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Help, can't report issues

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medal 5779
17 days ago
Earlier today I sent a report that our race was showing as in progress even though it doesn't start until 6pm.
Now that report seems to have vanished and today's race finished hours before it was due to start. 

League id 911. IGP WORLD SERIES 

Could do with getting the whole thing sorted before too many players leave. I'm seriously considering it and I run two leagues. 
medal 5073 SUPPORT AGENT
17 days ago
Hello Pete,

Yesterday's race was stuck until today. When posting the results it's not possible to run today as the system detects that a race has already taken place today.
medal 5144 Super Mod
17 days ago
Mods are trying to merge threads to make it easier for Devs / Support to resolve the issues. Your original post will not have been deleted but probably merges with people reporting similar issues.

I think it has been merged into this thread

Apologies for the confusion.
medal 5779
17 days ago
Would it be possible to get a rerun sorted please as nobody was able to access the race and the results were off kilter.
Would it also be possible to remove the last two races of the current season so that it ends on a Friday as it should. 
medal 5073 SUPPORT AGENT
17 days ago
Hello Pete,

I've scheduled a replay of yesterday's race as you requested. Regarding the last two races it's not possible...
medal 5779
17 days ago
OK, many thanks for your assistance  😀
medal 5073 SUPPORT AGENT
17 days ago
Hello Pete,

Thanks to you for your patience and cooperation.
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