Our apologies for the unscheduled interruption to service. It has been caused by maintenance and was not intended to cause this much disruption. When it was initiated it was believed that it would cause no more than a minute or two of interruption, but due to unexpected high demand for the service at the time coinciding with the maintenance it essentially overloaded and turned into a full-blown outage. Something we hoped would be discreet in the end turned out not to be at all. For your peace of mind - the maintenance is over now and was successful.
Want your race re-run?
If your race was adversely affected by this outage, please get your league host to request a re-run in the race re-run thread:
What maintenance were we performing and why?
We were working to fix the issues some users have been having with their timezone not matching up and this causing them to be misled about when their race would start. The one positive to come from this is that the interruption was caused by a fix going in for that. Now we're back online, the new timezone code is in place.