It is the same like other Online-Games last 20 Years! Every Player with a "normal" real life will stop to play. Why?
Because the developers are not able to give the people with less time the possiblity to play the game.
Thousends of Games are dead today, because of this fact!
It is so simple:
A replay of the live-race would help to analyse the race and would be a real motivation for playing without time for LIVE.
Without a push-level per turn is the same player without chance. I saw the posts on this topic, but I saw not one reasonable counter-argument.
Sorry, I am not a kid! I have to work and I have no motivation to change my life for a Game. iGP is a really cool Game, but I have not the time to be online every race.
There is no argument against this post, except he offline player should be banned!
Please, make a change in your philosophy!