Antoñita Peñuela medal 5000 6 years 138 days ago (edited 6 years 138 days ago)
I think u get autopitted because u go from dry to wet.
Waiting for 4 mm of rain to go straight to fullwets is just plain nonsense, unless the 4mm is going to be reached within 2 or 3 laps.
Just set the number at 0, with intermediates, and make the extra stop. It will save u so much time u might even win (if several players still cancel the forced stop and wait for 4mm).
Also 4mm is way to much. 3.3
You think badly As you see in the following response is a known bug. Whether the programming is correct or not, is opinion, and I do not mean that. I am always following the race live, and I always go to change manually to I just start to rain, since we already know that from the first moment, you win time. Having that configuration so high for W is to avoid that I mount them automatically without wishing me and for start of the race. As I see how lap times evolve, then I manually enter to change W. But as I say, that is a matter of opinion, and I speak of a bug, which as you see, have already recognized that it exists.
Greetings to both