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Very weird wet race

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medal 5613
83 days ago
Can someone help me understand what happened in this race ?
I had set an advanced strategy to switch to full wets if water > 1mm, and to switch to mediums if no rain for 2 laps, a strat which seems to have kicked in from the beginning as there was a tyre switch after 1 lap and remained active throughout - as in, based on the pit stops, it never stopped raining for 2 laps (this is an offline league, I didn't intervene in any way).
Meanwhile, the driver who won used only 3xMs for 15 laps each and 1xS for 10, way beyond the 50% threshold - and I know this because he's not that much better in tyre economy.

So, is there any way of seeing what weather conditions were there during the race and perhaps (also) understand what happened with the advanced strategy I set? Was it (mis)triggered, did it malfunction?

medal 5699 Moderator
83 days ago
What was your main strategy ? Have you put Wet tires in your main strategy ?

It’s very likely the track was dry because Elite race took place at the same time and all cars run dry (Softs and Mediums for most of them) tires during the whole race.
medal 5613
83 days ago (Last edited by Tudor C 83 days ago)
I believe I did, yes, but shouldn’t the <if no rain after X laps> part of the advanced strat counter that?

Edit: besides, there was a pit stop after the 1st lap which definitely wasn’t scheduled and which aligned with the advanced strat, meaning it did kick in….
medal 5699 Moderator
83 days ago
It’s not how Advanced Strategy works.
You started on Inters but the track was dry so you pitted at the end of the first lap to put new tires. The track being dry, your main strategy has been applied, so you left the pit lane with Wet tires (your main strategy).

Check this topic to learn more about Advanced Strategy
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