Skid Solo medal 5259 1 year 300 days ago (Last edited by
Skid Solo 1 year 300 days ago)
5 laps is all you need to find setup, literally impossible to not if you do it right. As for weather, just do practise right before lockdown to get data on the conditions most likely to be in the race.
Well that isn't true is it if you want try your 6 different engine settings. Then you have your tyres to assess. I think 8 laps would be a fair minimum. Incredible that somebody would actively vote against this, for what purpose, how does it detriment the game?
yea, 8-10 is a good amount of laps
5 laps is more than enough and if you keep records you don’t even need to run practice laps. Apologies for being blunt, butIf you think you need 8-10 you are doing something seriously wrong. There is only one ideal set up.
How can that be so. If I race Monaco at the start of a season and my braking development is way down in relation to Acc, Braking and Handling my fastest engine setting for that single lap will be totally different if it was say my handling that was way down. Surely, when as in my case at present there would be a negative of 22 to one of the cars attributes. Just because my fastest engine setting is +22 for braking this season at Monaco doesn't mean necessarily that that is going to be the fastest next season when my car development will be totally different.
I’m sorry Malcolm and don’t want to come across as rude, but you simply don’t understand how the game works. There is only one ideal set up which is incredibly easy to find in 5 practice laps. none of things you have written above have any impact? Most experienced managers already know what the ideal set up from their records and you can find the basic ideal set ups in Rhys’s manager guide in Help & Support section. What is written there only changes due to driver height so even using as a starting point you find the adjustments in a couple of practice runs.
I don't think you understand my point? You have your own engine? If so how do you decide at each race what the optimum engine setting is?
You cannot decide that though practice laps, all practice laps are useful for is finding setup (wing, ride height, suspension) and the tyre wear/fuel use. The lap times are incredibly inaccurate so you cant estimate a correct “engine setting”
So you run four practice laps one after another each with a different engine setting and you see that the one set to handling is 300 hundredths faster than the other times this is totally false and misleading? Really? That is exactly what happens in the real world, surely, so if there is one setting that is significantly paster that means it's FASTER. Yes?
See Kevin’s reply, but for me personally I never look at the practice lap times as my records for each track at different temperatures, tyres etc gives me all the information I need and I set up my engines based on my car development compared to everyone else. I already know which attributes are needed for all tracks be if I didn’t I would just add to my existing database and over time I would have all the data I needed to determine this. In fact like a lot of managers with extensive records over 2,500 races on a couple of accounts I don’t really need to do practice laps, but I do just to add data to my database. I get why not everyone will want to do so this, but believe me what I do is pretty basic compared to some managers in this game.