Paul Akam medal 5000 3 years 241 days ago (Last edited by
Paul Akam 3 years 241 days ago)
Just had a staff member retire on my account for the first time and was suprised that theres no notification when they leave either in the mail or on news messages which seems really bad. I just ran a level2 TD for 2 races without noticing which obviously is annoying but generally just seems like a strange thing to not provide a notification for the player once they leave.
You do get a notification when you extend their contract and they mention they'll retire at the end of that but thats a full 50days beforehand.

Rhys James medal 5000 3 years 241 days ago
They send a notification when they sign their last contract, something along the lines of they don't have the motivation to continue, retiring at end of contract. Then they have a red clock by their name in the drivers+staff tab until they do retire

Paul Akam medal 5286 3 years 240 days ago
Yes but just because you know youre staff member is retiring in 50 days doesnt mean you need to replace them. Also outside of multiple CDs there litterally no reason to go on the staff page once youve hit level 20. Like you say you recieve that notification so its not hard to impliment something for maybe 1-5 days before or like mention once it happened and particicular reason against this small notification.

Mattia Binotto medal 5000 3 years 231 days ago
Paul i understand what you mean but sometimes the game does give a notification because I have had it but when they retire they would give you 50 more races with them and in that time you would need to find a replacement for your staff that you need to change