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medal 5000
7 years 44 days ago
So how about the drivers' stamina or doctors?Stamina also plays a role and also weight ofc in the drivers' races as when you lose more health yiu will lap slower than before.
medal 5000
7 years 42 days ago
sorry, it's not a problem to win or lose....i'm talking about performance of Hard tyres. For me it's impossible that H is the best tyres with only 10°C. Try to put hard tyres in a F1 car with 10°C....
medal 5000
7 years 42 days ago
best in hot condition.....10°C is hot??????
medal 5000
7 years 42 days ago
And on top of 2.4 section of help section,it clearly stated the compounds are not restricted in any way.Thw Hard,though is still it is in 10°C,comes with a disadvantage,higher PL5 means more engine wear so tho it is effective in short runs,,engine wear comes into play and destroys 'em in the long runs
medal 5000
7 years 42 days ago
on top of 2.4 in help section says that you can use every type without restriction.....but with a little bit of logical....hard tyres couldn't work with 10°C.....sure you can put it i your car....but there will be cool and couldn't be able to wort....not that they work better than soft or supersoft....i's simply unrealistic.
medal 5000
7 years 42 days ago
Because why should the game have to be realistic in every new players' mind?The game is not a simulator for F1.There are no 2 compound rules,no 3-bullcrap engine-rule.It is only a casual arcade game which is only for the purpose of having fun.Why do you need to bring the whole unrealistic thing in when the players 'want to have fun'.
medal 5000
7 years 41 days ago
1) if it isn't a F1 simulator why put a F1 car picture?

2) why there are 4 type of tyres if with H you can go with 0°C or 60°C?
SS: speed 100% - Durability 25% - cold condition
S: Speed 75% - Durability 50% - cool condition
M: speed 50% - Durability 75% - warm condition
H: Speed 25% - Durability 100% - hot condition
10°C is hot?
so not f1 tell me why with 10°C (cold/cool condition) Hard tyres run faster then Soft...

3)In the yesterday race, a player has make a test....he does 3 stints with same fuel. strategy S-S-H. in the section from 21° to 24° lap with soft and section from 35° to 38° drs, no kers, same fuel, driver more tyred with hard, engine more used with hard ...these are the times:

21°: 1:35:690
22°: 1:35:482
23°: 1:35:601
24°: 1:36:331

35°: 1:35:066 (-0.600)
36°: 1:35:180 (-0.300)
37°: 1.35:288 (-0.300)
38°: 1:35:523 (-0.800)

you can check...the driver is graceffa 5th in european gp yesterday in my league.

not being F1 simulators does not mean that everything is worth it .... there are still rules and objective data to be respected according to me ...

medal 5000
7 years 41 days ago
1)That's not an f1 car
2)Earlier you said that the more you run into the race the cleaner the track will be equals faster lap times and there's a 14 laps gap from Soft to Hard.Honestly,it doesn't matter how high your reputation is,it is just a visualization screen to show to people.The main thing is if you don't want Hard tires to be used,ban it from your league,no one is stopping you.You are not helping anyone and it is not something new.Hard is turning into the new Medium 2.0 and sooner or later SS and S will follow the same path.If you want to respect some data keep it in your league then do it.But you can't force them to follow your data,your rules.People are different to each other and you can't stop them from doing things they think are right
medal 5000
7 years 41 days ago
1) no, it's a gokart car sure.....sorry
2) i said also that driver stamina and engine will not the same....there are also 14 laps gap in this......i won't to help noboby....i ask question...but i no found any real answer....if it's a problem to ask...ok sorry to have used the forum....
for reputation, i didn't say that i'm the best was only to see that i have some experience in the game...

so ok...all it's normal...sorry for the can close it
thanks all
medal 5000
7 years 41 days ago
1)You're being sarcastic.It's a fusion between an F1 car and a formula renault car.But even if it is an F1 car it doesn't mean the game is an F1 sim
2)Reputation means your results against opponents and finishing position.It doesn't mean skit to experience.This is why you always see lvl 19 with only 9.3k reputation and some with 10k reputation,they can have the same experience but they can have different race results with different players with lower or higher lvl
medal 5000
7 years 40 days ago
I know what is reputation....
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