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Bad race server

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medal 5000
2 years 264 days ago (Last edited by Handoko F 2 years 263 days ago)
Apa yang Anda ingin lakukan?
Re run race today 7 june

Apa yang sebaliknya terjadi?
Lag when race...very heavy race..abnormal view

Apa masalah terjadi saat menggunakan wi-fi, data seluler, atau keduanya?

Apakah bug muncul di app, PC, atau keduanya?

Apa model perangkat Anda?
Hp and pc

Apa sistem operasinya?

Operasi sistemnya versi berapa?
Android 6 to up

Apa sistem operasi PC Anda?
Windows 10

Anda mengalami masalah ini di peramban apa?
Pc dan mobile phonw

Bisakah bug diperbanyak?

Komentar tambahan
Maybe re run race,
medal 5073 SUPPORT AGENT
2 years 262 days ago
Hello Gohan,

Please, next time you want to apply for a rerun, click on this link: Rerun Request

If you still wish, I can remove the results of that race if they are deemed to have been unfair to players in your league.
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