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Feedback on IOS App

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medal 5099
7 years 334 days ago
Nice! Graphics look great. Loads nicely.

2 issues:

1) Won't rotate to landscape view.

2) Timing section not working. As of March 25th

medal 5439 CEO & CTO
7 years 334 days ago
1) The mobile app is portrait, the tablet app is landscape. That's how it is set up, and there is a separate GUI designed for each platform. There would be no room for the desktop / tablet GUI on a phone screen, at least not with readable text, it's the best compromise.

2) We'll look into that.
medal 5000
7 years 333 days ago
Jack, when I try to spectate a race I get a window that says "Unity WebGL is not supported by mobile devices" I click "ignore" and just get a white screen. I have the latest IOS 10.2.1. I tried a soft reset, and a hard reset on the iphone, still have the same issue.
medal 5000
7 years 333 days ago
I was trying through the "Leagues" tab, choosing a league with a current start time, live race, and tried to connect through their league page. I then noticed the "Spectate" tab on the home screen, which is working. Sorry.
medal 5000
7 years 332 days ago
Hi Greybeard,

Are you trying to use an installed brower like Safari or did you download the iGP app from the appstore? Sounds like you are trying to use the built i browser rather than the app?
medal 5002
7 years 332 days ago
Jack, can't see fuel numbers / tyres numbers on previous race results on iPhone SE APP, you can see standings and practice stuff now that u have fixed it but the pic below shows that the numbers just as they start the space runs out. maybe there just isnt space but thought i'd point it out.

medal 5439 CEO & CTO
7 years 332 days ago
I was trying through the "Leagues" tab, choosing a league with a current start time, live race, and tried to connect through their league page. I then noticed the "Spectate" tab on the home screen, which is working. Sorry.

Thanks, this clarification helped me identify the bug. There was indeed a glitch with the league page live race button. It should be fixed within the apps now. It wouldn't have impacted web at all.
medal 5000
7 years 332 days ago
Jack, during a live race, on the iphone the chat is white letters on a slightly less white background, very hard to read. On an Ipad the chat is good, except there is no word wrap, so anything more than about 6 words disappears on the right side of the chat overlay.
On the Iphone, there is no way to stop the race from tracking a single driver, and there is no scaling to show more of the track at once. There is the same scaling problem on the Ipad(I am using am Ipad2) where the track disappears on both sides and the bottom of the screen.
medal 5000
7 years 307 days ago
Hi Jack, The newest update fixed all the issues I had noted. It is loading quickly, and consistently. Great work from you and the Development team!
medal 5439 CEO & CTO
7 years 307 days ago
Hi Ray, there is one issue with timing on iOS, we are working on a fix to be released next week. Other than that, most things should be fairly stable now.

All those obvious things like the chat colours were fixed with the update, yeah.
medal 5003
7 years 306 days ago
Does the update fix the timing board showing the wrong tyres on cars after changing compound in pit stops, I can't tell if still happens obviously with the broken timing but was a bug for sure even after last update, I put a screenshot on another thread.
medal 5000
7 years 306 days ago
No Enzo, not now. Now the timing does not appear, not even the tires used. On IOS it's impossible to see the races for this problem, hopefully they will fix it soon :)
medal 5003
7 years 306 days ago
yeah i no the timing board doesn't work, i mean a different problem with it before it completely died.
where once someone changed tyres it didn't update the timing board so if someone started on supersofts then changed to softs the timing board still showed supersofts or wets to inters still showed wets which was awkward trying to work out what tyres people were on around you. see below
medal 5439 CEO & CTO
7 years 306 days ago
Does the update fix the timing board showing the wrong tyres on cars after changing compound in pit stops, I can't tell if still happens obviously with the broken timing but was a bug for sure even after last update, I put a screenshot on another thread.

Yes, this is fixed in the update on all platforms. It might not be available until next week but we are trying to get it submitted to the app stores over the weekend.
medal 5000
7 years 306 days ago
Thanks Jack!!!!
medal 5003
7 years 306 days ago
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