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Advanced Strategy in a nutshell

This topic has been closed by the moderator José Trujillo
md-lock This topic has been closed by the moderator José Trujillo
medal 5042 Super Mod
3 years 186 days ago
Oh, that's very weird then. But this scenario is one those which requires a complete revision of the AS rules, focusing the Offline leagues. I didn't have the opportunity to talk about that.
medal 5000
3 years 165 days ago
A new situation in live:
My friend made this strategy S I I .
W over 3mm
Rains stopped after qualification.
At beginning  he can change starting tyre Only between I and W. Is it correct? 
Till july  I am sure that it was possible choose tyre between W I and S (because  S was in basic strategy)

medal 5042 Super Mod
3 years 164 days ago
Weird, I have a question: what was the "if stops raining" tyre?
I'd expect to be able to have softs available to be chosen. In order to be certain that something is wrong, we'll need to see it happening again.
medal 5000
3 years 164 days ago
I after 0 laps
medal 5042 Super Mod
3 years 160 days ago
That's indeed very weird, we must watch if this behaviour repeats.
medal 5000
3 years 160 days ago
Ok, thanks!
medal 5000
3 years 155 days ago (Last edited by John Doe 3 years 154 days ago)
Hidden option still works....
Strategy 18 I 16 I 16 I 13  and an additional S
W over 3mm
S after 20laps
Rains stopped at laps 56.
My car put S at lap 57....

I continue to day that this kind of advanced must be changed!
Hidden option still works! Before than advanced 2..

In the same race:
Strategy only I. Put W over 3mm
Pur S after 5 laps.
First pit stop after 5 laps of first rain stop but suddenly it bagan to rain and he continue with S till further pit stop when it put I. 
At lap 56 he put S.... why????

Drivers Byron and Villeneuve
medal 5042 Super Mod
3 years 151 days ago
You said: "Strategy 18 I 16 I 16 I 13  and an additional S"
Does that mean that you have chosen 4 stints of Intermediate and one stint of Soft (but hiding it)?

I think you got very unlucky in this situation, because your pitstop was going to occur at lap 56, as it had stopped raining the AI put the main strategy tyre (which was Soft)

About Villeneuve second stint, you mentioned it stopped raining, didn't you?
So, when rain stopped, it did put the second AS tyre (which was soft) and it would have kept that until it reaches 0.0mm, but as it started raining again, it must wait until 3.0mm to change to wets (Advanced Strategy) or the next stint.

My review: once again the Advanced Strategy proved to not cover a race in which you need to put intermediate tyre AND wet full tyre.
medal 5000
3 years 151 days ago (Last edited by John Doe 3 years 151 days ago)
No, my strategy cover all the race with I. You can check the link of the report at the end and it is clear that last stint on I cannot be so short. 

The additional S was on purpose to check hidden option. 

I am agree with you that NOW additional stint with S is wrong.

However there were still 1.6mm of water when my driver put S... it doesn't happen  before in this way... before he was waiting 0mm before change..

Villeneuve:  the problem is the the first time rain stopped, he wait 5 laps for putting S (like advanced 2 was organized) but the second  time , he put S immediately (he had 1 lap less than my driver)... like he was the same strategy with finalmente S like me... but it wasn't 

This situation is worst than with my driver...
medal 4979 Moderator
3 years 151 days ago
Maybe the programmer didn't anticipate the 2nd advanced strategy to be called twice in a race and didn't put in a line resetting the variable counting down the laps back to setup value after being called the first time. So for the second, and any further, time rain stopped it's still at 0 and executed a stop immediately.

As for your driver putting S at 1.6mm water it could be the same reason as your rain stopped counter also started with first time rain stopping but not executing as it started raining again. So your stop to S might also be advanced 2 and not hidden suddenly at 1.6mm. But then, did it reach 0.0mm at all in the race?

medal 5000
3 years 151 days ago
1) an answer begun with "maybe" confirms that advanced startegy must be modifyed. Isn't it? 

2) no, i put 20 laps in advanced 2... it pasted more than 40 laps...

3) water never arrived at 0mm in that race
medal 5042 Super Mod
3 years 150 days ago
The additional S was on purpose to check hidden option.

If you deliberately change it, why iGP should change "back" to the tyres of 4th option. It doesn't make sense to me.

Strategy 18 I 16 I 16 I 13 and an additional S

I still don't understand why you put 13 laps on last stint, it would require a 5th stint even in normal conditions.

... before he was waiting 0mm before change..

When I mention it waits to put S in 0.0mm water is because the dry tyre is in the MAIN strategy.

ok, so Villeneuve did his "if stops raining" straight way in the last stint because the AI thought it would be the best option. The AI can't recognise it's a dry tyre in that option and therefore it should wait more laps.
medal 5000
3 years 150 days ago
If you deliberately change it, why iGP should change "back" to the tyres of 4th option. It doesn't make sense to me.

If i don't put S in the last stint , hidden option doesn't work. However, I was expecting that water reach 0mm and in this way, he will put S, but he decided to put S when there are 1.6mm not zero...

I still don't understand why you put 13 laps on last stint, it would require a 5th stint even in normal conditions.

18+16+16+13=63 and the race is for 63 laps... 5th stint is not necessary

When I mention it waits to put S in 0.0mm water is because the dry tyre is in the MAIN strategy.

I wanted put S when there are 0mm, not when there 1.6mm as it happened

ok, so Villeneuve did his "if stops raining" straight way in the last stint because the AI thought it would be the best option. The AI can't recognise it's a dry tyre in that option and therefore it should wait more laps.

But he didn't wait 5 laps the second time... maybe this is exception: the first time rains stop, he use advanced 2. Second time.. it decided by itself... however I think this something rare... but wrong in any case...

medal 5042 Super Mod
3 years 149 days ago
but he decided to put S when there are 1.6mm not zero...

Because it was also in the Advanced strategy (second option) and it wasn't raining in the last pit.

I wanted put S when there are 0mm, not when there 1.6mm as it happened

Then you have to put the dry tyre in the main strategy, or be lucky enough to use the second AS option.

Didn't Villeneuve pitted for fuel in last stint?
medal 5000
3 years 149 days ago
Because it was also in the Advanced strategy (second option) and it wasn't raining in the last pit.

In advanced 2 ,i put after 20 laps , not ZERO....

Then you have to put the dry tyre in the main strategy, or be lucky enough to use the second AS option.

I would be lucky to use hidden option... and put S at ZERO Mm instead of M

Didn't Villeneuve pitted for fuel in last stint?

No, not for fuel.  Eve if this possibility  is interesting but should  be avoided by last update of strategy: he has strategy only on I, so further stint should be like the last

medal 5000
3 years 148 days ago
Thanks! It really helped me out
medal 5000
3 years 147 days ago

Gustavo, please check this race and tell me what you think.
Rains stopped 11 minutes before the race.
Race started with 0.3mm of water.

medal 5042 Super Mod
3 years 141 days ago
I'd say that the cars which made 5 stops had their advanced strategy set for intermediate tyres (if stops raining). So when track reached 0mm they went to pit for dry tyre. That pit messed up with their strategies and therefore a last stint was required at the end.
medal 5000
3 years 139 days ago
Another situation not clear:

It was raining, but rains stopped before qualify.
Rossi has strategy with S.
I over 0mm
S after 0 lap

In grid there was 0.1mm of water. Please explain why he made qualify with S but in grid he had I before owner entried in live.

It looks that in this way, advanced 2 work! Is it possible???or ther be another reason?

Or do advanced 2 work only with 0 laps if it is not raining but there is water???

I am very confused  about working of advanced 2 ...
medal 5000
3 years 139 days ago
After a double check, we think that there were some bugs in the last race linked. Too much mistakes!
md-lock This topic has been closed by the moderator José Trujillo

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