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Holidays of what?

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medal 5000
6 years 63 days ago (edited 6 years 63 days ago)
I am on the game 1 and a half year.Besides the fact that nothing major ever hapends were is the holidays on this game?Every other game has competitions,gifts,turnaments or something to look that it cares.Every thing it hapends is a yoke and you guys not even gave anything to promote the game or even make those ho play enjoy it more.1 and 1/2 years nothing major ever hapened and everything is pasive.WERE IS THIS TEAM??Most of the old guys quited the game out of boredom and Jack dosnt seem to care.Tweets are nice but this game need something to wake up.A competition a tournament a gift for achievment something.Its not to late 2018 is still here.
 Still here but pasive playing.A 2 kilcker

I have some sugestions  if you care tweet me wisper me here or on facebook.Its never to late to wake up.
medal 5000
6 years 63 days ago
They've literally done a "guess the podium" competition on facebook for every f1 gp this season. They've sponsored YouTubers (such as aarava who i watch frequently) and they've teamed up with AOR to create an official AOR igp league, which has brought in lot of attention to igp from the esports community. Igp mods and devs regularly mention the massive amounts of players they get daily, so idk why one would even mention the few who stopped playing recently because they've already been replaced. If you haven't seen this then I think the problem isn't the game not engaging with the audience but instead you not engaging with the game!

At this point igp doesn't need more advertising or tournaments or giveaways, we need to shift our focus to keeping new players interested by making starting up more logical/simple and making the first minutes of the game far more interesting/exciting than they are now (quick races, please quick races) but then again, considering the fact that both me and you and numerous others have played what is pretty much the same game for over a year, maybe even that isn't needed.
medal 5000
6 years 62 days ago
Cool story.Aarava needed sponsor to go to abhu dabi and other F1 races.Prety mutch you told the same thing with me exept i dont care to say stuff with details i dont see in the game and on my acount.If i have to google to see a change then its not a change
medal 5445 CEO & CTO
6 years 62 days ago
were is the holidays on this game? [...] competitions,gifts,turnaments or something [...] Tweets are nice but this game need something to wake up.A competition a tournament a gift for achievment something.Its not to late 2018 is still here.

It's somewhat unrealistic to expect we could organise and host a tournament in 2018... there are 3 days left in the year, 2 of which are the weekend and the third New Year's Eve. You'll be pleased to know the person doing tweets is not a developer. We have various people in different roles.

To address this more specifically, we are starting a league with AOR early next year and have already confirmed one large corporate partner who will be involved (it took time for me to negotiate that deal). We are working on more and growing that side of things in 2019. We are also aiming to add daily rewards in January (a feature which has been delayed for a while to work on other things). Each of these things seems to fulfill your requests.

Every thing it hapends is a yoke

Do you mind if I frame this above my desk? Like a motivational quote.

nothing major ever hapened and everything is pasive.WERE IS THIS TEAM??Most of the old guys quited the game out of boredom and Jack dosnt seem to care.

Okay, on a serious note, I do care and I have some idea what you are talking about. A lot of the work we are doing right now is either under wraps or it's stuff that is hard to appreciate. For example, keeping an MMO service running like clockwork 24/7 requires a great deal of time, energy and resources. I get where you're coming from with the sense that things could move faster. I can assure you that from the inside this is not the case at all. We're working as hard and fast as we can.

I will try to do better at updating the changelog and explaining what is happening behind the scenes. Last night, for example, a new friends list was released, and these kind of incremental improvements are happening all the time. We are not currently in a phase of "major" change, but of constant incremental change. Trying to make major changes all the time is like building a house on foundations of sand. We've got to get the fundamentals right before moving on to the next big changes.

As for the impression that the game is in trouble, I'd say it's more likely that after a year and a half playing it and reaching level 19, you've experienced most of what there is to experience. It's tough for any game to stay fresh for 18+ months, so that's quite a high bar, but one we definitely want to meet. We are aiming to start adding content like updated tracks very soon (Jan-Feb).

iGP Manager itself is doing very well, and just had a record month for user registrations. We're still the fastest growing game in this genre after 20 months in the app stores, and have the most online users of any game in this genre every evening. That does not mean we take any of that for granted, because our ambition is not to stop here. We are constantly working on improving the experience with your feedback and on moving towards the next step.
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