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Exclamation in staff

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medal 5000
8 years 44 days ago
Try to completely close your browser and to open this team again. If that does the same this clearly is a bug.
medal 5000
8 years 44 days ago
Try to completely close your browser and to open this team again. If that does the same this clearly is a bug.

tried by closing browser, even i did manual cache clean, still its same [using chrome browser]
medal 5000
8 years 44 days ago
My wee man is going at the age of 69

medal 5442 CEO & CTO
8 years 44 days ago
for me one of my staff is having just one race and that guy is without exclamation mark where is another one came under expiration no. of race and she got the exclamation mark,
Jack pls look into this, luckily due the 3 race pending staff i got a look on my CD whom i have to extend it.

i need to extend in order to avoid expiry of the contract so m living it for your review for an hr, pls check it.

I think Joey was just joking when he said maybe he wants to retire, but he was actually correct. This is exactly what is happening. If you can't see it now I'd be very surprised, but even from my account I can see that this staff is retiring:

I logged in as you to test it first and also saw the same thing, and a retiring icon on the contract page where you posted the screenshot from. Maybe you posted the screenshot right after the update was applied and maybe it wasn't loaded in yet for you or something.

P.S. I literally just re-implemented retirments in the new iGP. There was some warning put out on social media to renew contracts. Follow us on Facebook and Twitter so you don't miss such things in future.
medal 5000
8 years 43 days ago
Got that mark now, but this is very sad to know that i recently bought him and now he is retiring..
And further it very tuf to get Such strength and weakness, bad luck for me.
we need good 4.5 to 5 star Staffs which are not available in the transfer section.
Pls look into this

Edit: Pls give me a chance to extend the contract this time from next time i'll take care of this, plssssssss
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