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Exclamation in staff

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medal 5000
8 years 153 days ago
I had a staff memeber with 2 races left in the contract, so I got the typical exclamation mark on the menu. I sold that staff member but I'm still gettin the exclamation (see image attached: even tho my staff/driver with less races left in contract is like 30-something races...
medal 5000
8 years 153 days ago
Hi Rodrigo,

I notice, specially since I have multiple teams, the site seems to cache a lot more, and not recognise when you you have read things, or changed things, or change teams for that matter.

I find you need to refresh the page quiet a bit to clear different things.
medal 5000
8 years 153 days ago
yeah, you should refresh the page, after login. It also happens sometimes that you bid at the false account at auctions.
medal 5000
8 years 152 days ago
Nope. Checked refreshing, refreshing without cache, different devices (this happens at work, at home, from mobile...)... still happens.
medal 5000
8 years 150 days ago
Hi... how is it going? nice day, huh?
medal 5088
8 years 150 days ago
Today was beautiful, with fair temps of 30 Celsius. There wasn't a cloud in sight and looking out the window it looked like it could have been a gorgeous 10 Celsius day
medal 5000
8 years 150 days ago
Today was beautiful, with fair temps of 30 Celsius. There wasn't a cloud in sight and looking out the window it looked like it could have been a gorgeous 10 Celsius day

Glad to hear, hope you enjoyed the day, with no annoying exclamation marks in sight.
medal 5000
8 years 150 days ago
Today was beautiful, with fair temps of 30 Celsius. There wasn't a cloud in sight and looking out the window it looked like it could have been a gorgeous 10 Celsius day

thats to hot, 25°C is just enough
medal 5000
8 years 145 days ago
@jack, any updates on this? Still there, everywhere I go, the exclamation mark follows me, everywhere: to the toilet, to bed, to work... I'm afraid of exclamation marks now, even worse than my fear for clowns...
medal 5442 CEO & CTO
8 years 142 days ago
I fixed this now, and found how this could happen. It was related to successful auction sales only.

I forgot I was on your account while I was in there and removed some people from your shortlist though by mistake! But I put them back, maybe with a couple of extra ones, I'm not sure.
medal 5000
8 years 141 days ago
No prob. Thanks :D haha
medal 5000
8 years 49 days ago
Multiple expiring contracts has a small flaw. If you have more than one with 3 races to go try it out. Renew one person the notification doesn't come back for the other one or two, after freshing the page or the next day when they have 2 races remaining.
medal 5442 CEO & CTO
8 years 49 days ago
Multiple expiring contracts has a small flaw. If you have more than one with 3 races to go try it out. Renew one person the notification doesn't come back for the other one or two, after freshing the page or the next day when they have 2 races remaining.

Very interesting. That might be a glitch I was looking for all along. Thanks for the info, I'll look into it soon.
medal 5000
8 years 48 days ago
Multiple expiring contracts has a small flaw. If you have more than one with 3 races to go try it out. Renew one person the notification doesn't come back for the other one or two, after freshing the page or the next day when they have 2 races remaining.

Very interesting. That might be a glitch I was looking for all along. Thanks for the info, I'll look into it soon.

Drivers are fine they get one each, it's just the staff page, only one person has it showing instead of all.
medal 5000
8 years 47 days ago
Can i jump in on this as i have had that exclamation mark pretty consistently for about the past two seasons! currently my staff have 46, 34, 47, 17 and 16 races left on their contracts and its still there...!
medal 5442 CEO & CTO
8 years 45 days ago
Multiple expiring contracts has a small flaw. If you have more than one with 3 races to go try it out. Renew one person the notification doesn't come back for the other one or two, after freshing the page or the next day when they have 2 races remaining.

Very interesting. That might be a glitch I was looking for all along. Thanks for the info, I'll look into it soon.

Drivers are fine they get one each, it's just the staff page, only one person has it showing instead of all.

I've just applied a patch for this. It is fixed now (might take 5mins to load in, and will require a refresh). Thanks again, it almost certainly is the glitch which caught many people out renewing contracts in the past, where they would claim to have received no notifications of them expiring.

Nathan, your situation should be resolved now also.
medal 5000
8 years 45 days ago
Multiple expiring contracts has a small flaw. If you have more than one with 3 races to go try it out. Renew one person the notification doesn't come back for the other one or two, after freshing the page or the next day when they have 2 races remaining.

Very interesting. That might be a glitch I was looking for all along. Thanks for the info, I'll look into it soon.

Drivers are fine they get one each, it's just the staff page, only one person has it showing instead of all.

I've just applied a patch for this. It is fixed now (might take 5mins to load in, and will require a refresh). Thanks again, it almost certainly is the glitch which caught many people out renewing contracts in the past, where they would claim to have received no notifications of them expiring.

Nathan, your situation should be resolved now also.

I can confirm it has been!
medal 5000
8 years 44 days ago
for me one of my staff is having just one race and that guy is without exclamation mark where is another one came under expiration no. of race and she got the exclamation mark,
Jack pls look into this, luckily due the 3 race pending staff i got a look on my CD whom i have to extend it.

i need to extend in order to avoid expiry of the contract so m living it for your review for an hr, pls check it.
medal 5000
8 years 44 days ago
Maybe he wants to retire, but more seriously I think this is linked to your other team : when we disconnect from our main team and connect on another one that might happen so be careful with it.
medal 5000
8 years 44 days ago
Maybe he wants to retire, but more seriously I think this is linked to your other team : when we disconnect from our main team and connect on another one that might happen so be careful with it.

but what bout the Anca she is having the exclamation sign, if it was like the other teams cache then she must also not hv tht exclamation mark
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