Grzegorz Felski medal 5000 7 years 12 days ago
Like in the title... all tabs are working except for second --> next race. Can't setup car, tactics etc...

Paweł S medal 5000 7 years 12 days ago
I have a problem with entering the next race tab, so I can not make the race settings. It also happens to other people in my league.

John Gramy medal 5000 7 years 12 days ago
Brak możliwości wejścia w zakładkę "następny wyścig" i ustawienie samochodów na wyścig.

Mariusz R. medal 5000 7 years 12 days ago
Today I was not able to join training and car setting. I lost the today’s race ! I fight for 1st place so it is a big problem. There is at least 10 another players with same problem. Our race is at 7.00 pm and is completly lost for us.

Tomasz Peczulis medal 5000 7 years 12 days ago
I have same problem, and also on app it's not working.

Aleksander Garbo medal 5000 7 years 12 days ago
We(in my league) have the same problem too

Cezary Cezary medal 5000 7 years 12 days ago
i've got the same problem. Please do something with that !

Colin Chapman medal 5000 7 years 12 days ago
Any chance fix this before race toonight?

Krzysztof Draniak medal 5000 7 years 12 days ago
W Naszej lidze to samo, dacie jakieś zwrotne info czy coś z tym robicie ??

Sebastian Śniegowski medal 5000 7 years 12 days ago
potwierdzam!!!! brak możliwości grania

Michał Ćwiek medal 5000 7 years 12 days ago
I see, that only Poles write about this problem. It means, that in other countries player don't have this problem. It's weird.

Verth Veriel medal 5000 7 years 12 days ago (edited 7 years 11 days ago)
I have one of the best car and drivers in the league, very probably I should take place 1-4, but I away from 10 place coz of your bugs, and I'm not league leader now. Everything coz some people do changes before game crushed and they had unfair advantages. Thank you :( Pls give me back money, because I don't fell sponsor's requirements or better cancel this race and let us drive it again....

Rui Cabral medal 5000 7 years 11 days ago
I'm portuguese and I got this problem too

kamil kog medal 5000 7 years 11 days ago
do You think about canceling today's races?