ʟ ᴏ ʟ ɨ ᴛ ᴀ medal 5000 4 years 215 days ago (Last edited by
ʟ ᴏ ʟ ɨ ᴛ ᴀ 4 years 214 days ago)
I understand what you are saying, it doesn’t seem to be anything that can be seen/shown in the car design points... but there is a DEFINITE difference between the performance in the first season of new teams who who join a league during preseason and the same team’s 2nd season performance in the same league.
This has been proven time and time again in our league and I have also had the same pattern with another one of my own accounts in a different league. A lot of leagues are noticing the same thing, I don’t believe they are all wrong as we have been playing this game for a long time and this pattern is clearly obvious to us all.
If that's so, that has nothing to do with the car anyway.
I honestly never had the impression newly joined teams are faster in the first season compared to the second season. The only impression I get is the strong managers are always stronger than others. There may be a few differences season after season due to a different car developement and the improving of other managers. But the strong ones are always strong and the others keep staying behind.
Many people may not like what I'm about to say but I think it's a fact: this is not the first time I read something like that, managers complaining about other managers joining "big" leagues and being super fast from race 1. But I think many "big" leagues are highly overrated due to the stupid reputation system in this game. There are so many 9k+ and 10k managers who really don't have a clue. I remember your league and I'm sure you remember me and what happened when I joined your league a few months ago. My car was exactly the same as others and I've been insulted, disrespected and accused of cheating by many of the managers in your league (even tho, most of them are not even there anymore) just because I literally dominated the first race and I screwed everyone up. I've been insulted and accused of cheating many times in many leagues during the years but NEVER the way it happened in your league, where many people teamed up against me and led me to tears. I literally ran away after only 1 race. But I have no hard feelings towards you cause you were maybe the only one who didn't say anything. You knew me already from "THE MOST ACTIVE LEAGUE" when I was the host of that league. And I'm sure you remember that no one was able to beat me no matter what, I won so many championships in a row that I got bored and tired, transferred the hosting of the league to Alex Calella and left the league for good. And back then, it was a competitive league, not like it is now. There are so many "big" leagues with high average reputation and filled with very high reputation managers but there are some players in this game who are way above those leagues and those managers. And you will often see them going from league to league due to boredom.
Now I don't know if there's some sort of bug about what you're saying (a huge difference in performance between the first and the season season of a team) but I honestly never had that impression, since the infamous "second season design" bug back in 2017.
I would like to hear something about this from other managers of other leagues and from the developers of this game. I want to know if this bug exists and why it happens, if it really happens. Cause it surely is not due to the car reset.