Skid Solo medal 5289 319 days ago (Last edited by
Skid Solo 319 days ago)
The latest Grand Mafia free ad. Appropriate for children? Appropriate for anybody? Really! ?
Here we go again...
Trying to stop immoral and vulgar adverts being shown on a game that children are playing IS being a good parent, and for that matter I seem to be the lone voice.
'Thugs bumming thugs' is appropriate for children over 3? Really? Not acceptable, not really for anyone is it?
It's happened before and it got sorted, none of the 'free' ads have had any issues since I complained about 6 months ago, but this one is the worst so far.
And you can't say don't watch the ads, other than spending a lot of money it's the only way to stay competitive in a good league because everyone is doing it.
I don't know what the age range on iGP is but most email providers require a minimum age of 13 to sign up for an email address, that Facebook and subsequently iGP require to be able to login, so yeah advertising should be 13+ because no decent parents should be creating an email account for their children under the age of 13.
You don’t actually need a real email address to log into this game and OP’s concerns are real ones that should be addressed in some way.
OP's concern was addressed, to take it up with the advert provider or as Jose said, give parental guidance. I'd recommend Adblock plus but then that would mean no adverts at all.
A throwaway comment from you to ‘take it up with ad provider’ does not address it.
Please explain how he could do this when iGP have never confirmed who the provider actually is and anyway one player going to them would be ineffective.
IGP could raise concerns about inappropriate ads, but I doubt they will as it is an essential revenue source to them.
There would also be no point in going to the Games Rating Authority since they rate the game and the not the advert, although it does seem bizarre that it would have a rating of 3 and everywhere I’ve looked it’s 17+. (Is OP mistaken here?)
What’s more interesting is that iGP Manager is age rated as 9 on Apple and suitable for everyone on Google which makes the suggested game being advertised as inappropriate.
It’s probably best to accept that this is mash up of conflicting standards So whatever is done/not done there will always be things that aren’t deemed suitable to someone.