Finn De Jong medal 5144 2 years 217 days ago (Last edited by
Finn De Jong 2 years 217 days ago)
my friend Peter de Haan can't get back into his account on IGP. Restore Password doesn't work. he was automatically logged out and he can't seem to get back in. he is in the league Farmole 1 and his team is called de Haan Racing Team. it may have been caused by us recovering a old account with the same E-Mail Adress and now it's confused.
Frank Thomas medal 4977 Moderator 2 years 217 days ago
To regain access to the account please follow those steps:
FAQ I am unable to access my account.
If the error aboult multiple accounts using same e-mail (still) appears even though there's only one account using it it sometimes helps to try several times.