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Is honesty insignificant?

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medal 5000
6 years 133 days ago
A season of 17 races. Honest players are getting 17 races online. Those who do not have time make installation at least. But a group of tricks, online for days, does not install tools, does not adjust, does not add points from their facilities at the end of each race to their vehicles and thus collects very high research points. A few games before the end of the season to enter the game and install their own design score tools, immediately do the degree, the first 3 to enter the podium, and every day, the players who compete more than the points. Every day for 17 days, they enter the game and distribute their points by calling the Elite or the Pro people who are trying to stay in the league in just two or three races and they call it the strategy of cheat. @JackBasford didn't do this game, so people wouldn't win. Some moderators and managers say this is strategy. The trick is not a strategy. Are there any teams in F1 who have completed the season in the top five by collecting points from the competition and participating in the last three races? No! F1 manager simulation Why is this in iGP Manager? During the 17 races you are punishing people who enter the game every day and are honest and distribute their points. You are rewarding for those who do not enter the game and do not distribute their points. We have been online for 17 races and we make igp manager an active game, but we face a method like punishment. The managers of the game should not be on the side of those who do not enter the game and who do not distribute their points. The boss of this game wants you to support those who don't? Not participating in races and distributing design points to vehicles is not a strategy. The tricks of the game that exploit a gap are the trick of people. I have written a suggestion on this forum. I don't speak English, I wrote this with Google translate. Someone who knows English and Turkish, should do this for you. If you call it a strategy, we will stop the game in the 17th race. We will enter the game only in the last two or three races in 17 races like other cheaters, and then the number of active players in this game is reduced. Think well, decide well. Are you going to be with honest people, or are you going to play the game three or five times in 30 days, or the ones who cheat without having to break the points? Now it will be clear how important honesty is.
medal 5088
6 years 133 days ago
I don't know what you are trying to suggest, but perhaps you should write it in your native language so one of our translators can help us read your suggestion.
medal 5000
6 years 133 days ago (edited 6 years 133 days ago)
I think...
He is saying
Some (inactive) people do not upgrade their car with developmentpoints after each race, but instead let them stack up.
(I didnt know u could let them stack up)
Then at the end of the season (last 3 races) they suddenly become active, use all the stacked dp at once to upgrade the car, 
And then go on to race actively and receive enough points in the last 3 races to finish 5th in the seasonstandings.

(And then a lot of stuff about honesty throughout the text which is just anger venting imo.)
(If this stacking of the dp is possible) he says they will all stop racing the season and only race the last 3 races of the season...
(But i think that part is more opinion or idle threat)
medal 4985 Moderator
6 years 133 days ago
Yes, you can do that. The design points are only wiped at seasons end, during the season you can let them stack up which also increases your research output as your car is lagging further behind. Usually this isn't much of a problem because during the races your design lags behind you face a harder time competing and thus it's hard to make up for all those races during the few races you have that advantage (as everyone else now profits from bonus research from you). Also usually you can only use this early into the season as in most leagues with somewhat higher level players the cars start to hit the design caps somewhere mid season.

However Kayhan has a point. In leagues where quite a few lower level players struggle to gain points and gaining one or two points, or even just a single better result, make all the difference to avoid relegation, then saving up, maximising research and finally using all those collected points at the very latest possible race (aka the one that player would just about hit the cap in all of the big4) can make all the difference as for a short moment such a player could manage having the best, or at least a relatively competitive to the best of the players in the league, car for 1-3 races.

Maybe let players loose some, like 10%, of unspent points after every race. So you can save up for a few races, especially if you have a bad car after joining a new league after the first race, but in any other case you already start after very few races to loose more points than you could gain additional points through research, putting a stop in trying to get too much of an advantage. Could be even explained that it gets harder to go on developing the car further if you don't use and test your previous developments.

The other possibility would be the suggestion of making alternative points schemes possible, so league could use one which allows even the less good teams to fight for points regularly and thus make every race count for them as well.

medal 5000
6 years 133 days ago (edited 6 years 133 days ago)
Thanks Frank Thomas...
I have written a suggestion to Turkish Forum. Please do the translation of this link with the interpreter.
medal 5000
6 years 129 days ago
Put in a cut off point in the season, if you havent allocated points by then they are lost.
Or just take any outstanding points away each race, so if you havent allocated them before your next race they are lost
medal 5000
6 years 128 days ago
I'm not sure that's the way to go, what if someone can't get online or has an accident or something, it seems a little unfair that they would lose their development points. It's happened to me when my band rehearsals run over and I can't get home before the 10 minute cut-off point. 
I agree that it's wrong to save up your development points but I'm afraid I don't have the answer. 
medal 5000
6 years 128 days ago
Paul the answer is already set up in our League, 10 day offline cut off if you haven't given a reason to the management team. other than that, there is nothing we can do
medal 5000
6 years 128 days ago
But its not an offline thing, ppl log in but dont spend the points in development till near the end of the season.

I think itndoes need to be stopped or its not really racing after race 1, ppl will see they cant stay with higher level players and just save points making the races between a few ppl only.

How about a max number you can save before they stop accruing.
medal 5000
6 years 128 days ago (edited 6 years 128 days ago)
Mike, are you saying that you should be allowed 10 days of development points and then they're removed, or that they'd get removed if someone gets removed from the league after our 10 day cut off?
If that's the case, you could save up 9 days of development points before using them, tho I don't know why you would and I'm not sure that that should be allowed but, again I don't know how to write a rule enforcing it other than a shorter auto kick rule.

Dan, I honestly can't see what the advantage is in not spending your development points. In the end, you still end up with the same number of points and presumably, spend them in the same areas, so where is the gain? What if you get one of those weird races, maybe an unexpected wet race, where the usual leaders are uncompetitive and whoever it is that hasn't spent their points could have been in the points but cos their car hasn't been developed, you still end up at the back instead of getting points. It just doesn't make sense to me, unless I'm missing something
medal 5000
6 years 127 days ago
This is a strategy that can be used to avoid relegation following a league change. Before the new league change rules were implemented a few months ago, even if you changed leagues during the break you started the season with a seriously underdeveloped car, hundreds of DP lower than the rest of the teams. By banking your design points for the first dozen races you kept a larger difference between you and the strongest teams thereby maximising research. Deploying all of your banked points for the last few races allowed you to be much closer with a good chance of bagging a few late season championship points to lift you out of the relegation zone.
You'll probably never win a championship adopting this approach but it might just save you if you start the season with a poor design.
medal 5000
6 years 127 days ago
Ah right, thanks. I guess I didn't know cos I never change leagues cos I host one and I always seem to be mid table so promotion/relegation never affects me lol
medal 4985 Moderator
6 years 127 days ago
That's even a use I'd have nothing much against as starting with (almost) no development points is way too much of a penalty. However Kayhan brought up another use, which is slower teams without much of a regular chance on points using this to the extreme by banking points to go all in for a few races in the fight to avoid relegation and, since those first races are meaningless, staying inactive there. That's not a good development I think. 

My suggestion was to void 10% of the unspent point every race, however there could be a base amount, like 20 (or dynamic 1-2 races worth of points for your level), you're allowed to collect without affecting that 'points tax'. That way people can postpone development if they think there's an advantage in it to concentrate on one race over another, happens in real as well after all, but if it's going on too long the advantage in research is soon more than matched by lost points.
medal 5088
6 years 119 days ago
I can understand the frustration that's caused.

Without the developers implementing to prevent this, there is one alternative I can think of right now. League hosts are free to manage their leagues with whatever rules they like, provided it is within reason. If a host feels this is a strategy they disapprove of, they are welcome to warn the offending player or warn all new players this type of strategy won't be tolerated.

I'm not sure if something will be implemented to prevent this from happening. It's not a great strategy and doesn't provide any benefit other than avoiding relegation. We'll need a particularly good solution because voiding unspent points doesn't seem viable.

The easiest solution might be to put a cap on the number of unspent design points, like say (design facility level)*n, n being any number that represents a grace period for players who might miss some races and have not had an opportunity to spend design points.
medal 5000
6 years 119 days ago
you are right this so called strategy can only help a player from relegation "but it also causes another player's relegation".
and that player has been engaged to the game all through the season. this is actually a punishment for that "good player".

Think about 2 type of managers.
1- collects DPs and don't use them for 12 races. he doesn't need to be online, no need to setup the car, no need to make any pitstop strategies. after 12 races end up with let's say 220 DPs.

2- acts like real manager and engagaed to the game. sets up the car every race, makes pitstop strategies, becomes online during races. Total DPs this manager can use for 12 races are 150 DPs.
Driver 1 gets more DPs. Why? because he intentionally leaves the team weak all through 12 races.
At the end of the season, driver 2 relegates.
If you owned the iGP game, which driver would you want to reward or punish?

The problem here is crystal clear, but implementing this, coding etc are not our challenges of course.

Cutting some pct of the collected DPs is good idea to discourage players to do this.
This will also encourage such players to be more in the game.

Good to see this is being understood and listened to in the end...:-)

medal 5000
6 years 119 days ago
I am not going to say I approve of the tactic, I don't, but thats what it is, a tactic. I am not sure its correct to refer to good players and punishments etc?

Its another game tactic, exploiting how the game currently runs. Its the same as in the old version of the game where people exploited the on/off season tactic to have a perfect car every second season. 

As Yunus has suggested its up to the league host to try decide how to manage this. I know a league I used to race in would insist on a screen shot of car dev at the start and middle of each season.

But how does it differ to say real F1 teams tactically changing engines to manage grid place penalties etc? Its all tactics.

Please dont take this as approval of the tactic, its not!
medal 5000
6 years 119 days ago
Slightly off topic but also on topic. I know it would take a lot of work but I'd like to see the game to include the facility for hosts to have a variety of rules that they can switch on or off as a way of customising their league, this being one area that could be covered. For example, ...  Should all development points be used every race (yes/no) if no, there could then be the option to select how many races grace there is. 
I hope I've made myself clear, I've had some cancer treatment and it's hard to think straight and to find the right words. As a lyricist, it's particularly frustrating
medal 5000
6 years 119 days ago
The way to avoid this issue would be to make all the design area's equally important.
Someone playing the game day in, day out, say is spending design points on all 8 area's.
But the person doing nothing is sitting back just gathering up research points to thrown points where they matter the most.
medal 5000
6 years 119 days ago
This doesn't fix the problem because the person (in your words) sitting back and doing nothing is getting a lot more research points than the manager who is assigning their allocated design points every race.
medal 4985 Moderator
6 years 118 days ago
Yes, it would actually make it worse because with more areas to spend points on you can wait more races to collect points, as the manager won't hit the cap on all important areas that early into the season.
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