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Lost Engines

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medal 5000
6 years 296 days ago
I purchased extra engines so I could supply both drivers each race. However, when my engine restock came from the manufacturer, it reset to 20, ignoring the excess stock I had bought to get me through the season.

I understand you don't want people deliberately saving supplier stock from one season to the next, but engines bought outside of the stock deal shouldn't be lost.
medal 5000
6 years 296 days ago (edited 6 years 296 days ago)
I moved this thread from the bug forum as it is not a bug.
You can only have a max of 20 engines
Yunus will be able to help you out when he has a chance.
medal 5088
6 years 295 days ago
The maximum number of engines permitted is 255.

The engine supplier does not provide 20 engines, they will add enough engines to set your stock to 20 engines if it is less than that.

If you have 16 engines, they will add 4 more during the re-supply.

If you have 20+ engines, you will not get more from the supplier.
medal 5000
6 years 282 days ago
Surely that should come with a warning when purchasing engines. The game is knowingly taking cash for engines it knows will be wasted.
medal 5088
6 years 281 days ago

Surely that should come with a warning when purchasing engines. The game is knowingly taking cash for engines it knows will be wasted.

This information is available in the Help guide in-game, in section 2.3 titled Engines.
medal 5000
6 years 280 days ago (edited 6 years 280 days ago)
Lol I remember having a moment similar to this: I still think the game should have an independent "engines bought" area or maybe once the the game restocks your engines, the amount of engines you have bought is kept so it would look like 20+2 (where 2 is the amount of engines bought)... in the end you would have 22 engines and the bought engines will be used up before the game given ones

Also considering how the game works, isn't it a complete waste to even let players buy more than 40 engines since you can only use 40 engines in 20 races anyway?
medal 5088
6 years 280 days ago

Also considering how the game works, isn't it a complete waste to even let players buy more than 40 engines since you can only use 40 engines in 20 races anyway?

Who are we to stop somebody having 255 engines? :)
medal 5000
6 years 273 days ago
I didn't recieve new engines. Need help to get them. Is there any opportunity to get them?
medal 5088
6 years 269 days ago

I didn't recieve new engines. Need help to get them. Is there any opportunity to get them?

Hi Stefan, you have 11 races before you can get new engines. How often do you replace engines?
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