Frank Thomas medal 4997 Moderator 7 years 52 days ago (edited 7 years 52 days ago)
Theory: It actually might be a trend thing. The problem is that if most cars on similar, tried and tested, strategies are taking advantage of DRS train(s) and perhaps this often were super soft/soft strategies during autumn and winter, it meant that hard strategies had to be either still be able to stay at the back and pulled by the train or the strategy has to be really good to work out going on their own. So trend often beats the tyres actual performance. But once using hards became an adopted trend, especially with the help of rising temperatures in summer, it turned the opposite and the shortcomings of super soft and soft became apparent. Unlike hards they lack the performance and usually can't beat, or at least stay on equal ground with, the trending strategy.
The performance of any of the tyres haven't been touched since open beta (ended in Aug. 2016). I think the last tyre to receive a performance balance were the Meds, and I think they were slowed down a bit, but I can't remember as it was so long ago.
Yes, some old players mentioned that Meds were nerfed taking them from being too powerfull to about useless.