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New Update Questions?

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medal 5000
11 years 367 days ago
Obviously the new update hits Saturday are we expecting all weekend?

Can leagues postpone there races in advance?

medal 5165
11 years 366 days ago
The update should be a simply hour or two maintenance, aimed at the least busiest part of the day. I don't think it should effect your race but if you can, could you give me your League's Name, ID and Time and I'll forward that to Andrew to make that a possibility for you.
medal 5000
11 years 366 days ago
Or you could leave it for a Moderator to sort out and stop bothering Andrew.
medal 5000
11 years 366 days ago
Also a question about the new update. Since the race viewer is now free, what are the perks of even being a subscriber anymore?
medal 5000
11 years 366 days ago
Or you could leave it for a Moderator to sort out and stop bothering Andrew.

I'll think I shall do that. I have asked a few times if David is a Mod never get it answered.
medal 5000
11 years 366 days ago
Also a question about the new update. Since the race viewer is now free, what are the perks of even being a subscriber anymore?

The perks apparently are knowing what compounds your competitors are using on each stint as well as how much KERS each car has in the timing and scoring.
medal 5001
11 years 366 days ago
Can the live timing guys control kers as well with this update or is it still Auto-kers?
medal 5000
11 years 366 days ago

Also a question about the new update. Since the race viewer is now free, what are the perks of even being a subscriber anymore?

The perks apparently are knowing what compounds your competitors are using on each stint as well as how much KERS each car has in the timing and scoring.

I have to say this sounds so much like an unfair strategic advantage to those paying against others who don't. A horrible term was made up for this and it's called "Pay to Win" cause it puts the people who spend an extra bit of money on a game to gain such an advantage that it becomes extremely hard for those who haven't payed extra into the game to be competitive.

Subscription or advanced members or whatever you want to call them, should never gat an advantage when in competition and should only gain extra contents or benefits when not actually racing or playing against anyone, Free to Play or Paid Subscriber.

Besides, without a track map to show where your drivers are on track the extra control has little contextual use. What use is a Kers button if you can't tell where your car is on track and use the Kers to get inside DRS range, or to defend a DRS pass, or to Kers past backmarkers. You won't be able to tell any of this so most times your Kers is wasted cause even currently, the AI for the Free to Play managers don't use their full charge by the end of the race, seem really random at times and reluctant to use it. 

medal 5165
11 years 366 days ago
Or you could leave it for a Moderator to sort out and stop bothering Andrew.

Andrew has asked me to look out for any requests of this nature and forward them directly towards him, in all cases.


I'll think I shall do that. I have asked a few times if David is a Mod never get it answered.

I work with the team closely, they don't want me to be a moderator cause in Jack's actual words, I am far more useful in the development side.
medal 5000
11 years 366 days ago


Also a question about the new update. Since the race viewer is now free, what are the perks of even being a subscriber anymore?

The perks apparently are knowing what compounds your competitors are using on each stint as well as how much KERS each car has in the timing and scoring.

I have to say this sounds so much like an unfair strategic advantage to those paying against others who don't. A horrible term was made up for this and it's called "Pay to Win" cause it puts the people who spend an extra bit of money on a game to gain such an advantage that it becomes extremely hard for those who haven't payed extra into the game to be competitive.

Subscription or advanced members or whatever you want to call them, should never gat an advantage when in competition and should only gain extra contents or benefits when not actually racing or playing against anyone, Free to Play or Paid Subscriber.

Besides, without a track map to show where your drivers are on track the extra control has little contextual use. What use is a Kers button if you can't tell where your car is on track and use the Kers to get inside DRS range, or to defend a DRS pass, or to Kers past backmarkers. You won't be able to tell any of this so most times your Kers is wasted cause even currently, the AI for the Free to Play managers don't use their full charge by the end of the race, seem really random at times and reluctant to use it. 

How is that a perk? It already states what compounds a driver is on when they go in for a pit stop. You can also already tell how much KERS a competitor has. It sounds right now that the only difference between subscription and non-subscription is the ability to watch in the 2D viewer, and the ability to control when you use KERS. I really hope that is not the case. 
medal 5165
11 years 366 days ago
In all fairness, different tires are usually marked, and 'camera views' would feedback what tires other cars are using. Since each team only has one set of eyes watching the timing and tire/fuel/driver conditions and temperatures, it goes to help to feel you can access that information any time as if you had a team around you who you can speak to and ask for information.
medal 5000
11 years 366 days ago
Ethan, whether you agree with me on this or not is beside the point, but I've said it before and I'll say it again just to refresh my POV.

I can almost guarantee you that 90% (or more) of the paying users, only pay for this game because it's an advantage. I am one of them, and I know many others are the same. I'm sorry but it is true. If you take away the advantage paying users get, iGP will lose most of its paying users. It's all well and good to throw around the ideas you have, and I agree they sound plausible on paper, but they are not practical in the real world. You know just as well as I do that almost everyone will stop paying if they gain no advantage in doing so.

I've ran over this idea a million times in my head and in the end I can never think of one single perk that would make me want to pay if I had no advantage on track. Liveries and things of that nature are cool, but I would not pay $60 NZD a year for them. You would be asking for iGP to run on donations essentially - It just won't happen.

I'm not saying everyone shares my opinion, but I think you will find most will. I pay for 2D. Give me 2D for free and I won't pay, it's that simple in my eyes.
medal 5000
11 years 366 days ago
I am sure everyone thinks the same, Jason (me included). Another thing to be bared in mind. Although it may sound little money to some, I can assure you that is not the case. Some players are underage, they rely on parents for money, others (like me) leave in countries with low salaries and so on. So, yeah, we all pay to gain advantage. Most people who have multiple accounts usually pays for just one, and control (without KERS) the others with the paying 2D.
medal 5165
11 years 365 days ago
I am sure everyone thinks the same, Jason (me included). Another thing to be bared in mind. Although it may sound little money to some, I can assure you that is not the case. Some players are underage, they rely on parents for money, others (like me) leave in countries with low salaries and so on. So, yeah, we all pay to gain advantage. Most people who have multiple accounts usually pays for just one, and control (without KERS) the others with the paying 2D.

I work 12 hours a week, I fail to see the point.
medal 5000
11 years 365 days ago

I am sure everyone thinks the same, Jason (me included). Another thing to be bared in mind. Although it may sound little money to some, I can assure you that is not the case. Some players are underage, they rely on parents for money, others (like me) leave in countries with low salaries and so on. So, yeah, we all pay to gain advantage. Most people who have multiple accounts usually pays for just one, and control (without KERS) the others with the paying 2D.

I work 12 hours a week, I fail to see the point.

medal 5000
11 years 365 days ago
Everyones situation is different. Getting paid for 12 hours a week might be enough for you but not everybody.
medal 5000
11 years 365 days ago
Ethan, whether you agree with me on this or not is beside the point, but I've said it before and I'll say it again just to refresh my POV.

I can almost guarantee you that 90% (or more) of the paying users, only pay for this game because it's an advantage. I am one of them, and I know many others are the same. I'm sorry but it is true. If you take away the advantage paying users get, iGP will lose most of its paying users. It's all well and good to throw around the ideas you have, and I agree they sound plausible on paper, but they are not practical in the real world. You know just as well as I do that almost everyone will stop paying if they gain no advantage in doing so.

I've ran over this idea a million times in my head and in the end I can never think of one single perk that would make me want to pay if I had no advantage on track. Liveries and things of that nature are cool, but I would not pay $60 NZD a year for them. You would be asking for iGP to run on donations essentially - It just won't happen.

I'm not saying everyone shares my opinion, but I think you will find most will. I pay for 2D. Give me 2D for free and I won't pay, it's that simple in my eyes.

I completely agree with you. Had I known they were going to do this I wouldn't have paid for it. When it comes down to it there really isn't a massive advantage to the 2d viewer right now. Most of the time if you know what to do for the first lap or so then you're golden for the rest of the race until you pit and it's just a case of rinse and repeat. Sure running that situation you might be a little off but what's a few MS between friends.

I understand that being able to see the data from everyone else offers a look in to their strategies. If we take away what data we have with the current viewer and just look at it as a way to watch the race, who in all honesty would pay money to watch badly animated cars go round a track, I wouldn't have. I'd actually think it's a bit of a kick in the teeth and I hope they have their terms and conditions down because having suffered bugs and now this I feel like I've been taken for a bit of a mug.

I have seen some people saying it's such a big advantage and you have to pay which makes it pay to win, but really I think it offers the finer details of what's happening. Last few races I was unable to log on and I still won. So how much of an advantage is it now, let alone when they take away that tiny advantage.
medal 5000
11 years 365 days ago
Lee Will
Jason Lee

I completely agree with you.

This. :) And I might add:

medal 5000
11 years 365 days ago
You pay for the full features in the game, the free version will be a cut down version. I fail to understand how people can complain about not being able to win without paying. Sure it's possible but having the full features makes it less difficult.

I'm from the if you play and enjoy then pay and enjoy.

I played, I enjoyed and I paid. But even I am thinking if it's really worth the money just to get some coloured blobs going around the screen. Maybe they should drop the  cost of subscription by 50% if they are allowing half the previous paid for features to be available for free.
medal 5000
11 years 365 days ago
The game is basically unplayable without paying in it's current state, which is obviously bad for the size of the userbase... but fixing that doesn't really provide much incentive to subscribe.

Seems like an unfortunate situation to be in, huh?
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