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manual qualifiying

do you think manual qualifiying should exist

59.49% (47)
40.51% (32)
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medal 5000
3 years 164 days ago
The game is good in this state but the fact that there are no manual qualifiying is very sad pls add manual qualifiying because it would be more fun and we will have to work accordingly
medal 5618
3 years 164 days ago

The game is good in this state but the fact that there are no manual qualifiying is very sad pls add manual qualifiying because it would be more fun and we will have to work accordingly

And it would lengthen racing, not all managers have the extra time one has to put into qualifying

medal 5000
3 years 161 days ago
ye thats true
medal 5000
3 years 161 days ago
I think it’s a bit too much….. but improving the qualifying system to get more control for the the lap would be great!

There were so many good suggestions, first of all „using fuel for first stint“
medal 5000
3 years 161 days ago
Yes I agree manual qualifying would make it more interesting for the racers 
medal 5000
3 years 147 days ago


The game is good in this state but the fact that there are no manual qualifiying is very sad pls add manual qualifiying because it would be more fun and we will have to work accordingly

And it would lengthen racing, not all managers have the extra time one has to put into qualifying

League option " that it " no need excuses
medal 6062
3 years 147 days ago

The game is good in this state but the fact that there are no manual qualifiying is very sad pls add manual qualifiying because it would be more fun and we will have to work accordingly

No, nothing wrong with the current format. Leave it alone.
medal 5000
3 years 147 days ago

League option " that it " no need excuses

No need for excuses? Are u serious? Do you have any idea how hard it is to create something like that and how long it would take?

Manual / active qualifying is among the worst suggestions in this forum. Go play Motorsport Manager on PC. It does absolutely nothing to shake things up and is just plain boring. That system has track evolution, traffic, driver mistakes etc. and still just devolves into waiting the whole session then going out in the last couple minutes to get a lap in. Its incredibly tedious and most of the time youre stuck in traffic anyways if you do anything else. If the devs implemented an active qualifying all of you would scream and stop playing because it would just be bad.

I agree that we need more control over qualifying as its currently just down to stats, but not even remotely anything like you guys suggest. Do you even think about how such a system would work ingame before writing this stuff?

The only thing devs could do that would satisfy everyone without being too convoluted or annoying is letting us choose a push level and then adding a driver mistake rate based on that. For example PL1 has 0% error rate and PL5 has 40% or what have you. That way we could also bring driver mistakes back without it being pure rng and unfair. And even that might just result in a meta, where everyone uses the same push level and thus be useless. Theres really not much they could change or add, and if they did it would take a ton of work. There are much more important things rn and this can still be tackled in a couple years for all i care.

Seriously, if you have no idea about game development and programming, and dont even understand how your suggestions would work ingame then dont post this nonsense. Its so disrespectful especially when all of you cant even articulate yourself properly, yet you want to tell the devs how to develop their game. And dont say "no need for excuses" when the game is literally run by a small team of devs and is free to play! None of you guys make actual good suggestions that the devs could look at and use as inspiration, its always just "i want this so implement it or ill be angry".
medal 4997 Moderator
3 years 147 days ago
Yes, doing this is a lot of work, but 'live Qualifying' does have a certain marketing value and adds another stone to the board of new player expectations on a racing manager game. So it's not that bad to do it on a game business point of view and unlike with 3D even a lot of the long time and hardcore players would like some active influence on Qualifying. 

That opens the question of how. A full session, or even sessions like the show formats used in F1, looks best on the outside, and game trailers, and would be great on event races and weekly leagues, but is too time consuming and indeed grows tedious quickly on (semi)daily races. Here something like everyone doing a simultaneous hot lap, without traffic, should be pretty close to the best compromise. Even with doing the outlap manually (to enable a little temperature managing) it's (in usual circumstances) less than 5 minutes in real time.
medal 5000
3 years 147 days ago

Yes, doing this is a lot of work, but 'live Qualifying' does have a certain marketing value and adds another stone to the board of new player expectations on a racing manager game. So it's not that bad to do it on a game business point of view and unlike with 3D even a lot of the long time and hardcore players would like some active influence on Qualifying. 

That opens the question of how. A full session, or even sessions like the show formats used in F1, looks best on the outside, and game trailers, and would be great on event races and weekly leagues, but is too time consuming and indeed grows tedious quickly on (semi)daily races. Here something like everyone doing a simultaneous hot lap, without traffic, should be pretty close to the best compromise. Even with doing the outlap manually (to enable a little temperature managing) it's (in usual circumstances) less than 5 minutes in real time.

Outlap managing is in Motorsport Manager and do you know what they had to implement to not make it boring? An option for automatic management. It sucks. It adds nothing to the game and if you somehow mess up, your game crashes or you cant show up to the race youre in a big disadvantage. Go play Motorsport Manager and tell me you want that in iGP. It doesnt translate well to a game. Qualifying is all about data. We dont have that data ingame and even if we did, we dont have a team full of analyst and strategist to work with said data. Theres no fun in gambling whether or not your rivals will go out and cause traffic or deciding whether or not the track evolution is worth a lap in traffic because we dont know. We cant know, the game cant provide us this info. Why do you think F1 teams have so many people on the pitwall and behind the scenes nowadays? I dont doubt that some people would find this fun, but it just doesnt work. It would be pure rng and no strategy at all.

Some risk / reward setting for qualifying similar to what i mentioned earlier would be nice, but definitely no active qualifying and especially no outlap management. Im pretty sure they will implement some sort of influence over qualifying eventually as that is a much requested feature, when all the important updates have been rolled out. But it really doesnt matter nearly as much as people make it out to be. Do you expect that you can get pole with a midfield car? Even with active qualifying the order stays pretty much the same. Even in real life, if nobody makes a mistake, the order depends mostly on the car. Sure there are some drivers, who can extract more from a car than others, and there are things like rain that can change things up, but those are exceptions and wont happen in this game since we have driver stats and detailed information about the water depth.

Youre looking at this from the wrong standpoint completely. It is an extremely bad business move because people didnt like active qualifying in Motorsport Manager and many just eneabled reverse grids to not have to do it. Bringing that into iGP would have everyone who played that game screaming "Why did you do it?! You knew it was bad?!". Its a game, not a simulator. Anyone who expects it to be a full f1 simulator wont play the game for long because it isnt. And thats good because most things just arent fun in a game.
medal 6062
3 years 147 days ago
Yes, doing this is a lot of work, but 'live Qualifying' does have a certain marketing value and adds another stone to the board of new player expectations on a racing manager game. So it's not that bad to do it on a game business point of view and unlike with 3D even a lot of the long time and hardcore players would like some active influence on Qualifying. 

That opens the question of how. A full session, or even sessions like the show formats used in F1, looks best on the outside, and game trailers, and would be great on event races and weekly leagues, but is too time consuming and indeed grows tedious quickly on (semi)daily races. Here something like everyone doing a simultaneous hot lap, without traffic, should be pretty close to the best compromise. Even with doing the outlap manually (to enable a little temperature managing) it's (in usual circumstances) less than 5 minutes in real time.

I agree that would be the best compromise but I'll take it a step forward and say it should be optional. Those that want it can pop in during quali and those that do not, use the current auto mode.

medal 5000
3 years 146 days ago

Yes, doing this is a lot of work, but 'live Qualifying' does have a certain marketing value and adds another stone to the board of new player expectations on a racing manager game. So it's not that bad to do it on a game business point of view and unlike with 3D even a lot of the long time and hardcore players would like some active influence on Qualifying. 

That opens the question of how. A full session, or even sessions like the show formats used in F1, looks best on the outside, and game trailers, and would be great on event races and weekly leagues, but is too time consuming and indeed grows tedious quickly on (semi)daily races. Here something like everyone doing a simultaneous hot lap, without traffic, should be pretty close to the best compromise. Even with doing the outlap manually (to enable a little temperature managing) it's (in usual circumstances) less than 5 minutes in real time.

I agree that would be the best compromise but I'll take it a step forward and say it should be optional. Those that want it can pop in during quali and those that do not, use the current auto mode.

Whats the point of manual qualifying if theres no traffic? Qualifying is literally all about traffic (tow including). Thats the main thing that decides the strategy. So you want the exact same system we have now but instead want to watch it and have control over the push level which will do literally nothing. And if PLs were changed to be important here, then one mistake would most likely cost you multiple positions. What would that change? What would it improve? Theres no strategic element without traffic. You would all complain about it being tedious, useless and unfair.
medal 5000
3 years 146 days ago
I still think that it will be enough that the cars do the Q-Lap with the amount of fuel of the first stint….. so the Strategic Element will be the fuel for first stint…..
medal 5000
3 years 146 days ago
I still think that it will be enough that the cars do the Q-Lap with the amount of fuel of the first stint….. so the Strategic Element will be the fuel for first stint…..

Good idea in theory, but that will lead to everyone doing super stints on super softs in the beginning of the race. Overcuts wouldnt work anymore as a result. Youre already at a disadvantage with a slower tire (unless you are much faster than your competition), but stretching softs still works. If youd use the fuel of the first stint, everyone who doesnt do a short stint on at least softs will be at the back of the grid. And if everyone does short stints then everyone will use super softs and it would completely destroy race strategy. Thats not how the game is meant to be played and isnt fun or strategic. There would quickly be a meta for how much fuel you can take for maximum benefit (for example "dont use more than 5 laps of fuel on the first stint"). It also doesnt make much sense.

medal 4997 Moderator
3 years 146 days ago
Of course we should take Motorsport Manager into consideration to not repeat mistakes, but to do things better. Else that thinking along with data and staff real teams need would mean iGP Manager offering live races at all would be a mistake. That's why discussions here are a good thing. 
Also while managing PL lost a lot of its power, along with weight and somewhat tyres, it's not useless and unlike F1, where the difference between cars are often seconds, in iGP the differences are often half a second between pole and 20th, a hundreth of a second or two can be 5 places gained in a tight competition.

I agree that would be the best compromise but I'll take it a step forward and say it should be optional. Those that want it can pop in during quali and those that do not, use the current auto mode.

Yes of course, if not online or online and not touching anything the AI just does its lap, just perhaps with a manager preset PL. 
Also an option to set a league to AI only to shave off any minute on a race duration or avoid any chance going manual in an offline league would be nice.
medal 5000
3 years 146 days ago

I still think that it will be enough that the cars do the Q-Lap with the amount of fuel of the first stint….. so the Strategic Element will be the fuel for first stint…..

Good idea in theory, but that will lead to everyone doing super stints on super softs in the beginning of the race. Overcuts wouldnt work anymore as a result. Youre already at a disadvantage with a slower tire (unless you are much faster than your competition), but stretching softs still works. If youd use the fuel of the first stint, everyone who doesnt do a short stint on at least softs will be at the back of the grid. And if everyone does short stints then everyone will use super softs and it would completely destroy race strategy. Thats not how the game is meant to be played and isnt fun or strategic. There would quickly be a meta for how much fuel you can take for maximum benefit (for example "dont use more than 5 laps of fuel on the first stint"). It also doesnt make much sense.

I don’t agree…… in my leagues there are many different strategies short first stint, long first stint, start on Ss start on S start on M.

I don’t think that a Qualifying with fuel of first stint will make the game monoton. Also for rain races it will improve the game because than you can decide if you do a short first stint to get away….
medal 6062
3 years 145 days ago
Yes of course, if not online or online and not touching anything the AI just does its lap, just perhaps with a manager preset PL. 

I like this bit, should add a new dynamic to the game. Managers will need to find the appropriate PL (not just setting it at Max PL) for optimum performance per track and the best part will be what works this season/ time of the year necessarily won't work the next ?.

medal 5000
3 years 145 days ago (Last edited by Sean Stone 3 years 145 days ago)
Yes of course, if not online or online and not touching anything the AI just does its lap, just perhaps with a manager preset PL. 

I like this bit, should add a new dynamic to the game. Managers will need to find the appropriate PL (not just setting it at Max PL) for optimum performance per track and the best part will be what works this season/ time of the year necessarily won't work the next ?.

I literally suggested manager defined PL in my first post:
The only thing devs could do that would satisfy everyone without being too convoluted or annoying is letting us choose a push level and then adding a driver mistake rate based on that. For example PL1 has 0% error rate and PL5 has 40% or what have you.


I don’t agree…… in my leagues there are many different strategies short first stint, long first stint, start on Ss start on S start on M.

I don’t think that a Qualifying with fuel of first stint will make the game monoton. Also for rain races it will improve the game because than you can decide if you do a short first stint to get away….

Look, if you had cars that are pretty equal and you then use the fuel of your first stint, anyone who uses even a little bit more than their competition would be at the back of the grid. With equal competition (and manager skill level) that means they most likely cant win the race anymore, unless everyone else makes mistakes. The only people that would benefit from this are managers that are much faster than their rivals.

It wont work. It would devolve into a meta. Thats what happens in online games. I also said that we have flexible strategy now. Starting on M is a risk, as it should be, but of course you can make it work. Qualifying with 20 laps of fuel while your opponents all take 5 is not, you will start in last place. People will always find a way to trick the rules. Thats why you cant just implement something that sounds good on paper. If theres even a slight chance of exploits happening or a meta forming, you cant implement it if you want to keep diverse strategies and room for creativity. I dont know how else to explain it, maybe look into games that have these problems.


Else that thinking along with data and staff real teams need would mean iGP Manager offering live races at all would be a mistake.

You are completely missing my point. We have data for races, but we dont have the in depth data you need to make a live qualifying exciting in a game. Like i said look at Motorsport Manager and tell me that it isnt boring af. Dont take my words out of context or twist my arguments around.
medal 6062
3 years 145 days ago (Last edited by Archie Bald 3 years 145 days ago)
Yes of course, if not online or online and not touching anything the AI just does its lap, just perhaps with a manager preset PL. 

I like this bit, should add a new dynamic to the game. Managers will need to find the appropriate PL (not just setting it at Max PL) for optimum performance per track and the best part will be what works this season/ time of the year necessarily won't work the next ?.

I literally suggested manager defined PL in my first post:

Sure you did, but we are talking about two very different things.
Yours is about risk/reward (lotto of driver error) which doesn’t make sense to me as that will bring driver ‘experience’ into play and those with fully trained drivers will have a huge advantage.
Mine is about optimum tyre temperature for the track over a flying lap.
medal 5000
3 years 145 days ago

Sure you did, but we are talking about two very different things.
Yours is about risk/reward (lotto of driver error) which doesn’t make sense to me.
Mine is about optimum tyre temperature for the track over a flying lap.

Yea i already commented on that, too. Have you ever played Motorsport Manager? It has this exact system (including brake temps even), Its boring, its tedious, and its extremely hard to get right. It adds nothing to the game and if you make a single mistake you will loose grid positions. Id wager that 80% of players would hate that feature since most people in MM also play with the auto-manage option in qualifying. I understand that the feature sounds fun on paper, but it really isnt ingame. Also what would you do with the managers that dont have time to attend races? Would they just be at a permanent disadvantage? The only way to balance it is if the whole feature doesnt have a big impact on pace, so even the offline managers that can only choose one push level beforehand have a chance. And in that case, the whole thing becomes meaningless. Do you understand what i mean?

Im curious, why doesnt the driver error suggestion make sense to you? Your driver can push the car harder and set a lap time that wouldnt normally be possible, but has a risk of making mistakes in the process, that could make him slower than if he played it safe. On the other hand, you can instruct him to drive safely, be slower, but ensure a good result. Coupled with the 5 different levels and good balancing, that would give you strategic choice in how you want to tackle qualifying based on your opponents pace.
I personally dont see any other way to handle it, without leaving offline managers at a big disadvantage or it not mattering much at all. Thats just my opinion.
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