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medal 5000
2 years 20 days ago
ask, we just finished our race in america. and a whole lot of people have been disqualified for not using multiple tapes. the race started on inters and it was no longer raining at that point, but wet on the track. why then does the inter not count as another tire? starting on inter and then om soft is not possible? 
medal 5144 Super Mod
2 years 20 days ago
This subject has been raised on a number of occasions. I think the problem is the definition of a "Wet Race".

It seems that IGP requires it to rain at some point of the race. Probably a better definition would be to declare the race "Wet" if water level is >0.1mm at any point during the race.

However, providing you are aware of the definition and are on line it's not a problem. It's more of an issue for off-line leagues or Managers but in response IGP will say that this is a game which is designed for on-line racing / manager attendance.
medal 5000
2 years 19 days ago
but then it is still strange, because the inter tire does not count as other tire. but there are 2 types of tires used in the race
medal 5099 Super Mod
2 years 19 days ago
Hi Kevin. The two tyre rule specifically states that two dry compounds must be used. See the post below.

So with the race being classified as dry in the system as per Kevin B’s explanation above, Per the written rule it is technically correct to be disqualified if the tyres used are a dry compound and inters.
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