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Out of memory??

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medal 5000
6 years 116 days ago
Never had this problem! And now it happened the second race in a row. Yesterday is Malaysia, Today is China. In China, twice.

Question: What happened?


Best Solution -- Selected by José Trujillo

medal 5342 Community Manager
6 years 105 days ago

Please read this topic

I close this topic, we will use the other to centralize the feedback
medal 5000
6 years 115 days ago
It happened again. The third race in a row. Any ideas?
medal 5000
6 years 115 days ago
It's happening to me at every race every 15 minutes since the new major update. I have written in the forum previously... I thought this was a Mac problem but now I can see that it happens in Windows too.
medal 5000
6 years 114 days ago
Clear your cache memory that could help if you have several windows open it fills it up the memory
medal 5000
6 years 114 days ago

Clear your cache memory that could help if you have several windows open it fills it up the memory

Yes I tried that - I'm not running anything else and I tried restarting it too. But it uses over 80% of my 2GB memory and steadily increasing its usage until that message comes up. Then I close the whole browser, restart, then the same thing happens again, usually I have to restart 3-4 times in my 1x 100% race.
medal 5001 Super Mod
6 years 114 days ago
I've noticed similar problems since about mid of last week, reported to devs.
medal 5504
6 years 113 days ago
I ask you to change the viewer settings to "car only" and tell here if you see this:

I noticed that if you reload the viewer, it'll make the cars visible again, with a major bonus because it also fixes the RAM weird usage!!

medal 5000
6 years 113 days ago
yes i've the webgl error from one month. it's necessary a solution
medal 5000
6 years 113 days ago
I also encounter this error regularly, running Windows.
medal 5736
6 years 112 days ago
Could you guys try something it probably might not work but worth a shot. 

Please reply back which browser you are using and try running the game on a different web browser. Report backbif issue still persists or if it was resolved.
medal 5504
6 years 112 days ago (edited 6 years 112 days ago)
When I was having this issue, changing browser did not help.

I'll write some steps that fixed my issue (which was related to the fact that my car display is always set to icon only.

1- Load the game normally;
2- Change car display settings to car only (you need a viewer quality to be at least Low);
3- Load the game again (Now you should see the cars);
4- Change your settings back to what you like.

medal 5000
6 years 111 days ago

Could you guys try something it probably might not work but worth a shot. 

Please reply back which browser you are using and try running the game on a different web browser. Report backbif issue still persists or if it was resolved.

M S, i play usually with the last version of firefox but tried with chrome also and there is the same error with chrome too, with same frequency.
medal 5736
6 years 111 days ago
Ok try Gustavo's solution see if that helps.
medal 5000
6 years 111 days ago

Ok try Gustavo's solution see if that helps.

I just tried the Gustavo's solution and it works O_o . But must i to do all steps in each race? Or the solution works from now simply loading the race windows one time?
medal 5000
6 years 110 days ago

When I was having this issue, changing browser did not help.

I'll write some steps that fixed my issue (which was related to the fact that my car display is always set to icon only.

1- Load the game normally;
2- Change car display settings to car only (you need a viewer quality to be at least Low);
3- Load the game again (Now you should see the cars);
4- Change your settings back to what you like.

Yes, It works

medal 5000
6 years 109 days ago
No I couldn't change the car display settings - it was fixed to icon only. Tried different browsers too. :(
medal 5000
6 years 109 days ago
I too have had that message on mi laptop no idea what is about or how to fix. Screen pic is poor quality and on lowest setting and re loaded game . No sound either. As I have told devs there are so many bugs breeding at the moment.  Might be a idea to enlarge the team for this for short period to get on top of things. As mine keeps crashing too. 
medal 5736
6 years 109 days ago
Have you tried the Gustavos solution? Did it not work for you? 
medal 5000
6 years 107 days ago
I had the same problem for more than 2 weeks, it happened on my laptop with 8gb of ram, my desktop with 16gb and also on my phone. it´s going to be a permanent fix? Gustavo steps it´s just a workaround I guess.

medal 5000
6 years 106 days ago
the gustavo's solution works but is necessary to repeat the solution for every race. should be best a definitive solution
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