Михаил Пелихов medal 5000 1 year 95 days ago (Last edited by
José Trujillo 1 year 95 days ago)
Can you please add tire development???

Rhys James medal 5000 1 year 95 days ago
A couple more details here might help. How could it work- Would it be similar to engine development or would it be contained to a single season? Would you sign them for a full season with pre-set stats (similar a certain other online management game) or on a race-by race basis with variable bonuses like normal suppliers?

Dario P medal 5000 1 year 91 days ago
I like this idea, there's tons of things you can do around tyres.

JNS Uchiha medal 5000 1 year 91 days ago
It will be Pandora‘s Box ?
For sure what we are doing with engine can be converted to fuel and Tyres…..
Do I like it - yes!
Do I have enough tokens for it - defo not!
Do I get enough tokens from racing - not realy!
Do I have enough money to buy tokens - surely not!
Finally the idea is great and it could be same way as engines…..