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Income from motor customers

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medal 5512
1 year 237 days ago
Was hast du versucht zu tun?
I have 5 customers on my motor, the cost for each customer is 800k €, that should be a daily income of 4 million € daily.

Was ist stattdessen passiert?
My total daily income is only 50k €, since i had my first customer... why have i spent 100 million € and 10 token, if i get nearly nothing??

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Zusätzlicher Kommentar:
medal 5437 Super Mod
1 year 237 days ago

The amount of profit you get from selling your engine doesn't follow a formula as simple as cost x number of customers

To quote Jack Basford from the iGP Manager News Article, "A manufacturer’s profit and loss value per race is determined by subtracting the manufacturer’s cost per race for its operations (750k) from the profit per engine it sells. The profit margin is 20% per customer engine. The resulting formula looks something like this: (customerCost * 0.20) * totalCustomers - 750k."

Quotation taken from iGP News Article #157.

I hope this clears up why you haven't had a £4m profit each race from your engine. 
medal 5512
1 year 237 days ago


The amount of profit you get from selling your engine doesn't follow a formula as simple as cost x number of customers

To quote Jack Basford from the iGP Manager News Article, "A manufacturer’s profit and loss value per race is determined by subtracting the manufacturer’s cost per race for its operations (750k) from the profit per engine it sells. The profit margin is 20% per customer engine. The resulting formula looks something like this: (customerCost * 0.20) * totalCustomers - 750k."

Quotation taken from iGP News Article #157.

I hope this clears up why you haven't had a £4m profit each race from your engine. 

That is really unfair... Why have i spent 100 mio and get back 50k daily? Why do my customers pay 4 mio daily in total and i, as a manufacturer, get a fractional 50k and 3,95 mio is vanishing... Great job, IGP!!! 
medal 5000
1 year 237 days ago



The amount of profit you get from selling your engine doesn't follow a formula as simple as cost x number of customers

To quote Jack Basford from the iGP Manager News Article, "A manufacturer’s profit and loss value per race is determined by subtracting the manufacturer’s cost per race for its operations (750k) from the profit per engine it sells. The profit

I margin is 20% per customer engine. The resulting formula looks something like this: (customerCost * 0.20) * totalCustomers - 750k."

Quotation taken from iGP News Article #157.

I hope this clears up why you haven't had a £4m profit each race from your engine. 

That is really unfair... Why have i spent 100 mio and get back 50k daily? Why do my customers pay 4 mio daily in total and i, as a manufacturer, get a fractional 50k and 3,95 mio is vanishing... Great job, IGP!!! 

Oh yes i also think its a load of crap. why just recieve a fraction of about 50 to 60k? i have spend 100 mio cash as lvl20. 5.5 years to get that back in. Respect lost for you guys, get your act straight for crying out loud...

medal 5000
1 year 237 days ago

The amount of profit you get from selling your engine doesn't follow a formula as simple as cost x number of customers

To quote Jack Basford from the iGP Manager News Article, "A manufacturer’s profit and loss value per race is determined by subtracting the manufacturer’s cost per race for its operations (750k) from the profit per engine it sells. The profit margin is 20% per customer engine. The resulting formula looks something like this: (customerCost * 0.20) * totalCustomers - 750k."

Quotation taken from iGP News Article #157.

I hope this clears up why you haven't had a £4m profit each race from your engine. 

Game going downhill still
medal 5512
1 year 237 days ago


The amount of profit you get from selling your engine doesn't follow a formula as simple as cost x number of customers

To quote Jack Basford from the iGP Manager News Article, "A manufacturer’s profit and loss value per race is determined by subtracting the manufacturer’s cost per race for its operations (750k) from the profit per engine it sells. The profit margin is 20% per customer engine. The resulting formula looks something like this: (customerCost * 0.20) * totalCustomers - 750k."

Quotation taken from iGP News Article #157.

I hope this clears up why you haven't had a £4m profit each race from your engine. 

Game going downhill still

Unfortunately i have to agree... 
medal 5437 Super Mod
1 year 237 days ago (Last edited by Connor Cooper 1 year 237 days ago)

It is worth noting that, as you level up and get unlock more customer slots for your engine, your potential profits per race increase.

For example, at Level 30, the limit of 10 engine customers will give you a profit of between £250,000 and £1,250,000 depending on the cost of your engine. 
This means that it takes a minimum of 100* races at Level 30 to make back the original £100m investment. 
* This does not include any profits made from being a manufacturer between Level 20 and 29

Additionally, the benefits of being an engine manufacturer are not just financial. 
Being an engine manufacturer allows you to control the spending of Engine Points which can mean up to an additional 30DP per track into an attribute of your choosing. This is fine control that engine customers do not get.

EDIT: There is a guide pinned to the top of the Help and Support subforum which gives additional information in relation to Engine Manufacturing - Engine Manufacturer Guide

EDIT 2: This post has been edited to correct a previous error. Thank you Antonio for the information. 
medal 5512
1 year 237 days ago


It is worth noting that, as you level up and get unlock more customer slots for your engine, your potential profits per race increase.

For example, at Level 30, 9 engine customers will give you a profit of between £150,000 and £1,050,000 depending on the cost of your engine. 
This means that it takes a minimum of 100* races at Level 30 to make back the original £100m investment. 
* This does not include any profits made from being a manufacturer between Level 20 and 29

Additionally, the benefits of being an engine manufacturer are not just financial. 
Being an engine manufacturer allows you to control the spending of Engine Points which can mean up to an additional 30DP per track into an attribute of your choosing. This is fine control that engine customers do not get.

Yes, i agree to this calculation, although IGP keeps the majority of the play money, but its OK, thats the game and the rules.

The positive effect on the races is actually limited to the first 14 to 15 races, because then i have the maxed out my acceleration and handling and because of the deduction for brakes and downforce, you have to choose the combo fuel efficiency/ tire economy.

In the previous season i had use FE/TE combo for at least 6 races at the end of the season.

Things will change, when i reach level 30, because then i will be able to edit the weakness of the motor to reliability or cooling.

medal 5437 Super Mod
1 year 237 days ago

"The positive effect on the races is actually limited to the first 14 to 15 races, because then i have the maxed out my acceleration and handling and because of the deduction for brakes and downforce, you have to choose the combo fuel efficiency/ tire economy."

In relation to this, the benefits you see from being able to add engine points to certain attributes is dependent on the number of races your league has per season. 
For example, a league which consistently runs 15 race seasons has a much lower starting design that a league running 22 race seasons. This means that teams in a 15 race league are less able to max their car attributes and therefore less likely to focus their engines away from Acceleration and Handling at the end of a season.

Being able to change the weakness of an engine at Level 30, as you say, will probably be a huge benefit to engine manufacturers and their customers but the true effect won't be known until people start to hit the new level cap.
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