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6* driver?

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medal 5000
8 years 160 days ago
I may have understood wrong, but I thought all drivers had been leveled down (for now, and training back up will be very slow once it's possible), however I've just noticed that one team in our league has two six star drivers. Not sure if this is a bug, or not.


Driver: (level 12 player, level 16 stats)

Not trying to attack this one player, just trying to understand the new game and got rather confused by this.

Thanks in advance.
medal 5413 CEO & CTO
8 years 160 days ago
I see the driver is only level 13 whereas the manager is level 12. Although it's rare, it's not impossible to do under the current system. He's probably just raising those remaining skills which are 6.

I've proposed some balancing measures to address this in this thread:
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