil those two slots with the tyre type you want for a main strategy even though you won't use it, otherwise it'll keep changing to Mediums when more stints are needed.

About having wet compounds in main strategy, I know sometimes they are needed because there are scenarios in which race starts wet 1.0mm and go beyond 3.0mm. In my humble opinion the Advanced Strategy isn't designed to cover this situation well. The example written for a 44 laps race that is said to be 0.0mm in lap 32 can actually be still wet 0.01mm and then your cars go to pitstop at lap 33 for Intermediate and need another pitstop for dry tyre.

It is also true that the simulator will pit you when track reaches 0mm, that's exactly what I try to say in this part of the article:
This means that, despite raining or not, the manager is expected to stay on intermediate tyres until the track is completely dry, i.e. water level below 0mm.

@Alessandro, I reckon you can deactivate both Advanced Strategy options individually:
1- If you want to deactivate the first option of Advanced Strategy, you only have to copy same tyre as main strategy.
2- If you want to deactivate the second option of Advanced Strategy, you have to copy the same tyre as the first AS option.

I'd like to also mention: this game is designed to be played live, so you have to accept that the advanced strategy cannot accomplish every single weather change scenario.

Let me write a perfect scenario: Race starts raining 3.3mm (you set soft tyres in main strategy, wet if water level is above 3.0mm and intermediate if rain stops after 1 lap)
When it stops raining, your car wait 1 lap, then pit for intermediate tyres and wait until track reaches 0.0mm to pit for soft tyres (it can be more than 1 stint).
medal 5930
3 years 269 days ago
Gustavo, it is really boring receive always the answer that this game is studied for live and not for offline..  also because we are discussing about something that works only in offline...
Question about M: where is it written that you had to fulfilly pit stop? It is not reasonable... however who know me and as asked me , know this.

 for deactivate 2nd option : we usually put to wait a lot of laps before changing ... however in this way and also with your suggestion, the hidden option of put dry tyre at 0mm, still works and create problem.

Perfect scenario:
I have some questions to you about your proposal ( i admit you that for me yoir the third "big scenario" for preparing advanced strategy):
You use this because when you prepar strategy, you predict that rain  stop, so I ask you what happen in these scenario very similar:

Race of 60 laps:
strategy 15S 15S 15S 15S 15S
Wet over3mm
I after 1 lap
rain 3.2mm
1)rain stops 11 minutes before race
2)rain stops 5 minutes before race
3)rain stops 1 minutes before race
4) rain stops during lap 1 and arrive to 0mm at lap 17
5)rain  stops during lap 29 and arrive to 0mm at laps  50

There are a lot of possible scenarios,  of course, but I think that these con clearify how may risks there are in you  advanced strategy 
medal 5011 Super Mod
3 years 269 days ago
I call those extra stints the hidden stints, because the game is coded to have 5 stints, but when we choose to do less, they are still there.

The next picture might be useful for new/inexperienced players to know why sometimes they do a stint on mediums.

How could I get it? Simply by changing the "hidden" state of the 4th and 5th stints.

for deactivate 2nd option : we usually put to wait a lot of laps before changing ... however in this way and also with your suggestion, the hidden option of put dry tyre at 0mm, still works and create problem.

Do you think that creating an option "only pit for fuel" would fix this behaviour? I think that might be a reasonable solution for the unexpected pits.
medal 5011 Super Mod
3 years 268 days ago
Race of 60 laps:
strategy 15S 15S 15S 15S 15S
Wet over3mm
I after 1 lap
rain 3.2mm
1)rain stops 11 minutes before race
2)rain stops 5 minutes before race
3)rain stops 1 minutes before race
4) rain stops during lap 1 and arrive to 0mm at lap 17
5)rain  stops during lap 29 and arrive to 0mm at laps  50

1) Qualifies on inters, it will change to softs only when track gets 0.0mm;
2 and 3) Qualifies on wets, probably go to pit on lap 1 for inters and it will change to softs when track gets 0.0mm;
4) pit for inters on lap 2 and it will change to softs when track gets 0.0mm;
5) pit for inters on lap 30 (because of low fuel), again on lap 45 and it will change to softs on lap 50.

Speaking about the 5th scenario, if it was set "pit for intermediate after 2 laps", it might break the Advanced Strategy logic because your car will pit on lap 30 for fuel and it is neither raining (so it shouldn't refit wet) nor 2 laps were completed after it stopped raining (so it cannot fit intermediate as well). I wouldn't be surprised to see a car leaving pitstop on softs and pitting again for intermediate in the next lap.
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