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Driver, Staff level cap increased. Driver atrophy removed.

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medal 5441 CEO & CTO
8 years 140 days ago
Being a level 17 manager, I'm able to train skills to 19 (and I think further but I didnt get to that yet) while I think it was meant to go to only 18 in my case. Also noted the same in another team of mine.

This was changed after feedback that people didn't like the individual levels being capped to their manager level. E.g. someone would keep training "Driving ability" all the time hoping to get those skills up the most and then start getting "No change" messages at their level cap. There was no variability or strategy to training when everyone was just capped to their level on all skills.

So I removed the cap on individual skills, and applied it to the overall level only. Now you could train mental up to 20 and have driving ability at 1 for example to average a level 10 driver. I also allowed anyone to continue training beyond their level cap, but restricted progress heavily once the overall level hits the manager level. It starts moving at just 1%. This was done to prevent anyone from being able to buy a heap of Tokens to train all skills up to level 20. Thanks to the 1% progress beyond the level cap, you would have to be on the Forbes 100 list to upgrade a driver all the way to level 20 while being well below level 20 yourself, keeping the game fair and players experience capped rather than Token capped.
medal 5088
8 years 140 days ago
I think I can get on the Forbes 100 list :)
medal 5000
8 years 140 days ago
I think there´s an error on code because im level 11 and have level 11 cap in drivers and staff, instead of 12... Maybe i haven´t understand it well but if im lvl 11 i sould be able to hire a driver of level 11.99 (12) isn´t true?
medal 5441 CEO & CTO
8 years 139 days ago
Hi Shelashi, it's correct that you should see only level 11. I think you have misunderstood. At level 11 before the limit on the transfer market for example was 10.99 (displayed as level 10) and now the limit is 11.99 (displayed as level 11).
medal 5000
8 years 139 days ago
Hi Shelashi, it's correct that you should see only level 11. I think you have misunderstood. At level 11 before the limit on the transfer market for example was 10.99 (displayed as level 10) and now the limit is 11.99 (displayed as level 11).

Sorry but I think what Shelashi has said is more liker it.
if it is as your saying Jack why was I able to buy 2 staff members that are level 20 & i'm only level 19?
medal 5088
8 years 139 days ago
Hi Shelashi, it's correct that you should see only level 11. I think you have misunderstood. At level 11 before the limit on the transfer market for example was 10.99 (displayed as level 10) and now the limit is 11.99 (displayed as level 11).

Sorry but I think what Shelashi has said is more liker it.
if it is as your saying Jack why was I able to buy 2 staff members that are level 20 & i'm only level 19?

I believe there's a loophole in the Transfers market. Jack's 'level cap reduction' affected employed drivers stats to be capped to the manager level. This did not affect unemployed drivers. Unemployed drivers with the leaning tower of speed (all 19+ on the desirable attributes) from the old iGP were likely level 12 or 13. This level was transferred over and not converted to reflect a higher level and these drivers have a 1 in Composure and Knowledge.

With your high manager level, you were able to see powerful drivers who were likely almost all 20 in their attributes.

When you train these drivers to complete the progress bar just once, the system updates their level and they go flying up a few levels. My driver Ignacio Rodriguez was level 12 in the old iGP and the same in the new iGP. I noticed that in comparison to other level 12 drivers he was all 19 in every area except Composure and Knowledge. I decided to pick him up again and after training him he went up to level 16. I am a level 13 manager.

Once these drivers whose levels haven't been updated yet are hired and trained, the loophole will close itself on its own, or until Jack can apply a solution that updates these drivers levels.
medal 5000
8 years 139 days ago
Jack, thanks a lot for your answer, im going to copy what its mistaking me at least;

"everyone has access to drivers and staff a level higher than previously (except those already at the maximum: level 20). Drivers can also be trained a level higher overall before reaching the level cap restrictions on progress.

How? On the back-end we store levels with decimal values, so previously being level 12 would have meant access to drivers "up to level 12.00", in other words level 11.99 would've been the highest level driver/staff available. Now it goes up to 12.99,

So here´s my point: If im level 11, in the previous build i would be able to see 10.99 (level 11 staff) now in this build shall be 11.99 (level 12 staff) and it translates to shows level 11 staff as 5 star instead of 4,5 stars, so what´s beign announced is not completely true, because before the changes i was level 9 and i had level 9 staff, so if it moved one level up, now i am 11 i shall have level 12 staff. Also refering to the response avobe, i have seenn a couple of these level 12 drivers with everything at 19-20 but knowledge and composture and i was wondering to pick them up, if I do so and train them would them be block or buggy or something? or the only thing is that I shall wait untill my team level goes up again to keep training them?, also can you extend their contract if they end up level 15 and you are 12?
medal 5088
8 years 138 days ago
When picking up the drivers in the loophole and training them one full progress bar, they will level up. If they level up beyond your manager level (or the new cap is manager level +1), these drivers will then only progress at 1% per training session as intended. They won't be able to progress better than this until your manager level is matched with or better than their's.

Yes, you can extend contracts on employees beyond your manager level as long as they are on your team. If you fire these employees you will not be able to sign them again until they are at or below your manager level.
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