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Server issue

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medal 5000
6 years 47 days ago
I am trying to watch the race that is happening right now and it will not let me link to the server, error message keeps coming up. This is a race that has already been postponed once. Is this common as I will just delete the game if this is what it's like?
medal 5088
6 years 47 days ago
Hi Matt, I just joined the race using your account and didn't find any problems. Could you please force quit the app on your device and try again?
medal 5088
6 years 47 days ago
Hi Matt, I see your race ended. I'm sorry you weren't able to join the race. If you'd like to re-run the race please request your host to post here:
medal 5000
6 years 47 days ago
Salve è stata interrotta la gara cosi appena si riprenderà mi auguro che si ripeta la gara perché se no non sarebbe giusto per quelli che la seguono grazie
medal 5088
6 years 47 days ago

Salve è stata interrotta la gara cosi appena si riprenderà mi auguro che si ripeta la gara perché se no non sarebbe giusto per quelli che la seguono grazie

Hi Daniele, please write in English when posting outside of the Italian forum. Your race can be run again, but please follow the link in the post above yours to submit that request.
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