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Driver, Staff level cap increased. Driver atrophy removed.

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medal 5441 CEO & CTO
8 years 158 days ago (edited 8 years 157 days ago)
Note: This is not the final change in balancing the game, it is just one further incremental step-change. The biggest change is still to come, and is currently being discussed in this thread.

Driver & Staff level cap increase
The ideas from my thread 'Proposed adjustment to level cap' have now been implemented. Without changing anybody's levels, everyone has access to drivers and staff a level higher than previously (except those already at the maximum: level 20). Drivers can also be trained a level higher overall before reaching the level cap restrictions on progress.

How? On the back-end we store levels with decimal values, so previously being level 12 would have meant access to drivers "up to level 12.00", in other words level 11.99 would've been the highest level driver/staff available. Now it goes up to 12.99, in that example. There is no change for a level 20 manager, since 20.00 is the limit, which is why all teams are now brought 1 level closer to them effectively, with drivers and staff.

This change is designed to close up the field in the Elite tier by bringing all teams, including those promoting from Pro to Elite a level closer to the top Elite teams. It is also designed to address the confusion some people expressed about not being able to hire drivers and staff of the same level as their level cap. Since we were rounding down before, you couldn't see level 12 drivers and staff on the market if you were level 12, you'd see a level 11.99 as a level 11, which was confusing. Now you'll see level 12 drivers and staff if you are level 12, level 5 if you are level 5 and so on.

If, as a result of this change, your drivers and staff have lost any stars on their rating, do not worry. They have not lost any ability. The star decrease only means your access level has gone up relative to their actual level, giving them a slightly lower star rating in comparison to your personal limit.

Driver atrophy disabled
If you ever saw a level drop off of any skill on a driver, this was the effect of atrophy. It was only applied to reserve drivers in the new iGP, but it was not clear enough what impact this was having or why it was happening to most people. So, even if it increased realism to some degree to atrophy inactive drivers skills, it has been removed for the sake of clarity.
medal 5000
8 years 157 days ago
Good job,
I was able to use find on the home page to locate my old drivers Marcus Verstappen & Luigi Hamilton. All i need now is tokens & to rob a bank to hire them
medal 5000
8 years 157 days ago
Has this reset the stars on every driver?
medal 5000
8 years 157 days ago
Has this reset the stars on every driver?

The stars of a driver shown are relatively to your level cap. The driver itself has a level (like 8.53, that was shown by 8). If yourself were level 8 this driver was shown with red 5-6 stars, that means, that he was above your personal level limit. And now its shown with 5 yellow stars, that means you can train this driver further or hire him.


oh btw: nice work, Jack :)
medal 5000
8 years 157 days ago
medal 5000
8 years 157 days ago
Nice news, thanks.
medal 5000
8 years 157 days ago
Much better! Thank you!
medal 5000
8 years 157 days ago
1. i hope i don't come across as stupid
2. i honestly do not think this change will make much impact on anything.
3. I believed i have commented about the racing and development during beta before. In the old game, how well you raced was not entirely dependant on your level, and how many development points you had.
I was level 11, competing with other managers, who were much higher level, 12-16. I did not win many races, but i regularly finished in the top 6, sometimes getting podium, and sometimes i would ace them, especially in the wet.

The reason for this was because once you got up to about level 8, and had max staff, and KERS and could compete on equal terms with the top teams. By tweaking the R&D, anyone could have a decent car that could compete.

NOW, there's no way. I'm now at level 12 with level 12 dev points, level 12 drivers (my drivers were trained until they were level 16 in a level 11 team in the old game), and closest i got to winning is almost a minute or a lap down. i'm just simply slow and uncompetitive, due to the fact that i'm lower level, and have less development points. And because i'm uncompetitive, i cannot gain XP fast enough to get higher level, and it's a catch20 problem. I am also running a serious unexplainable financial deficit (-$60m/season)....and i had to sell off my 2 aces drivers to try and cut cost.

In the old game, the lap times of good rookie and pro teams could come close to the ones in elite....and that made it very competitive. Now there is a chasm.
The new game, iMHO, hasn't lived up to the competitiveness and comprehensiveness of the old game. It's too restrictive, too much dev points hungry. And honestly, badly laid out. I understand that this was done to make it cross-platform capable, but too much data is missing or inaccessible.
medal 5441 CEO & CTO
8 years 157 days ago (edited 8 years 157 days ago)
Okay Cory, I could have cut you off on the first sentence and reassured you I think. In the big picture, this was just a small incremental change to help. It was mailed to everyone because it had to be announced to avoid confusion (when everyone saw their star ratings drop), not because we were patting ourselves on the back thinking "everything is balanced now". :P We've made several incremental changes now, and they all help a little, but the biggest change of all is still to come.

I've edited the OP to make this clear, and linked to the threads where we're discussing real substantial changes that will balance all tiers. See this thread proposing a major shift in the design system: I would like your feedback on this.
medal 5010
8 years 156 days ago
Glad this change has happened, everyone in y league are close mates and driver changes between us happen frequently at the end of each season and with the old rule it limited what we could do. Glad to see this taking place.
medal 5569
8 years 155 days ago
I have exactly the same problems as a member of the Cory Tan and I am not at all happy now. Before the game a lot better, now I have a lot of things done in the game and there is no longer as good as it was before. Sorry.
medal 5441 CEO & CTO
8 years 155 days ago
Lauri, bear in mind that the game is still less than a month old and the old one was 5 years old. Due to that, what you remember had a huge headstart in terms of balancing and economics.

What would be helpful is if people read the proposals and give constructive feedback and ideas too. We develop the game in a very collaborative way with you guys, and listen to all your feedback.
medal 5569
8 years 155 days ago (edited 8 years 155 days ago)
Lauri, bear in mind that the game is still less than a month old and the old one was 5 years old. Due to that, what you remember had a huge headstart in terms of balancing and economics.

What would be helpful is if people read the proposals and give constructive feedback and ideas too. We develop the game in a very collaborative way with you guys, and listen to all your feedback.

Ok, but I'm not satisfied. I will say honestly: You have defaced a good and constructive game away. :(
1. Financial is completely wrong.
2. My cars are now slow
3. I had to give away to good drivers
My balance was before + 60M and is now currently -5M
it is what is happening now is totally frustrating.
If the deal does not improve soon, I'm going to take advantage of the game.
I would add to that, the new game will be uncomfortable.
medal 5000
8 years 151 days ago
i can not buy a lvl 18 when i am lvl 18.
medal 5000
8 years 149 days ago (edited 8 years 149 days ago)
i hired a good driver level 17 when i'm still level 15 (@jason)

@Jack: i'm suffering the effects of level cap when training this driver. it's so difficult to get +1 on any attributes because of the level cap, and so hard to go +1 on my manager level, so it's almost imposible to close the gap with drivers having +12 on attributes points (manager with level 20 and a driver with 196ap, my driver has 184ap). and there is no way to close this gap.

so, i'm thinking about this: maybe the simulator should have an impact here. what if a "good simulator" allows you to train your driver beyond your level cap not slowing the effect of training.
by "good simulator" i mean something like this:
- manager level 10, simulator level 10 (good simulator) = free to train all you want with no reduction
- simulator level -1 compared to level cap = free to train until 20 -1 = 19 (after 19 +reduction)
- simulator level -2 blah blah blah = 20 -2 = 18
ok, you do the math :P

+there is something i'm not 100% sure why. my driver level 17 has 184ap, and my other driver level 15 has 190ap)
medal 5000
8 years 141 days ago
At the moment I seem to be able to train my drivers more than one level above the manager level.

Being a level 17 manager, I'm able to train skills to 19 (and I think further but I didnt get to that yet) while I think it was meant to go to only 18 in my case. Also noted the same in another team of mine.
medal 5000
8 years 141 days ago
We can train to the max it just takes longer and longer the higher you are over your level.

1st thing you want to do is get 20 stamina before you go training anything else so you have high health to do training
medal 5000
8 years 141 days ago
well, it counts the overall level of the driver, not the level of a single skill.
medal 5000
8 years 141 days ago (edited 8 years 141 days ago)
yes, +1% on each train is not enough when my drivers are 15 attribute points low compared to a driver from an 20lvl manager.
medal 5000
8 years 140 days ago
Actually the programming that handles the legacy "6 red star" drivers does not do a FAIR job. These drivers are all over the place in speed capabilities. Some level 15 managers acquire all level 19 attributes for their drivers when the cut off should be all level 16 attributes minus one. Others have their former attributes "truncated" to their manager level and so a level 15 manager has only level 15 attributes but still has 6 red stars which prevents any real training. In addition the speed of the drivers seems to vary without any logic. Teams with very similar car development seem to gain or lose speed with no way to determine why that is the case.

Drivers from the youth academy seem to develop in a logical way that can be figured out and they become "5 red star" drivers when the average of their attributes is exactly one over their managers level. this should be the case for every legacy driver but it is not.
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