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Wrong qualifying tyre

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medal 5001
1 year 160 days ago
Cosa hai provato a fare?
I set the strategy for my next race. One driver was on S while the other should have started on SS. This is the race:

Cosa è successo invece?
Both drivers qualified on S but on the grid the second driver has SS as expected.

Il problema si è verificato durante l'utilizzo di dati Wi-Fi, mobili o entrambi?

Il problema si è verificato nell'App, sul PC o in entrambi?

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it doesn't matter

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it doesn't matter

Quale sistema operativo ha il tuo PC?
it doesn't matter

In quale browser hai riscontrato il problema?
it doesn't matter

Può essere riprodotto il bug?
I don't know

Commenti addizionali:
The race is starting now while I'm posting here. The driver that qualified on the wrong tyres is P2 and he should overtake easily my other driver on P1. I'm witnessing this bug with my eyes.
medal 5000
1 year 160 days ago
Trying to see if I can't help you out here. Do you recall your preset strategies for each driver? I see where you've qualified both of them on Softs, and that one of them started on SS. That is indeed a bug/exploit but it could be due to you accidentally pressing it in live race prior to start, or there was a bug before the race started that defaulted that second place driver to SS.
medal 5001
1 year 160 days ago
The strategy was exactly the one seen during the race. The only error is the qualy tyre used for one of my drivers. I entered the race after seeing the qualification results and on the grid the tyres were correct. So it's a qualifying bug.
medal 5144 Super Mod
1 year 159 days ago
I think it's because you saved your strategy coincident with qualifying lockdown. It has been raised with the Devs on a number of occasions on the volunteer server. 
medal 5001
1 year 159 days ago
No, I saved my strategy hours before the race. And even if it would so why the soft tyres and not the default medium tyres?
medal 5144 Super Mod
1 year 159 days ago
No, I saved my strategy hours before the race. And even if it would so why the soft tyres and not the default medium tyres?

OK, in that case I will escalate this to the devs. Thanks for reporting.
medal 5001
1 year 154 days ago
I want to add two more pieces to this puzzle because I think the rain and advanced strategy were involved:

1) yesterday's race:

Both my drivers had exactly the same advanced strategy. One of them stops at lap 35, the other at lap 39.

2) my old post on this thread:

These are proofs that the advanced strategy does not work in the same manner for both drivers. Maybe is UI's fault? I don't know but the advanced strategy should not be different between drivers. If it rains, it rains in the same way for both drivers. One of them cannot stop sooner or later because they always see the same water level.

I hope this is solved in the next update or at least an official and deep explanation of how it works. There are many players asking for this.
medal 5000
1 year 153 days ago
I'm curious if it was to prevent a double stack or if they were on different tyre compounds prior to rain. Very odd that they're 4 entire laps apart with same advanced strat.
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