John Doe medal 5000 3 years 160 days ago
Please check race of drivers Russel, Giovinazzi, Sainz and Grasso.
How to do you think they have strategy and advanced strategy?
Race started with 3.1 and reached 3.3mm. At laps 21 rains stopped.
Water level reached 0mm at lap 41.
The best solution was of my driver Byron, but as you can understand, I took a big risk! However what do you think i put advances strategy?

AGGiE x RSA medal 5000 3 years 160 days ago
Ummm, I don't if it is meant to work but, I have tried it out numerous times now. Long story short, I have been able to toggle the "Default Push Level" without enabling the "Advanced Options".
My questions are;
- Is it a bug or is it as intended? (I personally find it helpful, just in case I miss race start, to have the drivers set to low push since its easier to heat up tyres instead of cooling them)
- Does having a low Push level affect your qualifying pace?

Frank Thomas medal 4987 Moderator 3 years 160 days ago (Last edited by
Frank Thomas 3 years 160 days ago)
@Simone Villa
My guess for Giovinazzi is
17 I - 17 I - 17 I - 14 I - 14 SS Adv1 W @ 3mm Adv2 I @ 0 laps
Yours I'm lacking clues, best guess perhaps 18 S - 16 S - 16 S - 15 S - 9-11 SS and I @ 0mm and Adv2 I 50 laps

John Doe medal 5000 3 years 160 days ago (Last edited by
John Doe 3 years 160 days ago)
@frank Thomas
russel and Giovinazzi had basic strategy on dry tyre, w over 3mm and I after 1 or 0
However the disaster is for drivers that had basic strategy only on I and only on W like Sainz and Grasso. However in others situations, it happened that with their strategy , after reaching 0mm , drivers used twice tyre chose in advanced 2...
This part must be improved!
Congratulations! You are right for strategy and for advanced 1, but you are wrong with advanced 2 : I put I after 0laps! But it doesn’t work because I have already I! I was trying this!

Gustavo Heiden medal 5021 Super Mod 3 years 159 days ago
When it's over 3.0mm I think the advanced strategy work quite well, because you need to put Wets over 3mm and Inters if stops raining for 1 or 2 laps. Then they'll pit for dry when track is 0.0mm wet.
Now, if we need to start the race on Inters and change to Wets, we must use Inters on main strategy and Wets over 3mm. Therefore if it stops raining, we won't be able to put dry tyres when track is 0.0mm wet.
I'm writing this so it is clear to all players that read the thread. Advanced Strategy isn't able to deal with scenarios where all three types of tyres are needed.

Frank Thomas medal 4987 Moderator 3 years 159 days ago
Yes, the options to use 3 types are very limited, only in case rain stops and there limited to the 2nd advanced option if using Wets and/or preparing an extra stint coming only into play as the main ones are shortened due to the weather change.
@Simone Villa: Ah OK, as they used Wets I guessed they chose Inters in case it rains less and got lucky the scenario sort of worked out for an add-on/extra stint. Me thinking too complicated again.
Also didn't guess you test and rather thought you might play it safe not risking Adv2 to interfere. But good to have it confirmed it didn't stopped the car just to put the same tyre on again.

John Doe medal 5001 3 years 159 days ago
It could be a lot more easier if the game let us choose the ideal range for inter tyres (i.e. 0.7 to 2.5) and the threshold where your driver must change tyres (i.e. 0.4).
So if it starts raining you will continue on your strategy while the rain is below 1.1 (0.7+0.4), if the rain is 1.1 the car stop immediately regardless of your strategy BUT if the rain is below 1.1 then your car follows the strategy and during pit stop if the rain is 0.8 you will have inter tyres.
The same should apply to the inter/wet threshold.
This would make the advanced strategy easier and without unexpected behaviours.
Only 3 values: Inter threshold, Wet threshold, Risk threshold

Ieuan Brew medal 5000 3 years 143 days ago
This was really helpful thanks

Skid Solo medal 5417 3 years 81 days ago
Offline race in Turkey happening now.
Wet 1.9mm at start of race. Set strategy for Inters and Wets above 3.0mm, but I haven’t pitted.
A lot of managers also have this strategy and half pitted immediately when it got over 3.0mm the rest didn’t and didn’t change to wets until next pit stop. Any ideas why?

John Doe medal 5001 3 years 81 days ago
The algorythm looks bugged and many players are not happy about how it works. I wrote my suggestion few posts above. The game should trigger a check each time the rain level changes. I think that now you have to be lucky that the game checks your cars when it's raining.

Kevin Bissell medal 5144 Super Mod 3 years 80 days ago
Offline race in Turkey happening now.
Wet 1.9mm at start of race. Set strategy for Inters and Wets above 3.0mm, but I haven’t pitted.
A lot of managers also have this strategy and half pitted immediately when it got over 3.0mm the rest didn’t and didn’t change to wets until next pit stop. Any ideas why?
Discussing this with other experienced volunteers it seems that if you're already on Inters and set the AS to switch to Full Wets the car won't pit for the wets until the next
scheduled stop after the prescribed water depth is reached.
In your race today the water depth hit 3.0mm on lap 19. Cars that were on Inters with AS set for Full Wets at 3.0mm had wet tyres fitted at their next scheduled pit stop after this threshold was reached. For teams that were on a two stop strategy this occurred on laps 19, 20 and 21 but for you on three stop strategy it wasn't until lap 30.

Herbie Rides Again medal 4994 3 years 80 days ago
Offline race in Turkey happening now.
Wet 1.9mm at start of race. Set strategy for Inters and Wets above 3.0mm, but I haven’t pitted.
A lot of managers also have this strategy and half pitted immediately when it got over 3.0mm the rest didn’t and didn’t change to wets until next pit stop. Any ideas why?
Discussing this with other experienced volunteers it seems that if you're already on Inters and set the AS to switch to Full Wets the car won't pit for the wets until the next
scheduled stop after the prescribed water depth is reached.
In your race today the water depth hit 3.0mm on lap 19. Cars that were on Inters with AS set for Full Wets at 3.0mm had wet tyres fitted at their next scheduled pit stop after this threshold was reached. For teams that were on a two stop strategy this occurred on laps 19, 20 and 21 but for you on three stop strategy it wasn't until lap 30.
Yeah this was a real pain ? and surely must be a bug otherwise it makes AS a bit pointless

Kevin Bissell medal 5144 Super Mod 3 years 80 days ago
Actually it makes sense because if the cars pit as soon as the threshold is reached you will almost inevitably need to make an extra unplanned pit stop later in the race.
3.0 to 3.2 mm water depth is the crossover point between Inters and Wets. The water depth hit 3.0 mm on lap 19 but you remained on Inters until your next scheduled stop on lap 30 when the water level was only a little over 3.2mm. This probably cost you no more than half a second a lap, which over 11 laps is approx. 6 seconds.
If your cars had pitted on Lap 19 you would have been forced into making an extra pit stop, the time lost in Turkey is about 19 seconds.
So the way the AS worked gained you about 13 seconds.

Gustavo Heiden medal 5021 Super Mod 3 years 80 days ago
If this is the case: cars are only pitting to change tyres together with fuel strategy, We will need to change the Guide. Because it used to pit you the same lap track reached the desired water level.
I have a request for anyone from the community: Can you please post a race result and strategy used when the Advanced Strategy was applied for a dry-wet or wet-dry scenario?

John Doe medal 5000 3 years 78 days ago
Strategy on I.
Advanced 1 : w over 3mm
Advanced 2: I after 0 laps.
Race start with 3.6mm and rains stopped during lap 34.
It works but...what a risk!?

Gustavo Heiden medal 5021 Super Mod 3 years 62 days ago
Late reply, but in this case it would be the same as setting I+I+I in a dry race. (because stopped raining before the race)

John Doe medal 5000 3 years 62 days ago
I know. But I think that it is something to improve. If rain stopped during qualify, advanced 2 should work, but it doesn’t.

Gustavo Heiden medal 5021 Super Mod 3 years 58 days ago
But you agree with me that it would only work in stint 1, because the MAIN strategy was to put Intermediate tyres.

Frank Thomas medal 4987 Moderator 3 years 48 days ago
Yes, if it still rains but water would drop below 3mm you'd qualify on Softs with that setup. The main problem might be that for the race start the goal of the game is to have the managers online. Still, I think the initial automatic choice for race start should be the same as used for Qualifying, both for consistency sake and to reflect that even today it's not a given that everybody is reliably able to connect and load into a race in those few minutes available to do so. But maybe easier said than done as that change requires the race to use two advanced strategy rule sets, one for initially setting up the cars and one for the actual race.

Simone Villa medal 5917 3 years 47 days ago
Now we have another crazy race...
Rains was 3.2mm but it stopped before qualify.
It arrivet at 0mm at lap 12 -13
Rains begins at laps 62
My driver Peterson used "hidden option". It works..but it was a disaster because rains arrived few minutes later...
I TYRE were vey fast for all the race that Peterson (with a lot of fuel) was first for a lot of time.
Please check drivers Bangarang and Bannock:
They have advanced 2 in this way: S after 4 and S after 3 laps.
They changed tyres according to advanced 2 but next stints was on I.... so advanced 2 work for them.
Check now Peterson , clyde and Hunt
Peterson had advanced 2 : S after 20 laps. It doens't work (in the last stint he made 2 pit stop because hidden option was active (his strategy was I I I I S )
Clyde had advanced 2: S after 14 lasp. It doesn't work.
Hunt had advanced 2: S after 10 laps. It doesn work.
What happened????