first of all sorry for my english. I'm italian.
I don't understand very well some things of the game.
1) tyres: last race i had medium tyres at 50% and time lap was 1:39:900. At the end of the race, last lap with the same medium tyres but at 22% life the time lap was 1:37:500. How it is possible??? there weren't any car in front of me in both case. I did 2/3 laps at 1:39,900
2) Why my opponent turn 2/2.5 seconds faster than me? he had medium tyres with 7/8 laps accumulated and i did a pit stop, so i had new medium tyres. he was 0.5 second faster than me. Then when he went to change tyres, so i was accumulated 6/7 laps on the medium tyres and he had new medium tyres, he was 2/2.5 seconds faster than me.
Here a screen of research. (i'm Ferrari)

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Thanks in advance