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design rewards points

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medal 5000
8 years 111 days ago
Got awarded 88 design points after race but never got them.
medal 5079 Super Mod
8 years 111 days ago
You possibly did get them but they are auto allocated so it's not obvious. The only points you now get to allocate yourself are those from your Technology Centre. Check your total dp before and after the race.
medal 5419 CEO & CTO
8 years 111 days ago
What Kevin said, except he means the Design HQ, not the Technology HQ.

The points are now automatically assigned thanks to the latest update, details here:
medal 5000
8 years 111 days ago
Thanks kevin and jack dont read forums that much
medal 4992
8 years 110 days ago
Hi Jack, there is still something not totally right. I received the message "Scuderia Carne Morta has the most developed car but we are not far behind. We found 38 design points from research at this race. " today after our race.

Scuderia Carne Morta is me, so this means I have the most developed car but I am not far behind (myself?) and I gained design points from myself?
medal 5079 Super Mod
8 years 110 days ago
I got the same/similar message after the last race but I think when it talks about the most developed car it is basing this on total dp, whereas the extra points I gained were from other teams who were stronger than me in individual attributes.
medal 5419 CEO & CTO
8 years 110 days ago
Hi Jack, there is still something not totally right. I received the message "Scuderia Carne Morta has the most developed car but we are not far behind. We found 38 design points from research at this race. " today after our race.

Scuderia Carne Morta is me, so this means I have the most developed car but I am not far behind (myself?) and I gained design points from myself?

Yeah, that needs fixing. It's just a silly message. I will sort that out tomorrow, out of time tonight.
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