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Advanced Strategy in a nutshell

This topic has been closed by the moderator José Trujillo
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medal 5917
3 years 232 days ago (Last edited by Simone Villa 3 years 232 days ago)
I call those extra stints the hidden stints, because the game is coded to have 5 stints, but when we choose to do less, they are still there.

The next picture might be useful for new/inexperienced players to know why sometimes they do a stint on mediums.

How could I get it? Simply by changing the "hidden" state of the 4th and 5th stints.

for deactivate 2nd option : we usually put to wait a lot of laps before changing ... however in this way and also with your suggestion, the hidden option of put dry tyre at 0mm, still works and create problem.

Do you think that creating an option "only pit for fuel" would fix this behaviour? I think that might be a reasonable solution for the unexpected pits.

Please explain  better how it works "only pit for fuel" if I understand well, i think it is better decide how many litres add with activation  of advanced 2

Are you sure that it will work in that way?for me answers are these 
1) i think qualify with S and not I
2)qualify with W, start with S and after one lap I
3)qualify with W, start with 1, after one lap.pit stop for I
4)qualify with W, start with W, i after 1 lap , lap 16 S or I? If i , laps 17 For S
5) lap 30 for I,lap 45 S or I ? If I lap 50 for S, otherwise no further pit stop.

For Hidden Option, i am talking about put dry tyres when you have I (or W) when water is 0mm if and only if in the next stint there are dry tyres.
Syrategy 15i 15i 15i 15i (hidden 15M)
If water is 0mm at laps 31, driver will do this:
15I 15I 15I 1I 14M
medal 5021 Super Mod
3 years 231 days ago
Replying to the scenarios.
1) I'm sure it's intermediate.
2) Why softs on lap one, as the track is most likely to be still wet?
3) Don't you think it completes a lap first (pitting for intermediate on lap 2)?
4) It should pit for intermediate on lap 45.

For Hidden Stint, yep that's what happens. So, I think that we should suggest to the Developers a checkbox named "only pit for fuel".
So, ticking this box would allow you to still use Advanced Strategy, but you would pit only when fuel dictates (then if track was wet X mm it would change to a wet tyre or if it stopped raining for more than X laps, it would also change you tyre).
medal 5917
3 years 231 days ago (Last edited by Simone Villa 3 years 231 days ago)
1) strategy is on S and advanced 1 is Wet over 3mm. It means that under 3mm, advanced 1 is not, it is unreasonable that driver made qualify with I. He can only pit S between 0-2,9mm or wet over 3mm
(Check driver  Gascogne in this race: he had stategy on S. Put I over1mm and I  after 0 lap . It is not the same, but very similar: qualifyed with I, started with S and after 1 lap pit stop for I )

(I made several  experiment last september and it worked like I wrote: or was advanced strategy  modified?)
2)because advanced 2 oblige to change tyre when rain is stopped after 1 lap (maybe pit stop at lap 2)
3)yes I am agree with you Lap 2.(but there is not a big difference)
4) so at lap 50 it wil make another pit stop for S

Only for fuel
In other words, driver decide to change Tyre only when it is his moment to have the pit stop,so:
I am agree with you about solution ,i was thinking the same, however I think it is better another name ,because translating in italian there could be a misunderstanding. (We had a lot of confusione in the past also with translation of advanced 1)
medal 5021 Super Mod
3 years 230 days ago
You have to think that during the qualify, the logic applied to the Advanced strategy options are done separately, so if it's not raining, the 1st option won't be applied, if there's water on track, it will apply the 2nd option, which is Inters. That's why Gascoigne starts the race on inters.
The fact of him changing to softs on grid should be tested (it would imply that water level reached 0.0mm, but why did he put intermediates in lap 1).

2- It's almost the same thing happening in the first scenario (why does it change to soft in grid if it's still wet).

I'll try to forward this idea to devs, so we can have an option to only allow pitting when car needs fuel (and of course if we activated the Advanced Strategy, it also applies their rules)
medal 5917
3 years 230 days ago (Last edited by Simone Villa 3 years 230 days ago)
That strategy works separately is clear, however you are wrong:
Gascogne made qualify on I because there were more than 1mm (advanced 1 activated), but he started in s (not I) because there were less than 1mm). After one lap he came back to pit stop for I, because advanced 2 was active. Even if rains stopped before beginning of qualification.
This happens because advanced 1 works always if there is water on circuit. (It is not necessary that it is raining. There was a wrong translation in otalian about this, maybe also in your lenguage..). For advanced 2 , after race linked  i am sure that work always if there is water on track. Before i was not is not easy understand it because a lot of time he want in conflict  with te hidden option .
Check these race: it was raining 3.3mm, the 2 drivers of Skid row has same strategy on S , but one has W over 3mm and W over 4mm. As you can see under 4mm he has S. That is what I expected. If water was 2.9m, they were surely Both on S.

2) yes it is similar to scenario 1,but not like you wrote: if rain arrives under 3mm , he will put S in grid, so advanced 2 obliged driver to change in I after one lap

I think that a rule to change tyre only when fuel is needed can substitue advanced 2 in a lot of cases,But it will surely avoid hidden option of the 2 pit stop in 2 laps and this is very useful

Ps: both races linked  are in offline leagues, so tyres con be changed in grid only by advanced strategy

medal 5000
3 years 230 days ago

You have to think that during the qualify, the logic applied to the Advanced strategy options are done separately, so if it's not raining, the 1st option won't be applied, if there's water on track, it will apply the 2nd option, which is Inters. That's why Gascoigne starts the race on inters.
The fact of him changing to softs on grid should be tested (it would imply that water level reached 0.0mm, but why did he put intermediates in lap 1).

2- It's almost the same thing happening in the first scenario (why does it change to soft in grid if it's still wet).

I'll try to forward this idea to devs, so we can have an option to only allow pitting when car needs fuel (and of course if we activated the Advanced Strategy, it also applies their rules)

Gustavo, these are the screenshots of the race
medal 5021 Super Mod
3 years 229 days ago
This happens because advanced 1 works always if there is water on circuit.

It has never happened to me. The only way I have ever seen the 1st part of Advanced Strategy working is when it's raining, but that's because my way of doing it and because I don't compete in offline leagues.
When it's not raining I usually set inters (for 0.0mm) and when it's raining I set W (for +3.0mm).

The same thing now about #2, I've never seen that (changing to S in grid if track is still wet), but it's due to never paying much attention to offline races.
medal 5917
3 years 229 days ago (Last edited by Simone Villa 3 years 229 days ago)
Finally,you begin to understand:advanced 1 and 2 works always if there is water. It is not important if it is raining or not. However : changing S in grid is caused by deactivation of advanced 1, it is not dependent by advanced 2 .
You can easy watch it also in live when weather change during qualifications.
I found that there are 3 big scenarios:
1) no rain, but expected (or rain and we expected that it is going to stop)

Strategy on S
I after 0mm
S after (x) laps

2) it is raining and it is increasing 
Strategy on I
W after 3mm
S after (x) laps

3) no rain , but waiting for heavy rain (what you called perfect scenario)

Strategy on S
W after 3mm
I after 0 or 1 laps 

The last is used in very rarely condition, because of the problems described before.
There is also the possibility for making strategy with different compound in the first stint that can help you in several times. For example I S S S that can help you 
Otherwise you could use also unusual advanced 1 (I have a friend that won a race because he set W after 2mm with an S strategy and won the race)
Of course for the 3 big scenarios, it is not easy decide how many laps for advanced 2, but this could be the beautiful of the situation, BUT here there is the big problem: the conflict between advanced 2 and hidden option for scenario 1 and 3 in a lot of cases.
For scenario 2 there is no problem if you fulfill all pit stop and advanced 2 works.
In scenario 1 and 3, as discussed before the hidden option can be active before advanced 2. To
Avoid this problem we can choose a lot of laps for advanced 2 in scenario 1 (in this way he will never be activate, but I think that is not the right way) .
In scenario 3, you need advanced 2, so you cannot do anything.

In my opinion taking of the HIDDEN OPTION ( and I am sure that dev can do this, because it doesn’t work if advanced aren’t activated) is the first solution. In this way you are not obliged to full fill pit stop in scenario 2 and in this way we will never see 2 pit stop in 2 laps.
I have also to tell you that HIDDEN options works also if you have a strategy with W and I and water is at 0mm (this is way I always suggest to not put W on strategy, but use always advanced 1).

A second step could be change advanced 1:
Give the possibility to add a range for every tyre:
For example:
You can decide if putting I over 0 or 0,5 or 1mm
Putting wet over 3 or 3,5mm

Third step decide if you have to change tyre at imposed pit stop (pit stop only for fuel suggested but you) or in the right moment of the water condition change or after some laps (like advanced 2 now)

I hope that now you can understand me why I insist so many times about problem with advanced strategy

medal 5000
3 years 229 days ago

Should the Advanced setting show 3 options rather than the current 2? I only have option for how long it stops raining and one option of dampness for inters or wets; surely 1 option for inters and 1 options for wets would make sense?
medal 5917
3 years 228 days ago
Hi Lee! 
You are right. 
Till now, the third option is HIDDEN and you cannot choose it. You can only try to avoid it...;-)

I am agre with you that  advanced must be changed
medal 5021 Super Mod
3 years 228 days ago (Last edited by Gustavo Heiden 3 years 228 days ago)
Well, I always set the Advanced Strategy, but I've never qualified on inters and started the race on Softs (when rain stopped before the qualifying lap is done), as you describe be happening in offline races.

I can't really understand further your post, it's really confusing. Sorry.
I made an effort and I tried to understand what you were saying.

As for the three big scenarios, you are only writing them down (so no further comments are necessary)

As for the Hidden option, Why would you try to avoid pitting when track is 0.0mm wet? (I assume this is the HIDDEN OPTION you were saying)

For the "third" option you talked about, it could be a re-work on the second one. So don't choose "When rain stops for X laps you put tyre Y", but instead you choose "When rain stops and track is X mm wet, you put tyre Y".
medal 5917
3 years 227 days ago
1) i am sure that it can happen live: example.
There are 0.1mm of water before qualify and it is not raining.
So you decide to use strategy S S S S and I over 0mm.
Your driver made qualification with I (water is 0,1mm) (as you know qualification lasts in around  3 minutes) .
You go live 3 minutes before race ( I know that  i can entry as qualification are finished) and in these 4 minutes water reached 0mm. When you are live you will find surely S instead  of I.
It is usefull made a strategy  in this way , because in grid , you can choose again S or I. While if you have a strategy on I, YOU CANNOT chose S in grid. (It can be an advantage in some cases)

2) maybe , my post was too long and I wrote too early in the morning ;-)

3) because it is an option that can be often in conflict with Advanced 2 and it doesn't work well!
-it is in conflict every time in advanced 2 there is a dry tyre after some laps
-it is a problem every time you don't fullfill pit stop (but, how many player know this?).
In these cases it ruins strategy making 2 pit stop stops in 2 laps or oblige drivers to a pit stop near the end of the race because it oblige your car to stop early in the first pit stop.

I want take off the hidden option also because it works only when you activate advanced strategy: so, if you decide to not use advanced you can use I with 0mm for how many laps you want.

Yes, reworking Advance 2 , however  this is only my suggestion ( your suggestion  of "pit stop only for.fuel" could be already a big improvement)
medal 5021 Super Mod
3 years 227 days ago
In the grid, we are able to change tyres in the grid only when track is wet and we can have the dry tyre that we use as first stint, so that's the main reason I don't use wet tyres in my main strategy.
I was thinking your cars were changing to Soft when there was still water on track, but apparently you described it working as we should expect.

In the third paragraph, you comment about putting dry tyre in the second option of advanced strategy, but I think we should opt to use intermediate tyres in there: when rain stops for 1 or 2 laps change to inters). (That's only my personal opinion, but when developers decide to we-work the Advanced Strategy, they should make it more robust)

I'll ask this again, because it's important to me knowing: Why would you try to avoid pitting when track is 0.0mm wet?
medal 5917
3 years 226 days ago
Advanced strategy 1 permits you to decide at which level of water  you can chamge water.
If you put I over 0mm, your driver has  I if there is water on tracks
If you put I over 1mm, your driver put I,only if there least 1mm of water  under 1mm, driver has  tyres of BASIC strategy.
So it means that you have qualification  on I because there are 1,1mm of water, but start with S if there are 0,9mm.
Because advanced 1 works  perfectly has it was thought.

Adcanced 2:
Please check drivers Martini, Brown and Williams.  
They have I after 0 laps and watched what they do in the last lap when rain stops... 
Moretti saved his race because he has I after 1 lap.

This is.the big risk of advanced 2. I think that this problem could be avoided only.blocking advanced strategy in the last stint or with "pit stop only for fuel option"

The S in advanced 2 is an option of the game , so why I cannot use them?
In my opinion I have to try to.cover.the most possible risks during race, so, 
In the basic strategy with I , i think it is better put dry tyre, because i have already i and W in the other 2 options 

Honestly, for several time we prefer take it off putting an High number of laps, to avoid to have stops in the last laps.

1)because it is not written and 99% of players didn't know that there is and so how it works is unknown
2)because 99% of players think that advanced 2 has to solve it 
3)because it doesn't work without advanced strategy and when base strategy  is fulfilled of I tyre (but, 99% of players don't know why they have to fulfill pist stop for more laps than the race
4)because if you have a strategy with I (advanced 1 is w over 3) and if you have not fullfill stints , when water is at 0mm, your dirver will surely make 2 pit stop in 2 laps: example
Race 44 laps
11i 11i 11i 11i
W over 3mm
S after 50 laps (in this way it doesn't work)
Qualification with 3.1mm ,after rain stops.
Qualification on W and start race with I.
Rains arrive to 0mm at lap 12
Driver will do this:
11I 11I 11I 1I 10M (hidden option woks in this way)
Otherwise if you filfull stints
11i 11i 11i 11i 11i
Driver will do this:
11i 11i 11i 11i

And what about with an advanced 2 on I after 0 laps?
What do you think it happens?

With advanced 2 active with S (10 or 20 laps or other), there are an incredible number of possibilit that it went in conflict if hidden option became active before advanced 2
medal 5021 Super Mod
3 years 225 days ago
iGP simulator can't do much if you set 0 laps for the second Advanced Strategy option, so it'll follow your commands. That's why I came up with the "pit stop only for fuel option" idea - We seen to agree on that one :)
I'll try to remember that when the next update in AS comes.

I reckon I can ask developers now if the can do a quick patch and eliminate stints that aren't chosen from the race strategy.
(I've already done it)

By the way, I really enjoyed talking with you about this, it's always good when we can share ideas with someone that knows what is saying, even though we have a big Language Wall between us.
medal 5917
3 years 223 days ago
Thank tou Gustavo that we found an agreement; we have only to hope that developers add what you requested.

If you want, you can try to write me in your language, in this way, we have only one translator between us! ?

Anyway i noticed that there is update  about hidden pit stop. It means that with a strategy on I, Hidden option of advanced strategy  is avoided!?? 
Hidden option remains still active only if strategy is On dry, we will wait next update..?
medal 5441 CEO & CTO
3 years 221 days ago
I reckon I can ask developers now if the can do a quick patch and eliminate stints that aren't chosen from the race strategy.
(I've already done it)

medal 5699
3 years 212 days ago
Today we had an "almost crazy weather race", that is the worst  situations:
There is rain over 3mm, and it stopped before of 10 minutes of the race (today it stopped at 13:14 and race began at 13:30)
So, a lot of team has strategy on I , W over 3mm and S after X laps.
In this situation this happened:
Qualifications on I
Race on I 
It has never  stopped for putting S.

With the old situation, hidden option work and driver put M one lap after last pit stop with I. 

However , in both cases, advanced 2 doesn't work.

I think it is necessary another improving about advanced 2:
If it is not raining but race started with water on circuit, advanced 2 should work always if the car has I or W.

What do you think?

With your advanced strategy ( basic on S, W over 3mm and I after 1 lap), it worked in this way:
Qualification on S and race on S. It could be a good solution only if water arrived to 0 quickly
medal 5021 Super Mod
3 years 209 days ago
It's again the problem of having a wet tyre in the main strategy. 

It's hard to believe that the track was still wet when the race started. You was there, so you could tell me how was the water level in the first lap, couldn't you?

In that case (0.0mm wet), the advanced strategy was never used! It would be the same as setting Intermediates and have the AS disabled.
medal 5917
3 years 208 days ago
It's not so hard: in qualify  water was under 3mm, but at beginning there were 0.3 or 0.4mm of water. 
For this reason i think it should work.
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