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Moving country

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medal 5441 CEO & CTO
7 years 248 days ago
Next week I'm moving country again with my family and will be extremely busy with the move for the next 3-4 weeks. Once we've settled in, some normality should resume in terms of my activity with iGP. Until then, obviously, my hands will be tied and there's no way I can provide the typical level of responsiveness or communication while moving everything to another country.

It was as I was going through forum threads tonight and saw call after call for me to personally look in to threads and situations in detail that I realised I should announce this now. It's simply not going to be possible for me to look in to all of these individual requests at this time. Many will probably not get the attention they need until they are over (like things regarding specific seasons). To avoid any confusion or theories emerging about tardy replies (or no reply) to certain things, I figured best to announce this now and make it clear what is going on. Thanks for your understanding. :)
medal 5000
7 years 247 days ago
Best of luck Jack!

Moving house is hard enough, moving country... ha!
medal 5000
7 years 247 days ago
Moving Country .... :o
All the best for ur new country and stay over there.
Have a nice tym Jack
medal 5000
7 years 247 days ago
Good jack!
medal 5000
7 years 247 days ago
Good luck Jack.I hope you have a nice neighbourhood there.And also good internet connection too
medal 5000
7 years 246 days ago
Good Luck on the move Jack, hope its not North Korea :p
medal 5105
7 years 246 days ago
Good luck Jack.

Perhaps over a longer period you could appoint a forum caretaker? Somebody who can look at every forum post and note down the ones needing actions, reponse or consideration. Then write a 'report' for your return. They could simply write a response stating that they will make you aware of it.

This might even be good for the long term if you find the forum is getting too busy??
medal 5000
7 years 237 days ago
Good :)
medal 5441 CEO & CTO
7 years 226 days ago
Hello everyone! As I mentioned briefly in another thread, I am partially set up at my new place now. I had hoped to be fully back in to things this week, but it turns out moving country isn't something you can just do in a week and forget about! There's a myriad of things from phone contracts to licenses and taxes and even insurance policies to set up along the way that make things a lot more time consuming.

So, at the moment there are still a few pieces to go in to place (mainly furniture for the house). By next week things should be back to normal. I am doing what I can when I get time at the moment to help with any serious issues, but smaller stuff will need to wait a bit longer. Thanks for your patience.

You'll be pleased to hear that work on the updates continues even in my absence, but they too are taking a little longer than anticipated. The updates will be ready soon.
medal 5000
7 years 226 days ago
Nice to hear you settling down gradually. Wish u with ur sweet family get settled perfectly in new place and new country. All the best Jack
medal 5000
7 years 224 days ago
Glad to hear that everything is going fine :)
medal 5000
7 years 224 days ago
Yes sir
medal 5441 CEO & CTO
7 years 221 days ago
Well, an update on the situation... it's not so fine after all. Since we moved we discovered quite significant mould and damp in a couple of closets and the loft, which is dangerous for the baby in particular. We've been hassling the agents and landlord about it but they don't seem willing to properly remove it and decontaminate the place, so we've been able to quickly get released from the contract and will be moving again after less than two weeks here!

We will be moving locally this time, not to another country, and can take all of our stuff with us. It does mean I'm searching for properties again though and will be doing viewings all week. It's very disruptive to work and iGP, but I will do what I can from my makeshift office between searching. I think this will go quite quickly and within 2-4 weeks we should be in a new place. The problem with this first move was we didn't even get to view the place beforehand, being in Norway at the time. There won't be a repeat of that this time.
medal 5000
7 years 221 days ago
Sorry to hear that Jack... Best of luck sir
medal 5000
7 years 221 days ago
That sound awful. People responsible for this should be ashamed...
Jack, wish you luck in finding your perfect place to live and better landlord.
medal 5441 CEO & CTO
7 years 201 days ago
An update for everyone: We're moving into our new home in 2 days. This will take me out of action for a few days while we move everything across, but it will be much faster than the previous move. I've arranged most things already. Thanks for your patience in this time which has been difficult for my family. I can't wait to get back into a routine and delivering updates to iGP.
medal 5000
7 years 201 days ago
Dont worry about it Jack. You're already doing a great job. Family comes first after all. I'm sure everyone here understands this and supports you
medal 5105
7 years 201 days ago
Exciting times Jack, take care during the move and hope it all goes well!
medal 5441 CEO & CTO
7 years 198 days ago (edited 7 years 198 days ago)
New office partially set up... with superfast broadband.

Jokes aside, I should be back in the swing of things by Monday.
medal 5000
7 years 198 days ago
Ping is decent...
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