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New Design Balancing system when changing leagues

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medal 5237 CEO & CTO
6 years 249 days ago (edited 6 years 249 days ago)
We want to make it easy for players to move freely between leagues and to escape inactive leagues. In our recent thread about removing inactive managers some good suggestions were given. We've implemented a variation of these which I believe makes switching leagues easy in a balanced and fair way.

This is not a light read! Here are the details:

  • When you change leagues, your designs are now completely re-generated according to the state of the new league, using your current (active) Chief Designer.

  • If the new league is in the first race of its first season, designs will be totally reset, as if you were just starting a new account. Because this will be the same for everyone in the league, nobody is disadvantaged.

  • If the new league is in a season greater than 1, then your designs will be scaled to the progress of the season. For example, if the season is in race 10, then you get "10 races of design progress", and if it's in race 16 then you get 16 races of design progress. This is applied to both the current and next season design, matching all progress to the league.

  • The exception to the above point is if you join a league in a season greater than 1 while it is between seasons. Then you get a full 17 races of design progress, as if you had been present in the league for the full previous season, while your next season designs are completely reset and must be built from scratch (the same as everyone else in the league).

  • Design Points are also given when changing leagues, scaled to the season progress. 1 per race in Rookie, 2 per race in Pro and 3 per race in Elite. E.g. if you join the Elite tier in race 14 of the season, you'll also get 42 Design Points to spend on your car, in addition to the base design created by your active Chief Designer.

The end result is no exploits can be made on designs by league hopping. All teams, whether joining or already in a league, get a fair outcome and should be relatively competitive. The effort put in to building a team is still respected, as the HQ and CD influence the values generated. Those who have managed these well will get better designs than those who have not.

Lastly, a note for the experienced players:
For those familiar with how "next season designs" were generated previously, this algorithm is what is used to determine the new design levels. Each increment for the number of races is what would previously have been a single race worth of progress on a next season design.

medal 5084 Super Mod
6 years 249 days ago
No more second season design boost. That is very welcome news, thank you Jack and the rest of the development team.
medal 5381 Community Manager
6 years 249 days ago
This is a clear demonstration that yes, we listen to your proposals.  A big change that will greatly facilitate the change of leagues.  Empowering the most active and attractive and leaving the inactive abandoned.
medal 5000
6 years 249 days ago
This is great news! Thanks to Kevin for bringing this to the devs’ attention, and thanks to the devs for fixing it! I’d forgotten that this problem existed.
medal 4996
6 years 248 days ago
Nice!!!! This is great news!
medal 5001
6 years 248 days ago
(in Elite) So if you leave a league at end of season and join a different league ready for the first race of season and you have a 5 star designer with strength of Braking and weakness of cooling what will your car be?

if u had 17 races development like a normal season it would be this for first race:
Rest at 43

Will it be like that or if not, how different to that would it be to that?
medal 5237 CEO & CTO
6 years 248 days ago
Hi Gary, that's exactly how it will be in the new league. :)

It's a little less optimal than if you'd been cleverly optimising the design all season but it's good enough to be about where you should be.
medal 5000
6 years 248 days ago
How will this work for who promotes to Elite? These guys had disadvantges too.
medal 5001
6 years 248 days ago
Cool sounds good to me :)
medal 5237 CEO & CTO
6 years 248 days ago (edited 6 years 248 days ago)
How will this work for who promotes to Elite? These guys had disadvantges too.

Thanks for bringing this to my attention. We also discovered this issue yesterday during tests and so this morning I've implemented a new solution to scaling designs in promotion and relegation. There was already an older solution in place, but it wasn't as effective as this new method.

From now on, during promotion or relegation, your next season design will be scaled using this formula (which I've simplified here for clarity):

nextSeasonDesign * (newTierDesignMax / oldTierDesignMax)
E.g. Using the current design caps of 50 in Rookie, 80 in Pro and 100 in Elite, then promoting from Rookie to Pro your designs will be multipled by 1.6, giving them a 60% boost. Relegating from Elite to Pro your designs would be multipled by 0.8, reducing them by 20%.

This will mean if you had achieved the maximum design progress in Rookie, it will be converted to the same promoting to Pro. If you had achieved the maximum progress in Elite then it will be reduced to the equivalent of that in Pro during relegation.

Some may feel this gives people promoting too competitive of a design, but if you think about the new system, they could leave and re-join the league to get a comparable design, so it makes the most sense to scale it directly to the new tier level. Throughout the season the HQ and driver levels will still make a difference, but at least the starting designs will be balanced from now on.
medal 5084 Super Mod
6 years 248 days ago
It gets better and better. This measure should put an end to the promote/relegate/promote cycle that some managers experience in well populated and active leagues. Up until now if you promoted you started the next season with a huge disadvantage in design making it more likely you would be relegated again at the end of the season. 
Now if you're good enough you get to stay in the higher tier.
medal 5000
6 years 248 days ago
hi guys...I'm writing to you about this...In the pro level championship we are about to start there is a 12 level team which is the best team in six areas of the eight of the car's design with more than 50 points. I don't see his points but i have only 1 aerea with 40 points and I have a some distance...I am a 11 level almost 12 how is possible that his initial car have all these extra points? Is there an explanation? In the last season I had 3 cd e 3 dt always to the top of the stars. Thanks for the answer. 
medal 5237 CEO & CTO
6 years 248 days ago
Hi Stefano, it looks like they have utilised the old "exploit" to get designs maxed out with 50 on all attributes. They competed in an Elite league for 13 days, changed leagues (joining Elite in your league) and then got relegated yesterday evening (before the new scaling was implemented). This, under the old system, means they were able to develop the designs to the maximum possible values for Elite.

This is a perfect example of exactly what the new system has been set up to prevent, and what Kevin was bringing our attention to. This will not be possible going forward, any guys you see doing this now will be the last guys in the game doing this.
medal 5084 Super Mod
6 years 248 days ago
If this manager is in agreement then leaving and re-joining the league before Australia should reset their car to a normal design. If they won't agree to it be prepared for a season of frustration.
medal 5000
6 years 243 days ago
3 points per race in elite is a bit weak. Or I don't understand it correctly. What about with those development points which I got from race to race currently in my leauge. With level 14 desiner and technican I usually got 10-12 points in average.

On the other hand there is one more issue which is not clear. What counts more in case of desiner and technician the level of the stuff - which is counted with the stars (level 15 equal with 4,5 stars, but level 14 also equal with 4,5 stars) or there 3 main attributes - talent, experince, mood.
As I can see a technican lvl15 with 19 talen, 20 experince and 19 mood does not better than a technican with level14 and 15 talen, 20 experience and 15 mood. this is also valid for the desiner. Can someone explain how is it possible?
medal 5000
6 years 243 days ago (edited 6 years 243 days ago)
Is the below justified as per new balancing system
#1 before joining league after 4 race

#2 after joining the league 9 races(Will be attending 10th race)

Pls note I didn't left the league but asked host to kick me out from non performing league as lost huge repo (also penalized for it)
Also I think system considering the current CD weakness for assigning dp if I hop with reliability weakness of driver it might had been different.
(Took CD on loan paid hefty 9 coins to check now @Aayansh also need to pay to get back his CD)
medal 5084 Super Mod
6 years 242 days ago (edited 6 years 242 days ago)
TBH guys I don't really see a problem.
Joining 9 races into a season and expecting to have a car capable of taking championship points away from managers who have been competing for the championship since race 1 is only going to cause resentment from the established teams.
The easy solution is to contact the host of the league you want to join and then wait until the break between seasons to join your new league. This way you will join with a car with full 17 race development and be on par with all of the other teams in the league immediately. You will also not lose rep whilst waiting to join your new league.
Jack set out the rules very clearly at the top of this thread so it's not like it should be a surprise.
medal 5000
6 years 242 days ago

TBH guys I don't really see a problem.
Joining 9 races into a season and expecting to have a car capable of taking championship points away from managers who have been competing for the championship since race 1 is only going to cause resentment from the established teams.
The easy solution is to contact the host of the league you want to join and then wait until the break between seasons to join your new league. This way you will join with a car with full 17 race development and be on par with all of the other teams in the league immediately. You will also not lose rep whilst waiting to join your new league.
Jack set out the rules very clearly at the top of this thread so it's not like it should be a surprise.

Ok thanks

medal 5000
6 years 232 days ago
All of this sounds great but at the end why do I feel robbed?!
I had relatevely good designed car and now I got some design points at 1 (read one) after changing league while level cap is 80! 
You must be kiding me.
I definetly feel cheeted and how can I be competitive after all.
I am sooo disapointed with this.
medal 5000
6 years 232 days ago
Hi Jack

Just wanted to say a big thank you to you and your development team for the quick work you have done implementing these changes. 
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