Yes, the above is correct but just remember that because of the recent changes, when you're transferring between teams the selling team must "Auction" instead of "Sell Now" to force the driver/staff into an auction site so that the receiving team can snap them up with a "Buy Now" for 9 tokens.
However, this is due to change in the near future when the Devs introduce the new system...
Outline: New Transfer System & Offices HQ
I've seen this, but as I understand, it still means I cannot bring back a former driver's champion (for example), in my league as they have not driven for me before. I get that people could exploit the old system to hoard drivers and snap them up quickly, but really I, nor any other players I know, had a problem with it. It's just a pain to go onto old drivers from my league and see that they are locked and unable to be bought.
The main issue I have found is when accounts are innactive for months or years, but get to hold onto their drivers. In my view, if you are inactive for a certain period of time, your drivers and staff should be released. This is something discussed extensively within my league's discord server as there are lots of old drivers of ours in such a situation.
As I said before, I get the mods reasoning for the change, but I think it is unnecessary and a detriment to the game. Also unhelpful that, as mentioned above, someone has clearly corrupted the poll.