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Is honesty insignificant?

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medal 5000
6 years 118 days ago
This is hardly a tactic. Why would anyone only try to score points in the final races? They are missing out on point scoring opportunities. And they don’t get any extra design points by doing it. With proper spying strategy, you can get just as much design points while applying them after every race.
medal 5000
6 years 118 days ago
Like I said earlier, for me it was only something I ever did once or twice when changing league before the new rules were applied. Before then, even if you moved between seasons you only started the season with about 24 dp whereas the rest of the teams had 320 - 350. In these specific circumstances the tactic allowed you to maximise research for the first half of the season and give you a fighting chance of avoiding relegation. Now that you can move leagues without incurring crippling design penalties the tactic is no longer needed.
medal 5000
6 years 109 days ago
How about making the cut off point 3-5 races before all design points are lost? That way, people who can't be active are given a window in which to allocate points, while inactive accounts cannot stack up points too far
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